
Inside of a huge banquet hall, several high ranking warriors from the Aesirs and the dwarves are chatting and interacting with each other, celebrating the victory they have attained.

Then, Vali, accompanied by Vitra and Sigfried enter the hall, they are immediately greeted by numerous warriors.

"Vali, you are incredible in the battlefield today."

"We should train together sometimes."

"You really uphold the Royal family."

"How many dark elves did you kill today?"




Several questions and praises are thrown at Vali.

As he could not determine who to respond, Vali smile as he nods his head, "Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your praises."

"Okay, you people are blocking our path." Said Vitra.

Inhaling a huge breath of air, Vitra shouts, "Get out of the way. I am hungry."

"What do you think you are doing?"

"Who are you?"

Sneering at Vitra, several warriors look at him with disdain.

Waving his hands, Vali said, "Guys, calm down. He is just frustrated. Not only him, but I am also getting a bit irritated. So, can you give us some space?"

Hearing this, the warriors begin to leave.

Noticing that the warriors surrounding Vali had left, two massive dwarfs begin to approach him.

Seeing the two people coming at them, Sigfried and Vitra immediately kneeled to the ground.

Staring at the two kneeling on the ground, Vali asks, "What are you two doing? Why are you guys kneeling?"

Tilting his head to point at the two dwarfs, Sigfried said, "Do you not recognise those two people?"

"I think I saw them from somewhere before." Vali ponders to recall who the two dwarves could be.

"They are the sons of the dwarf King Hreidmar." Instantly replied Vitra.

"Oh... I remember. If you guys are kneeling, should I kneel too?" Curiously asked Vali.

"I don't know." Sigfried replied.

Gritting his teeth, Vitra responded, "Of course not, you are the son of Odin."

"Then, I shall remain standing." Vali quickly puffs his chest as he intends to not lose face.

Extending his hand, one of the dwarfs says, "I am Eitri." Pointing at the dwarf next to him, he continued, "This is my brother Brokkr. We got transferred to Svartalfheim not too long ago."

Shaking Eitri's hand, Vali answered, "Nice to meet you, Eitri and Brokkr. I'm Vali." He now understood the reason why he never met the two before.

Tilting his gaze downward, Vali continued, "The two people kneeling here are Vitra and Sigfried."

"Why are they kneeling like that?" asked Brokkr.

Looking up towards, Eitri and Brokkr, Sigfried responded, "Because you two are the prince of the dwarves."

"Stand up." Promptly ordered Eitri.

Hearing this, the two stood up at once.

Looking them right in the eye, Eitri continued, "Though Asgard and Nidavellir are close allies, you do not have to kneel in front of us. Besides, on the battlefield, we are all the same. Warriors."

Staring at the Vitra and Sigfried, with a surprised look on his face, Brokkr said, "Aren't you..."

Before Brokkr could finish what he wanted to say, Vitra shook his hands as he said, "Nice to meet you Prince Brokkr." Then, Vitra continues to greet Eitri.

Following Vitra, Sigfried also greeted them both.

Sizing up Vitra and Sigfried, Eitri said, "You have really good retainers."

Listening to this, Vali chuckled, then he replied, "I am sure the two of them will be thankful for your compliment. But, they are not my retainers. They are more like a friend."

"You are lucky to have people like them as your friend." Said Brokkr.

Almost intruding in their conversation, Eitri said, "That aside, we want to congratulate you for performing such an incredible feat today. Seems like the son of King Odin will achieve even greater things than him."

With a smile, Vali responds, "Thank you for such praises."

After a short pause, Vali ask, "I heard that dwarves are master blacksmiths, are you guys one too?"

"We occasionally dabble and smith. But, we are still far from being a master blacksmith." Answered Eitri.

Sigfried intervenes and says, "Don't be modest Prince Eitri. If you are in Asgard, your skills will be unmatched."

Gazing into the distance, Eitri replied with a smile, "That might be true."

"Will it be possible for me to learn blacksmith in Nidavellir?", Curiously ask Vali.

Pondering for a while, Brokkr responds, "As you are the son of Odin, I think it might be possible."

Listening to this, Vali felt incredibly pleased, "Then, when I have the time, I will come and learn in Nidavellir."

"It would be a pleasure for the dwarves to teach and guide you." Eitri replied with a smile on his face.

"It was nice meeting you, have a nice dinner." Said Brokkr. After this, the two begins to turn around intending to go back to their seat.

Likewise, Vali and his two companions quickly took a seat.

As all the warriors inside the banquet hall are munching down the food and drinking the ale, suddenly, a man stood up from his seat as he hit his horned cup with a knife.




The banquet hall remains rowdy as ever.

Annoyed by this, the man bellowed out, "Silence!"

Hearing this, the hall immediately quiets down as the warriors turn their eyes towards the source of the sound.

"Oh..it's Prince Eitri."

"What is he trying to do?"

"Guess he must be drunk."





The warriors begin to gossip with each other.

Before he lost the attention of the warriors, Eitri immediately announced, "I want to express my gratitude to the man who contributed greatly in today's battle. If it's not for him notifying us of the hundreds of Kursed beforehand, all of us would have suffered and lost greater than we do now. To the man who helps us attain victory today. To the future King of Asgard. To Vali!" Saying this, Eitri lifted his cup.

"To the future King of Asgard!"

"To Vali!"




The hall begins to be filled in an uproar and praises of Vali. All the warriors, even some who are oblivious to the feat that Vali performed today are now completely in awe.

As the night goes on, their victory celebration continues.

"I'm not feeling too good. I will leave first." Said Vitra as he stood up. Contrary to how he always behave, he did not drink much.

"Okay. Go and get some rest." Said Vali as he waves his hand.

Not long after Vitra left, getting bored with the celebration, Vali said to Sigfried, "Let us leave too."

Standing up from their seat, Vali and Sigfried left the place.

As they walk towards the barracks, Vali notices something that caught his eyes.

"Vitra, what is that? Is that Huginn?" Asked Vali.

Filled with confusion, Sigfried asks, "Who's Huginn?"

"No, that is just some random crow." Quickly replied Vitra.

"I might be inexperienced, but do you take me for..." Before he could finish, Vali notices something that bothers him to his core.

Sensing a dark omen hanging over their heads, ignoring what he is trying to say, Vali cried out, "Vitra, Sigfried. Draw your weapons."