
( * Read all of the author's note * )


" What?... "

Vali did not expect the dagger to stop and float in mid-air. He is completely clueless as to what had happened.

Vali only drove his sword aura, Haoshoku haki and the egocentric energy in his body outwards. He did not know that this would happen. He had already prepared himself to be hit by the dagger. As such he started forming an energy barrier. But, due to the speed of the dagger, Vali knew he would not be able to finish the barrier in time.

With nothing else he could do, as Vali is extremely angered, he had instinctively driven his aura from his body. And instead of getting pierced by the dagger, his aura had actually stopped it in its path.

Vali knew he something had changed and he gained some kind of new ability from the continuous fighting.


Even before a second had passed since the dagger was stopped. It immediately exploded in the face of Vali.

Perceiving what is going to happen beforehand with his Kenbunshoku Haki, Vali had completely formed a barrier in front of his body.

Due to the force of the explosion, Vali is sent back sliding on the ground.

Kriger as he saw the explosion said, " Who did this? Find him! "

Because of the extremely short time lapse between the stopping of the dagger and the explosion, everyone including Kriger did not notice what Vali had performed.

" Are you fine? " Kriger quickly rush to Vali and offer a hand, helping Vali pick himself back up.

" Don't worry, I'm not hurt. " replied Vali as he slowly stood up from the ground.

" That's good. Then, get ready to continue the fight. " Kriger smirks.

Hearing this, Vali curse out in his mind, if he had known this was going to happen he would have not said that.

" I know you are tired and want to rest. But the enemy does not care about that. If you want to live, then fight. " said Kriger with a grave look on his face.

Vali nodded along, he knew that Kriger is right. Even if they are extremely exhausted, the dark elves would not spare them if they had the chance.

After Kriger said this, grabbing his ranseur, he immediately left and run towards the dark elves.

" Fighting those things make my blood boil. " said Vitra as he approaches Vali.

" Come on, let's continue our competition. I cannot lose to you. " Vitra patted Vali's back loudly.

" Can you stop slapping my back for a moment? " Vali said this as he pants and breathe heavily.

" Isn't this guy extremely exhausted just a moment ago? Where did he get this kind of energy? " thought Vali staring at Vitra.

" Sure sure. " immediately withdrawing his hand Vitra then continued, " So, shall we continue? "

Pointing at the mountain of corpses he had killed, Vali said, " Don't you think I've already won? "

" Uh.... The battle is still not yet over. " hesitating to admit defeat, Vitra clenched the longsword in his hand. Then, Vitra yelled as he rushed out, " Woohoooo... "

Immediately forming two swords in his hand, Vali too rushes towards the dark elves.

Though he is extremely exhausted, sitting duck and taking the risk of being killed is something that is less desirable to Vali. If he is going to die, he at least wanted to put up a fight, unlike his first time.

As the battle goes on, the sky darkens and night falls on the warriors fighting in the valley which is now filled with corpses.

With the setting of the sun, the two sides gradually retreated and the battle had finally come to an end.

Returning to their base, Vali, without any delay went to the tents of General Kriger's legion.

" I'm here to meet General Kriger. " Vali told the guards standing outside the tent.

" Follow me. " one of the guards said leading Vali into the tent.

Guard: " General, there's someone who wants to meet you. "

Seeing Vali standing with the guard, Kriger stood up from his seat behind a desk and turns to the guard, " You can leave. "

Hearing this the guard quickly went outside the tent.

" Sit down. " said Kriger as he pointed at the chair in front of his desk.

Pulling back the chair, Vali immediately sat down. " General, why do you want to meet me personally? I could have just reported in like the others. "

" With the strength you have shown today. How could I not? " Kriger leans forward and crosses his fingers as he lay his chin on it.

Vali: " I am flattered to have caught your eye, General. "

" Did you caught the person who attacked me on the battlefield today? " curiously asked Vali as he focused his gaze on Kriger.

Though he had noticed the dagger and that it came from amongst the Asgardian warriors, Vali could not pinpoint the exact person that carried out the attack. He did not know who had attacked him.

" I apologise. We did not find any trace of the person who attacked you. " Kriger lowered his head as he said this.

