
Inside the medical tent, not long after he wakes up, Vali is given a quick diagnosis before getting discharged. Then, as he finished observing the condition of Sigfried, Vali quickly left the tent.


On the training, after standing for a while, Vitra saw Vali approaching.

Quickly jogging towards Vali, Vitra asked, "Are you fine?"

"There's nothing wrong, I am okay." Replied Vali.

Exhaling a huge breath of air in relief, Vitra said, "That's good."

Forming a smile on his face, he continued, "So, does this mean we can train again today?"

"Yes." Quickly responded Vali. But, before Vitra could say anything, Vali proceed to ask, "Vitra, is that Huginn I saw last night?"

Seeing that Vitra is turning his eyes away from him, Vali said, "I see. Then, can you contact my father for me?"

"Why? What are you going to say to him?" Curiously asked Vitra.

"I want to request him something." Replied Vali.

"Oh...So, why did General Kriger do what he had done?" Finally asked Vitra. Knowing that bringing up the events from last night could implicate him, Vitra wanted to avoid it. But, seeing that his cover had been blown, he did not hold back.

Pondering for a while, Vali answered, "I believe he is working under my mother, Angerboda." As Vali mentioned her name, his face turned gloomy.

"What?!!" Vitra blurted out as he is surprised by the sudden revelation.

Still unable to believe what he had heard, Vitra quickly asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am sure." Sternly responded Vali.

"Then, we should go and capture her." Hastily said Vitra.

"How? We did not obtain any evidence. Both the assassin and General Kriger died and vanished." Said Vali.

Then, pointing at Vitra, Vali continued, "Even you could not believe it. If I do not obtain any evidence, how can I convince anyone?"

"Still....She tried to kill you." Replied Vitra in an instant.

Emphasising the danger of what could happen, Vali replied, "So, what? If I attack or capture her right now, what do you think will happen?"

"Then, what will you do?" Understanding the risks involved, Vitra face grew dark.

With determination, Vali replied, "I will try to obtain evidence to help support my case. If I can't, I will just have to grow extremely strong so that I can ignore such risks. And don't tell my father about the General, I do not want Angerboda to be more suspicious and cautious than she is now."

Hearing this, Vitra nodded along in agreement. He knew that Angerboda had firmly rotted herself in Asgard, as such, he realised that making a move against her without any evidence is suicide.

"Then, what can I do to help?" Inquired Vitra.

With a smile on his face, Vali replied, "Right now, you can help me increase my strength."

Kneeling on the ground and slamming his fist right at his chest, Vitra replied, "I will help you increase your strength. You have my word!"

"Thank you." Vali felt a bit embarrassed. Though he is raised by Odin, he had never experienced such kind of treatment.

"Then, let's train." Vali continued.

Hearing this, Vitra quickly stood up and ask, "What kind of training are we going to do today?"

"Fight. Let's fight each other." Replied Vali.

Excitedly Vitra said, "Very well."

As such, the two of them quickly formed a stance then rushed towards each other.




Exchanging several blows against each other, Vali and Vitra continued to fight till dusk. Though Vali still loses to Vitra, with the increase in his strength, he could fight with Vitra several minutes considerably longer than before.

After continuing to train with each other for a week, Vitra had informed Odin about Vali requesting to talk to him. As such, Vali is about to go back to Asgard to meet his father. Meanwhile, Sigfried is still recovering from his injuries.


Entering the tent, Vali and Vitra saw Sigfried sitting on top of a bed.

"Have you recovered from your injuries?" Vali asked.

Hearing the voice of Vali and seeing him, Sigfried quickly the turned his gaze away.

"What's wrong?" Inquired Vali.

Knowing that he could not escape from this, looking at Vali, with drops of tears trickling down his face, Sigfried said, "I'm so sorry."

Vitra quickly grabs the face of Sigfried and say, "Why are you apologising to him? You did nothing wrong."

"Listen to Vitra, it is not you that is in the wrong but General Kriger. Besides, you are not the only one fooled by him." Vali reassured.

Listening to what Vali had told him, Sigfried started to calm himself down. "Can you let go of my face?" Sigfried said.

"Oh.." Immediately removing his hands, Vitra chuckled.

With him liberated from the grasp of Vitra, Sigfried asked, "What are you two doing here?"

"Can't we just visit to see how our friend is doing?" Said Vali.

"Well then, thank you. But, as you can see, I have fully recovered from my injuries." Replied Sigfried. He felt comforted knowing that the two still considered him as their friend.

"Really?" Curiously asked Vitra as he smacked the location of the wound.

"Aaaaa...." Sigfried screamed out in pain.

"Why did you just hit me right there?" Furiously yelled Sigfried.

Confused by the reaction, Vitra replied, "You said you have fully recovered from your injuries."

"Obviously I was exaggerating." Retorted Sigfried in a loud voice.

Watching the interaction between the two, Vali chuckled for a while, then he said, "Okay, stop it for now."

Not before long, the two quickly cease their argument. Then Vali proceeds to notify Sigfried about everything he told Vitra.

With him receiving this information, Sigfried agreed with the decision of Vali on how to deal with Angerboda. Though initially, Vali wanted to hold the truth back to himself, with their interactions over the past several months and their reaction to the assassination attempt on his life, he felt close to them.

And since he realized that he needed some help. Right now, as these two are the ones he could trust the most, he decided to confide in them and use them for his agenda.

"You are going back to Asgard!?" Asked Sigfried with a surprised look.

Nodding his head, Vali responds, "Yes."

Worried about what sorts of danger could happen to Vali, Sigfried asked, "Are you not scared that 'she' might try to kill you again?"

Contrary to his expectations, Vali nonchalantly replied, "This is why I told you both everything."

Realizing why Vali had confided in them, the two said, "We thank you for telling us such a huge secret. We swear on our honor as a warrior that we will never betray you."

Though Vali knew this is just words, he felt reassured to gain such loyal friends. Not long after the conversation, the three of them left the medical tent.

Standing in the middle of the training ground, they said their goodbyes.

"Be careful." Said Sigfried.

"Next time we meet, I will be much stronger. So, you have to get stronger too." Grabbing the arm of Vali, Vitra shakes his hand.

"Okay, both of you take care and do not die before we meet again." Said Vali as he waves his hand.

Suddenly, a multicolored ray of light shines on Vali. And in an instant, Vali vanished from the spot he previously stood on.