1.my new life

"I hate it so much I can't handle this I just hate my life so much because my dad only gave me $7,000 how am I supposed to spend that much." Why do all these girls cry for no reason I don't even have a dad or mom I live in a stupid Foster home because no one wants me I'm the stupid never nothing Auorie xfileld a highschool girl who has nothing but her imagination "Auorie get down here now." What dose she want now. As I open the door Peter my foster mom's real son was there with a smirk on his face "My mom said you are in big trouble Missy." He runs back down stairs I follow and I see my social worker at the table I'm shocked what did I do. Ms.young my therapist came up to me "Auorie sweetie we need to talk." She grabs a chair next to her and I sit in of course then in a scared voice I managed to get out somehow " W...w...what is it what i...i...is this for." Then about for 2 minutes no one spoke then I see my foster dad come downstairs with all my stuff and huffed the my social worker who broke the silence said " So Auorie we found someone who can adopted you." My face lit up with joy then I start to cry I don't know why then I finally said "W...w...who is it." she stood up and said come with me she grabbed my hand and put me in the car my ex foster dad is what he is now put my bags in the car and everyone wished me well was this it was I finally getting adopted I hope they are nice and care for me as I look out the window I wonder all those things.