First of all, I thank all of you guys for reading this and commenting on it.
Your comments gave me more ideas and ways on how to progress the story in a more interesting way.
With that said, I want to say to you guys, even if you disagree on the things you want to see in the novel. I urge you not to call each other names repeatedly like children.
I understand that things like cursing etc could happen now and then due to frustration or other kinds of stuff but extremely cursing at each other or at every replies is not going to be of help to anyone.
And to those who are being called names, do not entertain the ones who call you like that. If you do not like their behavior, then do not stoop to their level and act like them.
Anyways, although several of you have given me good suggestions on how to progress the story or what to add to the story, none of them has been confirmed yet.
And me, as the author possess limited capabilities and how the story progress might not favour your taste and suggestions. I apologise in advance for that.