A Demon Lord's Plight (3)

"Oh no! There is a pervert in the hospital!"

Someone from among the onlookers shouted in dismay at what she saw, while hiding her daughter behind her back whom she brought along to see her sick husband.

Ji Shizhen felt his mouth invaded by those of a stranger, as he struggled against the steel grip that held his shoulders.

"Humm.... mm...."

Incoherent sounds came out of him, while the demon lord's tongue speared into the mouth of Ji Shizhen, taking the nourishment that his new body needed.

Dr. Wu unable to take what his eyes saw, he grabbed the robes of the demon lord from behind and began pulling on it, in order to rescue his colleague whose assault was being witnessed by many onlookers at the emergency room.

"Get away from him you degenerate!"

Tossing his judgement to the side, the unit doctor spoke with righteous anger at the man that was performing an immoral act publicly.

"Thank goodness the hospital security men are here! That man is accosting Dr. Ji!"

The nurses in blue and white uniform at the unit pointed in the direction of Ji Shizhen and Lord Nezha.

Seeing the scandalous scene, the men ran over to pull them apart.

"You dirty pervert! Get away from him!"

A heavy struggle ensued and during the scuffle, the demon lord was pushed and fell hard on the ash brown tiled floor, lying on the floor motionless.

"What have you people done!"

"I hope they didn't kill him!"

"Those guards were too rough! How could they do that to someone that is sick!"

"That serves him right! How could he molest a doctor right in front of everyone and not expect to meet divine retribution! If he makes it out of here alive, he should use that as an opportunity to change his ways!"

While the crowd spoke, Ji Shizhen reached for his lips which was wet and throbbing from the kiss he had received from a patient at his hospital, the doctor's eyes showed horror as he saw the crumpled body of the demon lord whose blood stained the tiled floor red.