Chapter 27 demons arrive, battle of the night 1 of ??

At Midnight with the moon high in the sky shining so bright, Inside of the forest some distance away from the beastman kingdom.

There was a group of cloaked people, despite all of them wearing clothes that hid their features, there was one thing that would attract anyone that saw them.

The Horns that peeked out.

Thanks to the darkness brought by the large trees around them, it was hard to see anything else other than their horns that reflected the moonlight.

A raspy voice, full of coldness spoke out.

"What's the status of our targets?"

A snake-like figure dipped down from the tree branch it was on before a voice that was obviously male but it was oddly high pitched as it was laced with a flirtatious tone.

"The two of them seem to be in the king's chambers for the past few hours~, maybe they're 'enjoying' themselves? What do you think milord?"

Another spoke out a female, her tone was full of disgust towards the snake-like figure.

"Are you sure? or did you slack off again, you damned tranny!?"

The two growled at each other readying their weapons preparing to attack but the raspy voice cut in with an annoyed manner.

"Shut up, or I'll kill you both myself."

Both shivered before lowering their heads in fear not wanting to gain his ire as the man would really do so since it happened before.

"what of our contact?"

the voice that asked this time sounded young yet upon hearing those words the rest turned quiet either from fear or from respect.

The small horned messenger replied while doing his best to avoid meeting the speaker's eyes that now glowed with a blue hue as his sweat dripped to the ground.

"She has most of the officials ready to do her bidding ready to move at your order!"

"Good, then that means you outlived your usefulness~"

The young leader's cruelty was enough to send cold sweat down his subordinate's spines while the messenger wasn't even given a chance to understand what was said before his head was ripped off with the rest of his body crushed soon followed by the sound of munching and crunching was heard!

He was eating the spy!

The followers said nothing, as this was the way of life of a demon, if your boss likes you, there was a chance of you living a bit longer than most, but if you are one of the peons like the messenger, be glad that you can live through the day away from your boss as your life and death are at their whims!

The batch of offspring a single female demon can have at a time can range from 30 - 100 eggs per month, so the desolate lands tend to get overpopulated thus the way of life of those tagged as peons.

They are desperate to survive, that they'll even feed on their own race especially since demons of this world are carnivores.

The moonlight moved a bit exposing the looks of the young leader, a young man with three curved horns, he had exquisite looks which is rare for demons as they tend to look like monsters, the blood that covered his face and silver hair dripped down as he sighed in delight while raising his head to face the glowing moon, his golden eyes gleamed at the changes that could happen for their race should they succeed today.

He commanded his subordinates while giving them a side glance.

"I want things to go as planned, no sidetracks, NO FUCKING AROUND, and no one is allowed to leave this kingdom, Am I Clear?"

The three words at the end laced with bloodlust made his followers reply without question lest they join the menu since their leader was an 8th tier aura user while the rest were either 7th or lower.


Pleased at this he used one finger to wipe some of the blood on his chin then licked it before ordering them.

"Good, now go!"

With them disappearing like ninjas the boy smiled before joining the night attack but his target was the currently strongest beastman within the kingdom.

The king.


The snake-like demon was moving along the shadows as he headed to the walls, He wanted to eat one of the guards on the wall, mostly thanks to his Artes, it helped him 'extract' information from his victims.

One particular guard caught his interest, it was a heavily built grey man that was patrolling at this moment, while this guard wasn't a beastman he definitely wasn't human either.

The Snake-like demon drooled at the sight of the built man as the strength that exuded from him was a 4th tier, and for a sixth tier such as the Demonic snake that was ready to pounce, it was like parading a delicacy for him to eat.

So once the patrolling guard reached an area where there would be no interruptions, that was when the Demonic snake struck!

With his mouth open wide, with his body charged forth like a spring slamming into the grey man as his sharp teeth sunk into the shoulder of his victim!

The Grey man grunted in surprise and pain before both of his large hands grabbed hold of the snake demon, the strong resistance was shocking for the demon as his poisonous bites can paralyze his victims that were at the 5th tier and below.

the vice-like grip that held the demonic snake was practically ripped away from the shoulder, the snake demon was pumping so much poison into, before the voice of the grey man shouted full of surprise, anger, but most importantly recognition!


The grey man was one of the Brutes that Mikhail had brought was one of the lizardmen that lost so much from the demons judging from his reaction the demon he was fending off was someone he hated with a passion!


The brute released a loud beastly snarl as he forced the demonic snake off of him before delivering a punch!


The hit that landed on the reptilian demon's torso was loud yet for a demon that was two-tiers higher than the brute, the punch didn't affect the victim very much before the snake released a breath of poisonous smog, which was useless against a brute that was built to endure such things 10 times even more than his brothers and sisters.

But it did work to constrict his breathing as he began a coughing fit the demonic snake took this chance to strike with his tail that sent the brute flying like a cannonball before he crashed into a wall!

The crumbling debris and dust blocked the view of the injured brute, and currently, the odds were against him yet this brute bore a peculiarly wide smile on his face with blood trickling from the edges of this downed grey man's lips.

He spoke a few words full of faith and excitement!

"To think that Master Yuri's prediction came true!"

from a light chuckle, it gradually grew to a burst of boisterous laughter full of insanity, the brute climbed out of the debris as he activated the experimental gene that was given to him in case he came across an enemy that was too strong for him.

With a disturbing grin plastered on his face, he used the lines many of his brothers and sisters would say when condemning an enemy to death as his body expanded in size, his skin turning deathly pale, this muscles ripping and regenerating, his bones cracking and shifting, with large bloodshot eyes that wanted to see just how he can finally deliver the promised revenge now waiting to be served as his words came out with a loud growl.


His height now was 16 meters tall, and his muscle-packed hand followed by dust and debris slammed down on the Demonic snake whose eyes shrunk from the sudden change of events!