Chapter 10 decision, unbreakable loyalty, consequences

The power to mind control can be either really useful or useless depending on how it is used, if you control the right individual it can bring disastrous results to an army.

Even more so, if the victim is a monster leader of a hive that had more than 100,000 of its race, ready to drown their enemies in poisonous bites and to deliver a horrifying ending upon them with a simple wave of a hand.

This is was something that Mikhail did at this moment for the sake of it~

1 bite from phantom ants can disable a 1st tier aura user, 10 a 2nd tier, 100 a 3rd tier, however, for the 4th tier that number increased to 10,000 but even a single bite brought some heavy consequences.

Dizziness, hallucinations, numbness, nausea, muscle stiffness, until once you have enough of their poison running through your system, you become paralyzed!

heh, none of their poison was lethal, it was when they began feasting upon their prey straight afterward was what made them so feared.

so imagine this, you come across one of these buggers and it manages to bite you, you suffer the following effects before more of its 'friends' arrive and they begin nibbling at you as you are immobilized letting their prey experience their skin, flesh, and bones being ripped off by little pieces at a time until you finally die, which by the way, their mandibles are as big as a pair of tweezers, so it'd be like being tweezered to death quite literally.

A real horrible way to go.

so the hunters that acted as tanks were or the front lines became the first victims of 10s of bites within seconds as tens of bites already dug into their flesh.

Mikhail was laughing out loud while clapping at this spectacle, as the next reason why phantom ants are so deadly was also due to the fact that they are so hard to kill!

As the more skilled aura users from 4th tier and above can kills these ants easily, its just that it requires Aura and they could only use so much before they are overrun by these bugs~

their crowd controlling poison, tough defenses, and rapid reproduction abilities quickly made them part of his favorite pets a pity that the queen requires to be within a few miles of its soldiers and is unable to defend itself while commanding its troops, but that is while she is still a 1st tier monster, Mikhail was crossing his fingers to the chance that its commanding range will reach farther with every rank up!

Mikhail's psychic soldiers were learning quickly of how to use their powers properly using his ideas on how to create more chaos on the battlefield through nearby monsters to tire them out, or if they were capable enough, control the men within the enemies group anything was allowed!

The group of hunters decided to retreat as the few fourth and fifth tiers within their group bombarded the phantom ants killing a good portion of them, Mikhail clicks his tongue in annoyance as he can be irritable with every loss he was forced to make his bug army endure.

While he was glad that the ants can quickly gain more of their numbers within a day or so he was even more furious when one of his lasher tanks was destroyed thanks to an unknown variable, that was of the 6th tier!

given little choice in the matter, Mikhail decided to make another decision to move his base, for a few obvious reasons, one, their location had attracted powers that surpassed his overall power, two if there was a sixth tier aura user around there's bound to be more, three, it was better to be safe than sorry so when his slave miner is completed he was getting the fuck out of here!

Then lastly their location from what he noticed from one of his initiates pov was too damn obvious as the hills and cave that they were at looked so unnatural!

Which would explain why that person that destroyed one of his tanks with a simple slap was repeatedly looking this way!

So he commanded his troops to be ready to leave this base sight as he also ordered them to collect as many ores and precious gems to increase his funds just in case the next area they will go to will be hazardous and required them to move again.

In the game, many players forget that MCV's can move thus some random Kirov or airplanes blasts it away from being unable to move after selling his walls, Mikhail waited patiently for the miner to be done, while keeping an eye on the sixth tier that was hovering in the air whose sights seemed to be locked on to their location for some reason, this made Him feel uneasy so the psychic commanded his troops to gather around him as the two lasher tanks immediately began firing at the floating figure before driving away!

the person was covered in plated armor as the psychic blasts from the lasher tanks failed to even tickle him but they certainly had gotten his attention when the tanks split up with one heading towards the deeper areas of the large forest while the other one...

it was heading towards the camp!

the lasher tanks drivers sensed the dread their master felt so they made their decision, one was to gather more monsters to deliver a monster 'train' and the other was to attack the group of hunters, while their actions seemed foolish, they always acted based on what they could do for their master.

Thus the one that was heading towards the group used one of their favorite lines.


the lasher tank began firing towards them ferociously as it drove towards them quickly making the powerful man return his focus to the tank, as the sounds of thunderclaps could be heard but oddly enough the floating man didn't stop its actions, no, the man flew towards the group before landing near a blonde-haired teenage boy as the boy that was dressed up as a knight relayed his orders.

there were people carrying shields that glowed according to their strength as they resisted the bombardment from the approaching tank some of them weren't so lucky, as those behind them began firing their Aura Artes towards the tank, scrapping chunks off of its armor with every hit!

