
"General Kriger, what do you think you are doing?" Pointing his sword at the neck of Kriger's, Vali asked.

With one of his hand, Kriger pressed the sword to move it away from his neck. But, noticing that his attempt is futile, he said, "Vali, lower your weapon."

Meanwhile, seeing that Vali stands and points his sword at the General, Sigfried dashed forward as he said, "Vali, why are you pointing your sword at the General?"

Ignoring what Sigfried said, Vali proceeds to ask sternly, "General Kriger, I ask you once more, what do you think you are doing?"

Similarly, approaching the confrontation between Vali and the General, Vitra quickly grabs Vali as he said, "Vali, why do you keep asking that? Can you not see what he is doing?"

As they are trying to pull him away, pointing at the man on Kriger's shoulder, Vali yelled out, "Why do you two still not realize that Kriger had killed him?"

Immediately releasing Vali, extremely confused and shocked by what Vali announced, both of them said, "What?"

Staring right at Vali, Sigfried shouted, "Vali, stop spouting nonsense." Then turning his head towards General Kriger, Sigfried asks, "It's all nonsense, right General?"

Seeing that Kriger remained quiet, Sigfried shouted, "Tell me that this is all nonsense."

Instead of replying Sigfried, Kriger pierced Sigfried with his weapon as he simultaneously crushed a Kursed stone in his hand and is quickly enveloped by a pitch-black smoke.

As soon as Kriger remove his weapon, Sigfried immediately fell to the ground.

Seeing this Vali said, "Vitra, get Sigfried out of here."

With all of this happening right before his eyes and him injured by the General, everything had come crashing down on Sigfried as such, he turned catatonic.

Hearing what Vali had told him, in a flash, Vitra rushed to Sigfried as he quickly picked him up and carried him away.

With Sigfried and Vitra out of the way, before the smoke could vanish, Vali immediately rains down his flaming energy swords inside.

Quickly twisting his body, Vali sends out a slash as a glowing red hulk appeared behind him.


With his bulked palms grabbing his ranseur, Kriger shoves the sword away from him.

"General Kriger, why did you do this?" Vali shouted in anger as he flew backwards.

Seeming to understand what Vali is saying, Kriger lower his gaze before dashing towards Vali with his ranseur.

Seeing that Kriger is rushing at him, Vali quickly sends out a wind blade. But, instead of connecting, Kriger quickly leaps up to avoid the blade.

The instant Vali regain his footing, noticing what Kriger is about to do, he quickly activated his energy barrier and conjured up his flaming energy blades and fired at Kriger who is in the air.




Spinning the weapon in his hand, Kriger blocked an enormous amount of the blades that are coming at him.

Though some of the blades had struck him, they could barely pierce his body. Regardless of this, the flames from the blades spread to his body and quickly envelopes him.

Rapidly summoning a huge buster sword in his hand, Vali swings at Kriger who is about to hit the ground.

Putting his ranseur on the path, Kriger blocks the sword as he is quickly sent flying back.

Following Kriger, Vali sends out a wind blade and a numerous amount of energy blade as he rushes forward.


Kriger instantly crashes to the ground as Vali's sword struck down on his weapon.

Spurting out blood from his mouth the instant he hits the ground, Kriger mumbles out, "I-I'm s-so-sorry."


Hearing the beeping sound, Vali in a flash kicked Kriger away from him.

"Aaaaa....." Kriger screams out in pain as he is getting sucked into a black hole.


Within seconds, Kriger and the assassin close to him, along with the miniature black hole vanished from sight.

And because of extreme exhaustion from his successive battle, Vali fell to the ground.

Panting and breathing heavily, Vali wondered how deep Angerboda's has her hands in. Knowing that even General Kriger, who is the commanding officer of his assigned legion is her underling, Vali wondered who he could trust.

With this information, Vali finally realized why the assassin had remained quiet for the past eight months. He was bought into the light that they are observing him and trying to see if the skills he possessed could be replicated. He realized that he was too naive to agree to the suggestion of General Kriger.

Though this naive decision actually had bought him some time to increase his strength as he could now fend off and fight stronger opponents single-handedly, Vali begins to question a lot of things.

In this life, he was raised to follow. He constantly was told to fight and help his father conquer the nine realms ever since he transmigrated. He had almost completely lost his previous self due to this, but now, with this experience and realisation, he knows that he could not just blindly follow anyone if it would help increase his strength and help his father achieve his dreams. He now realised that he had to think more for himself.

Lying on the ground, after considering and reflecting back on his life, Vali several finally summoned his status screen.

[ Name: Vali

Age: 17

Race: Human

Power Level: 8000

Life Span: 3110 years


1. Sword Skills Level 6

( 1. Swords created by the skill will not harm the user.

2. Can instantly create two swords for user to hold in his hand. Durability of the swords depends on the size, shape and design. The durability can be increased with the increase in the amount of energy supplied to the swords.

3. With domain, user can control and manipulate bladed weapons that come within 1.5-meter radius. If thrown, can control and manipulate all bladed weapons. Degree of control depends on the force behind the throw. If the blade is wielded by a person, can be controlled and manipulated if the power level of the person holding the blade is less than 6000. )

{ Sword Aura

Sword Intent

Sword Energy

Domain }

2. Haki Level 4

{ Kenbunshoku Haki: Unlocked

Bushoshoku Haki: Unlocked }

3. Haoshoku Haki Level 2: Unlocked ( Can knock out beings possessing 20% of user's power levels and induce weakening affect up to 70% of beings possessing user's power levels )

4. Devil Fruit Level 3

{ Gappei Gappei no mi: Logia Type ( Can merge and manipulate external fire or external ice up to a certain limit of Devil Fruit temperature to boost the ability. This boost is temporary.)

Fire and Ice: Unlocked

***************: Locked ( Requires Devil Fruit Level 5)

**************: Locked ( Requires Devil fruit Level 10)

Logia Devil Fruit body: unlock [ Passive ] ( 1. Effective up to 11000 power level without any armor. Effectiveness can be increased with an increase in devil fruit level or by wearing armour and supplementing with skills. )

2. Passive Regeneration: 1.75x healing [ Passive ] 5.5x healing [ Active ].

Effectiveness can be increased with an increase in power level [ Passive ] Or with the amount of energy absorbed[ Active ]) }

5. Blacksmith Level 6: Acquired

6. Runes Magic Level 5: Acquired

7. All Speak Level 8: Acquired

8. Energy Absorption [Passive/ Active]

9. Energy Propulsion [Active]

10. Energy sustenance [Passive]

While Vali is staring at his status screen and observing the gains from his training and fights, a crowd of people had formed around him.

Noticing the several craters and pits on the ground, the warriors present at the scene wondered what kind of battle had transpired here.

Seeing that Vali is lying on the ground, they quickly transported him to the medical tent.