Instantly drawing their weapons, Vitra and Sigfried form a stance and quickly prepare themselves for a fight.
Turning his head to see the reason for Vali's order, Sigfried asks, "What's going on?"
Staring at the empty space around them, following Sigfried, Vitra said, "What's the big idea? There's nobody here."
"Stop talking and cover my back." Quietly said Vali as he grits his teeth.
Hearing this, Vitra and Sigfried immediately went to Vali's side despite their doubts and confusion.
As the three of them huddled together, Vali suddenly yelled, "Get down."
Three miniature black hole forms around them as soon as the sound came. But due to the sound not being too loud, none of the people attending the celebration or those that are asleep could hear the sound.
The trio immediately plants themselves firmly to the ground with their swords while their surroundings proceed to get sucked into the black hole. Vali instantly activated his flying skill and energy absorption ability to help him lessen the power of the black hole.
Due to the immense suction power of the black hole, proving their efforts to be futile, their swords quickly cleave the ground as they begin to fly towards the black hole.
Suddenly, all of them fell to the ground as the black hole vanished. Fortunately, the miniature black hole did not last for more than five seconds.
Before they could pick themselves from the ground, several dark-cloaked figures holding various kinds of weapons appear out of thin air.
"Where do these things pop out from?" Frantically asked Vitra.
Quickly scanning the people around him, Vali said in disgust, "These are all clones."
Confused by what Vali had said, Sigfried asked, "What do you mean, clones?"
Vali immediately responds, "They are like an illusion. Except that they all possess a tangible body and will be able to hurt you."
Then Vali says to Vitra and Sigfried, "Stay and do not move. I will handle this."
Vali quickly activated his sword skills and send out an enormous amount of energy blade towards each and every one of them.
With the blades piercing their body, the clones started vanishing one by one.
Knowing that this is not the end, Vali quietly ordered, "Go and inform General Kriger."
"Okay, don't die on us." Said Vitra as he turned and leave the place.
With Sigfried and Vitra leaving, Vali is now the only one left standing.
"Stop hiding. Come out and show yourself." Said Vali as he sent out a slash into the air.
Instantly appearing from out of nowhere, a slim figure begins to approach Vali as he says, "We have been observing you closely. You truly are monstrous."
Taking out and holding in each hand a glowing red stone and an oval-shaped object, the man said, "You cannot be left alive for our plan to succeed."
"You want to kill me? It would take at least a dozen of people like you to even make me break a sweat." Calmy replied Vali.
With him slaying close to a hundred Kursed and several warriors in the battle today, he had gained over 1500 point increase in his power level. With this addition, his total points had crossed over 6000. His strength is now comparable to a tier 3 warriors without his abilities supplementing him.
Quickly throwing the oval-shaped object towards Vali, the man vanishes into thin air.
Another black hole forms right beside Vali, as this is not the first time he had encountered this, Vali quickly countered it.
Noticing where the man will appear beforehand with his Kenbunshoku Haki, in a blink of an eye, Vali quickly spun his body and sent out a slash.
Blood splattered on the ground as Vali chopped off the arm of the man holding the Kursed stone.
"Aaaaa..." Screaming out in pain, the man writhes on the ground as he grabs what is left of his arm.
Glaring at Vali with eyes full of fear and panic, he asked, "How can you cut me when I am in that state and how are you so much stronger than before?"
Ignoring what the man said, Vali slowly take a step and walk towards the man, with an intimidating aura enveloping his body, he asks, "You said 'we have been observing you', so, who is helping you?"
"You will not get anything out of me. Kill me!" Shouted the man.
"Be careful what you wish for." Said Vali as he used his energy blades to pierce the limbs of the man.
With the man stuck to the ground, Vali quickly conjured up a thin sword coalesced with his icy flame.
Tracing the sword across the torso of the man, Vali coldly asks, "Who is helping you?"
As the icy flame burns his body, lifting his head up, the man cried out, "Aaaa..... Stop! Just kill me."
"That is not what I asked." Said Vali as he continues to torture the man.
The man continues to scream out because of the agonizing pain. Still, the man remains tight-lipped even after most of his body had been burned. Not long after, the man had fallen unconscious.
Impressed with the willpower and determination, though he is an enemy, staring at the man on the ground, Vali mutters out a praise as he went to pick up the Kursed stone, "What a dedicated and loyal man."
"Vali! Are you fine?" Shouted Vitra as he saw a corpse lying on the ground and a man kneeling down on the ground seeming to pick up something.
"Yes, I am fine." Quickly replied Vali.
Hearing this reply, Vitra mumbles to himself, "Thank God." Then, with his normal voice, he continues, "I have bought General Kriger here."
Staring, at the body on the ground, Kriger with a bit of doubt in his eyes, he asks, "Did you kill him by yourself?"
Vali nods his head, seeing that Kriger is about to pick up the body, Vali said, "General Kriger, I want to ask you something. Why are you surprised to think that I am the one that kills him?"
Quickly putting the man on his shoulders, Kriger responded, "Nothing. I am just amazed at your strength."
Seeing that Kriger is hauling the man and his belongings, Vali said, "By the way, he is not dead yet. So, be careful."
Hearing this, Kriger stammers, "Oh... Is that so? Great, when he recovers, we can use him to get information."
"I will leave first." Turning around, Kriger said as he walks to leave the place.
Staring at the back of Kriger who is about to disappear into the night, Vali suddenly sprinted in front of Kriger.