Pursing his lips together and exhaling a breath of air, Vali said, " It's okay. Trying to find a single person amongst the hundreds of thousands of warriors is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. "

Breathing a sigh of relief, Kriger replied, " Thank you for understanding. But do you have any clue as to why someone would want to harm you? "

Pondering for a minute, Vali then said, " None. "

Though Vali could tell Kriger the truth, if he does not have any substantial evidence, it is very likely that Kriger will not believe him.

Besides, who would they believe, Vali or someone who has been their queen for thousand of years.

As such, before he had any evidence, Vali did not want to spill anything. If he had said something and leaked it to the wrong person, it would alert Angerboda.

" If you did not know anyone, then, let's put it aside for now. I will send some to investigate." said Kriger as he heard what Vali said. He knew that it would be a waste of time and resources if they fully concentrated on finding out the culprit. As they are at war, Kriger could not afford to lose any manpower.

After he said this, Kriger continued, " During the battle, I have noticed that you can fly. Though that is a good skill, I advise you to use it less. "

Raising his brows in curiosity, Vali asked, " Why do you say that? "

" Did you still not realize? When you fly, you are the only one in the sky. This makes you an easier target for everybody on the battlefield. Do you get what I mean? " said Kriger as he slowly lay his hands down on the desk.

Hearing this, Vali nodded along as he said " I understand. Thank you for this valuable advice. "

" You're welcome. " smirks Kriger as he hears this.

Then Kriger said sternly, " One more thing, next time, do not order me around. I am your superior. But due to your advice, and your contribution to the battle, this time, I will let it slide."

Hearing this Vali suddenly felt a shiver went down his spine.

" That being said, always perform as you did in today's battle. And the way you fight is great, but never fly again as you did today. If you want to fly, just fly low or extremely high up in the sky where they won't be able to hit you. Though I cannot fly, I speak this from my experience in battling fighting flying objects and hunting birds. " Kriger told Vali.

Vali is amazed at how knowledgeable Kriger is, although Vali had been training himself, what he experienced in war is completely different. He immediately realised that what Kriger told him is true.

With his first battle, Vali felt like a guy spending his life at a range constantly practising on how to handle guns and then, suddenly thrown into a real-life war. Vali knew that no matter how much he thinks he is good at using his skills, the versatile nature of each and every person which makes them unpredictable, though it might be improbable, Vali knew he had to learn to adapt quickly if he wants to survive.

After saying this, Kriger asked, " Do you have anything more to say? "

" I have nothing to say except thank you for your advice. " gratefully replied Vali.

" Then that concludes our meeting. " Kriger stood up and lead Vali out of the tent.

As Vali is leaving the tent, Kriger said, " Although you might want to please your father, never forget that you are your own person before anything else. "

" I will not forget your advice. " Vali said this as he went out of the tent.

After leaving General Kriger's tent, Vali immediately went to the tent designated for the warriors to rest and sleep for the night.

Approaching the tent, Vali saw Vitra standing outside waiting for someone.

" Vali, why did you take so long to get back? " asked Vitra as soon as he saw Vali.

" I had a talk with General Kriger. " nonchalantly replied Vali. He wanted to make the conversations short as he could since he did not have the energy to spare and talk with the brimming Vitra.

" What did you two talk about? " quickly asked Vitra.

" Nothing important. He just commended me for my performance. " replied Vali.

" Oh... well then, let's celebrate your victory in our competition. " Vitra went inside the tent and carried out a barrel.

" What are you doing? And what is that? " Vali widen his eyes.

" This.. is a barrel of mead and ale. " Vitra patted the barrel as he gasps for air.

" You and me are going to celebrate. " pointing Vali and then thumping his own chest, Vitra said this.

" Then, where are the cups? " Vali asked.

Turning his head as he is searching for something, Vitra then said, " What cup? We don't need cup, jugs or horns. We shall drink out of the barrel like real men. Hahaha."

Then, Vitra pop open the barrel. He quickly hugs the barrel and lifted it up towards his mouth.

Seeing this, Vali sigh in disappointment as he thought, " This dumba** definitely forgot to bring something we could drink out of. "

Gulping down the ale and mead in the barrel, Vitra's mouth quickly overflows.

" Aaah.." Vitra let out a contented sigh then he wipe his mouth.

" Come on drink. " Vitra said.

