Chapter 28 Battle of the night 2 of ??

The sight before the snake demon was scary!


The large deathly pale hand that came for him was something that he narrowly dodged while a part of the castle wall was crushed!

The Snake demon was cursing right now.

Why did he attack this fellow?

Why did he follow his desires?

Now he had to pay for his actions with his body currently weaker than what's after his flesh and bones!


Thanks to how quickly the Brute grew his skin didn't look too good, with it being stretched to the limits the skin around his neck reached his shoulders making him look similar to the Juggernaut while wearing the helmet just in this case it was skin!

The large hands of the brute crashed through the obstacles like it was brittle toys of a child, he then grabbed a handful of debris then threw it at where the snake demon attempted to dodge towards.

Each little piece of rubble that went flying was like a bullet that dug into the ground and some of the flesh of the demon, It immediately made more smog to hide its body as its life was more important than the task, as long as he stayed hidden after escaping the demon could live a bit longer rather die surrender to the whims of a young demon that loves to eat his subordinates every chance given!

With the smog rising so high The demon was about to make a run for it, however, what quickly followed was unbelievable, the large brute inhaled as much as possible before blowing away all of the smog and the wind blast brought by the breath prevented the demon from moving as it slammed into a nearby wall!

The brute, upon seeing his target, immediately with a clenched fist slammed into where the snake demon was!

The brute raised his other fist then delivered another ground-shaking blow!

When his punch connected a cloak went flying into the distance which brought forth a scream of pain mixed with anger reverberated out!


The Snake demon came out of the debris looking a bit bigger than before, exposing his pus-covered and infected flesh caused by his ability with poison, he tried desperately to hide his face that was even worse than the rest of his body.

This demon hated his looks so much that he'd use his ability to not only extract information but he'd also take the form of his prey, one of the reason's why he was keen on eating this brute earlier, however, now he just wants to kill him because his true face had been exposed because of that punch from earlier!

Whenever the body he takes the form of takes enough damage it would breakdown thus why he was so angry and now just wishes to kill the brute in front of him!

He was a Sixth tier Aura user so his real body wasn't harmed in any way.

But now, his strength and speed increased more than a few notches!

The Brute Roared out before throwing another punch, to which the snake demon Blocked by using a punch of his own.

Both colliding with the strength of both sides seemingly equal, but there was a problem the brute wasn't a natural Sixth tier, so he lacked the defenses against it despite his upgrades.

Causing his arm to erupt into mangled flesh that scatters everywhere around them!

But for a brute, just that much pain wasn't enough to make him flinch.

so if a punch doesn't work...

what about a kick?

it was faster than his punch and with the snake demon's face covered in his blood, it was the best time the sound of flesh and bones ripping and cracking was heard before the snake demon was sent flying into the air with its tail flapping like a flag from the speed!

Unfortunately for the two, that collision injured them both.

Causing the brute to fall on his ass, he was angry that his body was still too weak despite the chance it gave him, The brute tried the method Master Yuri bequeathed him, his wrath was making him unable to control his thoughts, He needed to believe in himself to be invulnerable.

but as he tried to do so, a tail that acted like a spear punctured through his chest planting him into the ground unable to move, unable to do anything.

As the snake demon now took the form of his beloved son a lizard man's form just without the tail since it was stuck in his chest rendering him unable to move thanks to his spine completely ruined.

An annoyed sigh came for the demon.

"Fucking hell, to think I'd be forced to take this form, I was hoping to save it for later to savor this body's sister again."


The brute asked in a weakened tone of disbelief.


The snake just shrugs as he was getting closer to the head of the large brute before speaking to himself.

"I kept her alive because it was so much fun hearing her squeal for her brother and parents that aren't even alive anymore every time I filled my future children into her."

The brute that heard this struggled to get up, his body shaking as the veins on his neck and head threatened to pop from JUST HOW ANGRY HE WAS!


The demon noticed this quickly moved the pseudo spear bringing a stop to the attempts on the brute by completely pulling it out as he decided the fate of the brute's daughter as he brought the spear down to the brute's head that still bore a look that wanted Vengence and the safety of his daughter.


But he was too slow and currently too weak, the spear pierced through his skull bringing any movement from the brute to a stop.

He just wanted revenge against this scum, and most importantly he wanted his daughter to be safe and happy.

As his thoughts began to slow, there was only one thing that came to mind a scene of Master Yuri ordering him to do one thing as everything else failed.

Tell yourself

"you are invulnerable"

If once doesn't work, try ten more times, if that doesn't work a hundred more keep telling yourself that, until something happens, the Army of Yuri does not accept failure!

So as the demon was about to pull the spear out the brute mumbled one thing that was self-hypnosis in his near-death situation.

"I am invulne-"

he didn't even manage to finish those words before his body relaxed against the ground no longer resisting gravity as his heart finally stopped.

The demon clicked his tongue in annoyance as this body would degrade soon and he can't use the ruined body below him so with a strong yank the spear was removed from the head of the downed brute.

"Tch, guess I'll have to use one of the damned guards before heading back, might as well fuck that reptile till she's loose one more time before killing her."

At the drop of those words, a cold shiver ran down the demon's spine, as something or someone was looking at him with so much hatred and bloodlust that it wasn't funny.

he felt someone grab him from the back of the head before a teasing yet cruel tone said with a voice that sounded very similar to the brute he had just killed.

"Where are you going? I haven't broken you yet~"

the grip was strong and held his head tightly forcefully turning his head to face the one that held him.

The same brute from before, now back in his original form with blurred eyes was recovering at an incredible speed as even the hole in his chest and head mended themselves, using his other hand, that reconstructed itself, grabbed the demon's hand that held the spear his strength was growing stronger as time passed before the audible crack of the demon's hand being crushed was heard.

The demon wailed in pain only to receive a headbutt that destroyed his jaw cutting his noise to a tolerable level!

The brute wanted this Demon to suffer but at the same time, he needed him alive so that one of the psychic soldiers can help him find his daughter, The master had given the permission already.

But first, it was time to give the demon a taste of its own medicine~

The brute licked his lips in hunger as the Demon was really scared now as everything about this grey monster Bon Appetit!

His mouth opened unnaturally wide taking a bite of the demon~