Chapter 31 two powerhouses, Cheating, stabbed in the back!

Greimor was floating facing his adversary, it was a demon child that looked like a scholar from his regal clothes and outward demeanor would've been a perfect trick but the bloodthirsty smirk, as well as the familiar scent of his race that covered his mouth and lower jaw, brought some anger to the Old fox's heart.

Greimor wanting to hear any answer to help direct his upcoming attack asked the boy with a snarl.

"How many of my people have to slain!?"

As if to mock him the demon boy burped as he replied with his grin widening even more exposing the blood-stained fangs that were still chewing on a mangled hand!

"if i had to answer, i'd say not enough~ but still, the reports said that you were a lot weaker than just now-"

At the end of his words, a loud crunch echoed out before The king of the beast-men delivered one of his strongest strikes only for it to be met with one that was just as strong!

However, despite them having the same amount of Greimor's equipment served to disrupt the balance of the demon child causing the said demon to be sent flying into the air while The old Fox quickly pursued him with another charged strike following the advice his friend had told him about his specific trait that manifested from receiving the Brute's physique.


The beast king Roared in fury while bringing their fight higher into the sky as he made full use of the gift his friend had given him!

Unnatural strength since his fox traits supported speed more Greimor's long-lasting wish for more strength was granted just not the way he had hoped.

But even then, that was still a massive boost in his capabilities!


While the two powerhouses were fighting in the air, Mikhail had fully activated his psychic shield while emptying out his sack of surprises.

just a reminder, do you all remember the project that was mentioned about a floating disc and that he had brought a lot of changes?

Well, to be clear, his little experiment with his own floating disc after removing all of the annoying problems making him use up half of his total funds, Had led to what was just released.

A bunch of finger-sized floating discs that were all connected to him lets us give you a demonstration as to what they can do.

The First test dummy was a female demon, she had wings, and judging from her build this girl specialized in speed.

Thus countermeasure?

Mikhail willed them to take the assigned formation before each one split into ten while this made them decrease in size that was actually the best thing possible since what they'll be making will be shown shortly~


One of the three demons ripped their cloak off exposing her body for all to see wearing so little cloth that hardly hid anything as the other two took their preplanned formation.

The Female demon was a single-horned blue one who was licking her lips not in lust, but of hunger.

The strange scent that Mikhail had made her crave for his flesh and blood.

But like any hunter, She wanted to make sure that nothing else will happen should she suddenly charge in to rip his head off.

So the demon woman changed her form to a naked female human hoping to coax the man to let down his guard as she called out to him in a seductive tone while playfully making her large breast bounce using her hands.

"Hey little boy, Wanna have a piece of the 'big' sister here?"

All while saying this as part of her words was a signal to prepare a decisive blow to the other two demons were standing by and ready, one from above and one from below thanks to the help of the female demon her power to mask energy hidden away any hints of their prepared Artes.

The sad thing for the demon woman was that Mikhail who had lived through so many worlds such attempts in seductions were useless to him especially after that time with the female cultivator that literally fucked him to death by draining him completely of everything.

So Mikhail who still had a stoic look waved his hand towards her, The demon woman who was too proud of her beauty thought that he was willing to have some fun and was about to lower that strange shield, bringing a smile to her face as she thought this.

"another foolish prodigy falling for my-"

Being careless in a fight can be fatal.

Before she could finish her words it suddenly felt like something had passed through her.

Confusion filled the mind of the blue demon girl for one very good reason, there was no ill intention or bloodlust that could be felt from the boy before her, in this world full of bloodshed and war it was very hard to hide bloodlust or anything like that!

She blinked a few times wondering what had just happened before she felt pain surge through her body briefly then felt nothing as her body fell from the sky as bloody cubes of flesh and bones!

But there was one very important thing that she didn't know about Mikhail because of the countless worlds he had been to and the numerous kinds of experiences he had received, any enemy any obstacle he comes across mere made him think of them as a pest that just needed to be culled or stepped on.

Because who can actually send bloodlust towards a bug that was well in your grasp and ready to be stepped on?


That was just one of the many abilities the new version of floating discs can do.

That one was called Laser net, by making them shrink it makes the lasers that they used to be harder to see, and thanks to them being a part of him it was easy to have them work in perfect coordination letting their lasers become connected as they pass by any enemies one of the 7 abilities the miniature mode had~

Now to show you what the regular mode can do~


The two remaining demons freaked out a little as they failed to see when their ally was attacked causing them to believe that this 4th tier brat was stronger than he let on.

The one on the ground was about to tell his friend to retreat as they regroup with their boss the only problem was the demon that died was his sister and he had an unhealthy obsession with her.

A blue-skinned demon with a single horn that looked like the demon version of adonis he roared out, with his eyes completely bloodshot with his longsword this demon flew down as fast as possible!


With every swing of his blade that collided with the floating discs, which were floating to protect Mikhail, the demon seemed to grow bigger as each slash grew heavier!

But no matter how much stronger this blue demon grew the damaged floating discs would retreat while the ones that had either recovered or were unharmed would move forward to tank these blows.

So each attempt to overpower Mikhail would backfire on the demon as he was wearing himself out as a faint green mist was being inhaled by the demon.

The blue demon was heaving loudly as he mustered some strength to yell at Mikhail.

"Come out and face me! you, damned coward!"

Mikhail shook his head before stating this.

"You are a pitiful fool."

With a snap of a finger, all of the green mist that the demon inhaled so much of, all activated at once.

The demon curled forward before grunted in pain, his face was twitching as he raised his head to face the Psychic that still had that look that continued to call him a pitiful fool.

But the demon was Still adamant on trying to fight back as he spoke in a strained voice.

"You- it was because of you! if you had just let us kill you she wouldn't have died!"

Selfishness at its finest, eh?

This was a fight to the death, they struck first and they tried tricks and other methods to get what they want and this idiot had the gall to call Mikhail cowardly?

And now he was blatantly cursing him to die in his sister's place, but since he was filled with grief and missed her SooO much.

Mikhail asked one more thing that concluding this sorry excuse of a fighter with a disturbing smile on his face.

"Why not join her then?"

The demon's eyes constricted before releasing a loud wail full of unwillingness as his sword cracked then broke to pieces with his final swing!

Most of The Floating discs combined into one surpassing the size of the one that brought him here by double as a beam of green light shot down completely turning the demon into goo.

But at this moment Mikhail was worried about something else as he reached out to a certain direction making full use of his telekinesis as he attempted to claim the mind of the final demon that sought to interrupt his dear friend.

But alas, the demon managed to throw the blade out of his range before Mikhail telepathically yelled out to Greimor that was locked in a bloody melee with the demon child from before!

"Move to your right!"

Rather than say 'move to your side' to further make things even worse for his friend and give the enemy an opening it was better to give him a direction.

but even then, his words were wasted as the demon the old fox was facing laughed out loud before he used his Artes locking the beast king in place as the blade entered through his back then exited through his chest!