" Okay. " Vali too lifted up the barrel and pour down the alcohol down his mouth.

Gulp Gulp Gulp

No matter how much Vali pours down, he did not seem to get drunk. Instead, he felt his energy slowly returning. He felt less tired than he did before.

Seeing that Vali is drinking down the alcohol like a bottomless pit, Vitra quickly reaches out to the barrel, " Oi Oi Oi, leave some more for me. "

" Hey, what are you doing? " Vali stared at Vitra.

" Stop hogging the barrel. " said Vitra.

Realising what is happening, Vali immediately let go of the barrel and said, " You can drink the rest."

To Vali, it does not feel like alcohol at all, instead, he felt like he had finally drink water after a long year of drought. The alcohol did not affect him in any way. Instead, it replenished a small amount of his energy.

Hearing that he can drink the remaining alcohol, Vitra quickly said, " Thanks. "

As Vitra had completely drunk the rest of the alcohol from the barrel, he is thoroughly intoxicated. He could not even properly stand.

" Braali, fright be..." Vitra challenged Vali.

Staring at drunk Vitra, Vali immediately grabs Vitra by the shoulder and said, " We are done celebrating. Let's go inside and sleep. "

" Brey, what do ya think yaar booing? Rett go ob be.." Vitra struggled to get himself free from the grasp of Vali. But due to his extreme intoxication, he could not break free.

Ignoring the behaviour of Vitra, Vali drags him inside the tent.

" Where is Vitra's bed? " Vali asked in of the guys inside the tent as he did not know where the bed of Vitra is.

" Over there. " pointed the person Vali asked

" Thanks " said Vali as he kept on dragging Vitra by his shoulder towards his bed.

Reaching the bed, Vali slowly lay down Vitra and then went towards his bed.

Laying on top of his bed, Vali summoned his status screen.

As Vali stare at the screen, he saw that his power level had reached 4000 due to him slaying an enormous amount of the dark elves including the Kursed and him absorbing the energy beams. Not only that, Vali found out that his sword skills had finally levelled up after 5 years.

And with the increase in his sword skills, Vali could now summon 1000 energy blade or 20 greatswords and the durability and sharpness of the swords he created including the ones he holds in his hands had increased.

Not only that, Vali found out that he had obtained some sort of domain. And inside this domain, he could control and manipulate almost every kind of bladed objects with a 1-meter radius. And the kind of blade Vali could manipulate depends on the strength behind the user of the weapon.

Though Vali could manipulate most bladed objects, he notices that he will not be able to manipulate objects made out of special materials or those that are enchanted with extremely well runes by highly skilled enchanters.

Although Vali knew he had obtained new skills, he still did not know why he could not get drunk.


Back at Asgard, Angerboda is furiously thrashing everything in her room. " That little rat, always slipping through my fingers. "

As she is thrashing around everything, a servant girl pops open the door to Angerboda's room and asked, " My queen, what happened? "

Noticing the girl, Angerboda yelled, " Leave. "

The girl immediately halts in her path.

Seeing that the girl is still not out of the room, Angerboda yelled again, " I said leave. "

This time, the girl quickly left the room.

Meanwhile, in a place full of green lush trees and forest covering the land for miles, inside a circular tent, Odin sat on a bed reading something.

" I did not make the wrong decision all those years ago. " said Odin as a smile forms on his face.


A/N ( character limit is too small for the creator's thought, only 500 characters. )

Thank you all for voting.

The contract, I have decided not to sign it.

Reason for declining

1) While, I will give away some, if not most rights of the novel. The benefit I gain will almost be non-existent

2) The gift option, if implemented, only if you guys use SS you bought with real money, I will be given a benefit. Free SS is useless.

3) I can also do a privileged chapter type ( in the near future) to get money. Which is a method where you guys can read stockpiled chapters before the release schedule. But, that is just a fancy name for premium chapter. Besides, I don't have many chapters in stock, only just one or two.

I thank you for all the support you have shown me and the novel.

As for the MC to explore other pantheon, the aye comment has won.

As such, I will include them.

But, to those who vote otherwise, don't worry. I will not let the MC go around and spend an enormous amount of chapter. They will be more of like people he met along the way.

As always, thank you for reading. I apologise for getting your hopes up.

And thank you @Shadow_sage for giving me the info.