2. why is he so hot

As we pulled up into a mansion I couldn't believe it someone Rich was actually adopting me then I see a older man well not that old like in his twenties and a another man looks about my age but they are both so cute. The first guys opens my door with a huge smile on his face " You must be Auorie I'm Mr.Patterson This is my son your new brother ." He Pat him his back then he spoke " My name is Henry Patterson nice to meet you." His voice sounded like he didn't want me here then my social worker spoke " Henry how about you go show Auorie her new room so Mr.patterson can sign some more paperwork then I will be off." Mr.patterson nodded then I followed Henry into the house it was so big bigger than any house I have been to we walked up the stairs and I seen so many cool stuff . We walked down the hall and stoped at a room that had my name on it " This is your room mine is the one down from the hall and in the middle is my father's room." Then he opened the door and put my bags in another room I curious asked why " Why did you put my bags in that room and what is that room." He laughed and opened it " It's your closet." It was so big it was the size of my last room and I shared it with Peter . Then he walks me to the bathroom it was so big it had a shower that was not connected to the bath a sink that was so fancy and a small room just for the toilet was I living roalty " Um well I will give you time to get comfortable I will be in my room, oh and look on dresser it's a surprise for you." he left and I looked on my dresser it was a new phone I never had a phone it was so cool I turned it on and started to download games and apps I even had a phone number after I was done I went to take a shower and put on some nice clothes well it was just a nice yellow dress on and some yellow shoes and walked down stairs I see mr.patterson waving bye and he closed the door and looked at me " It looks like you made your self at home did you see your present." With excitement I said " Yes it was so nice of you and it looked like you and Henry put your phone number in it." he grinned and called Henry down then we ate dinner it was spaghetti and salad and garlic bread it was so tasty then when we was all done mr.patterson spoke "Auorie you start your first day of school junior year right." " Yeah." he said goodnight and we all went in our rooms I went to sleep until It got really hot I took off all my covers it was still hot then I heard chanting.