The lasher tank tried hard to dodge the more dangerous ones as the driver was multitasking now fire his cannon, maneuvering it as best as he could to get as close as possible, and lastly charging up an attack was as strong as 20 shots of the tanks, it was still growing!

But one archer managed to get an arrow stuck within the tank's treads making it lock in place, ruining its approach before two more struck one destroyed the cannon as the piece when flying before crashing into the ground, and the other was from a 5 tier archer hitting the bottom part of the same treads that was locked thus it made the tank tilt to one side as the momentum that was still making it moved made it roll repeatedly like a bad car accident until it finally stopped with the tank upside down!

the people cheered before they decided to get a few trophies, their losses from the bombardment was 50 people mostly due to the preemptive attack that they received making them understand that it was a powerful 'monster', with that being said some materials from such a monster must surely be useful to strengthen their armor or weapons~

As more than 100 of them, greedy for usable materials, the others were either busy with other things or were looking for the other ones that were mentioned in the report, While Clark on the other hand already sensed something wrong as he held Uther back from joining the other hunters for a trophy, as he also wanted the boy to learn cautiousness despite the upset look he was getting.

Once the hunters were close enough, a bald man with multiple hoses and wires attached to his body had emerged from the 'monster' as there was a purple glow coming from the person's body as a ghastly chuckle followed.

"Hehehe HAHAHAHA!"

The person began laughing as some of the hunters looked at him in surprise, some in anger thanks to their greed, confusion, and many more, but they all had one question.

"what the fuck was he?"

thanks to his attachments and purple glow he looked anything but human, momentarily distracted by his looks the lasher tank driver had completed his preparations~

Before his ghastly voice added a few words before bringing a scene that many of the hunters would remember as his tone was filled with insanity and yearning as his eyes gained a purple awn to them.

"̵̻͚̗̭̘̯̱͛̑̀̽̌̀͐͝͠ͅȎ̵̞̝̳͕̺̪̍͐̽̌͆͘N̵̢͓͉̘͕͈͖̬̟̐̆̎̅L̵̡̧͎̣̩̝̏͐̓ͅȲ̶̟̫͇̳̯̜̼̖̜̜͒̅̄̊ ̸̢̯̞̹̼̪̂͛͜Y̷̡̛͖̘̥̜̖̜̩͆̈́̌̄̓͂͠Ȗ̵̖̠̮̺̖͘Ṙ̴̨̛̼̹̝͕̙̘͇́̀̿͜͠I̴̞̯̫̟͊̀̈́͝ͅ ̵͇͇̖̩̬̳̙̩̺̺́̿̿͝Î̴̡̢̜̦̪̘̮̇͗͋̈̅͘S̸̳̳̝̲̗͉̝̟̩̉̈ ̵̨̟͓͓̝̼̖̭̘̃́̉͑T̵̲̝̀̇̆̉̅̓̿̚H̵͓͚͈̲͗̾̂̿͐͝Ȅ̶̲͔̻͐̓̓̇͑̍͘̚͠ ̵̰̼̱͌̿͐̊̆͘͝Ṁ̶͎̭̇̔̀͛̍͘͝Ḁ̸̬̭̲͚̈́͂͊̂̋͑͜͠S̸̩̪̤̿̄̈̓̈͗Ṯ̶̨̨̛̺͇̻̘͔̘̇̀̓̒̉̅͠ͅE̶̡͔̭̬̻̖̲͋͜R̵̛̼̯̊̐̂̒̂͐̄̑͜͝!̴͙͝!̸̡̬͔͖̈́̈̽!̸̲̝̘̦̰̥̩̞̀̆̅͠ͅ"̸̯̯̹̮́̈́͗̅̂̔̆̀̕

The purple glowing man brought his hands together, a loud whistling sound suddenly reverberated out as his body exploded into a bloody mist before all of the hunters within 100 meters of him dropped to the ground unnaturally, this surprised Clark as well as he couldn't understand how it happened, however, thanks to that he had forgotten one more thing as a certain someone beside him, who was still in the range of the blast, collapsed to the ground!

this very action was the very thing that made Mikhail's forces enemies with the united kingdoms as some of the blasts had reached the second prince damaging the teen's mind a little as he too passed out, forcing this group to retreat!