Chapter 29 battle of the night 3 of ?? P.S. extra crispy~

While the snake demon was being served to the brute with his screams of pain and agony as the condiments.

The second strongest demon was heading to another location his job was to cause as much havoc as possible!

the place he had chosen belonged to a group of women lead by one that had four eyes and looked like an elf her red hair reached her shoulders, with strange clothes that hid most of her voluptuous frame.

Since he was supposed to wreak havoc for their leader it should be fine if he had a taste of one of the local women right?

Not the sexual kind, He wanted to eat her!

Her flesh and bones how tasty would it be?

It has been so long since this demon managed to have some good meat on the menu~

The demon jumped into the air, ripped the cloak off showing his demonic features to the world.

With a bald head, most of his features were human-like, making his face look average to human standards, other than his red eyes, red skin, four horns that curled around his forehead making it seem as if a crown was adorned on his head, four fangs peeking from his lips, With four chiseled arms, with blades that were attached to the top of his fingers with more of it going down his arms until his shoulders, Humans of this world called demons like him, blade demons.

A simple name but there is one good reason why they are called that it is meant as an insult!

these demons can transform any part of their limbs into sharp weapons, they are the source of the demon race's weapons since they as a whole weren't very skilled in crafting.

What they are actually called happens to be "Red devils' thanks to what happens when they get rusty, but mostly due to how much blood covered their bodies when they 'hunt' for their prey.

While calling them rusty may seem funny at times, just hope not to be the one they put their weapon-covered hand into while digging for your guts a common hobby his tribe had!

Using his hands, he clung to one of the nearby walls closer to them but out of sight, climbing it like a spider that was getting into position to strike its prey, one must do it patiently and carefully.

One of the people following her moved towards a room probably to fetch something. the perfect target to take out before the main dish~

Moving as silently as possible, the demon was getting closer to the clueless female initiate, then when the initiate's back was facing him and in range, He aimed for a killing blow!

But what he didn't expect was that the one he tried to attack had already prepared a countermeasure against assassins!


An orb of flames suddenly exploding in his face momentarily stunning him, however, his instincts kicked in As the demon's leg slammed into the abdomen of the initiate that was trying to attack again while muttering.

"damned woman! that hurt me a little~"

Sending the initiate into the cabinet breaking it before her body was stopped by a wall!

His skin steamed from the heat, but thanks to his body being a seventh tier it only did so much, but oddly enough this woman that managed to hurt him was strange, her body emitted the power of one that was around the 3rd tier yet it managed to hurt him!

A secret artifact?

This random thought made the demon greedy hoping to receive the said item for himself!

With little time at hand, The demon grabbed the female initiate by the throat as she was trying to get up, still trying to fight back, to kill the intruder of the castle where her master resides.

The demon asked her with a tone of excitement and avarice.

"Where is it? where is the item that helped you harm me? tell me or I'll just search your cold corpse instead!"

His grip tightened at the end almost desperate to receive the item that could possible make his life easier against the demons that were stronger than him!

But for an initiate, that more loyal than a cursed slave, She ignored his words and attacked again caring not for what could happen to her. with the flames of her ability carrying more than double the intensity of heat!


that was all she said.

No extra words are spared for an intruder, especially one that was a threat to the master!

This time the demon felt that!

It was hot enough to slightly metal the metal attachments he grew out, he grit his teeth and endured the pain before slamming her body into the ground!

But being a demon, one can be even pettier than a human, causing him to forget his task, to forget where he was, all he wanted now was some payback!

He clawed at her flesh in a brutal manner causing blood and pieces of flesh to go flying. he kept going until she was still...

What was weird about this female for the demon was, in fact, she made no cries or wails for the pain that was inflicted upon her, all she did was try and retaliate every given chance further agitating him and made him want to see how much more this woman can handle!

her body mutilated and ruined, exposing the crack bones underneath the oozing blood but even in this state the demon wasn't done as the girl under him was more focused on something else as muffled word were this.

"Focik me, kakur Ui."

It was a cry of forgiveness, she was begging for forgiveness!

The demon clicked his tongue before planting his foot on her skull as he asked her again.

"where is the artifact? then maybe I'll end your life finally for burning me!"

The mutilated Initiates bloodied eyes, held no despair, no fear towards this demon, only a mocking gaze as the weight of the foot on her head gradually increased.

This woman had balls of steel, the demon commended her for that, while deciding to end her right then and there as his foot was raised from her head ready to crush it.

But a cold feminine voice interrupted this moment as the words he heard was.

"you call that a burn?"

He turned to see who it was but all that he was able to see was blue flames that made him scream higher-pitched than a female opera singer!

His skin turned charred, the metal glowed red and liquidized dripping to the ground as he rolled to put the flames out

The voice continued.

"Now you can say you got burned!"