Chapter 32 final battle, psychic prank~

With a blade protruding from his chest, Greimor immediately tried to gain some distance from the demon child that rivaled him in power, however, thanks to his momentary lapse of distraction from the surprise attack the Demon was already in front of him and managed to grab that tip that protruded out then yanked it sideways!

This caused the blade to sever his spine and continue until only one-third of his chest was intact!

Then as blood spurted out the demonic child sent a relentless kick to Greimor's face causing him to come crashing down!

upon landing his body created a large crater as the demon Laughed out loud in glee before roaring out.

"This land BELONGS TO ME NOW!"

While he was some absorbed in his little victory, Mikhail was contemplating on what to do now as the worst thing that anyone can do in any situation is panic!

While his friend was currently down, he knew that Greimor wasn't quite dead yet as you could say that that old fox was the most powerful brute that Mikhail had ever made compared to any that he made in other worlds!

His current amount of strength, the knowledge of his previous experiments combined together, with the additional bonuses that negated the old problems of before and the key ingredient that brought out its full capabilities~

unless you eradicate every single atom of that beast king well it was only a matter of time before he gets back up and-


While Mikhail was trying to explain, his friend rudely interrupted him by jumping to the air full power then crashed into the demon with a body tackle before they returned to a brutal exchange!

It was like watching a fight from D*Z as every hit was sickening to hear but unfortunately for the demon not only was Greimor recovering too quickly but he was fighting on pure instinct, and no not the ultra instinct but rather that attack that severed his spine made his mind shut down for a bit and now his body was moving according to what it was trained to do...

Beat the living shit out of their enemies!

By having instinct support the abilities of the brute genomes within Greimor's body well it was nice knowing that the demon helped him perfect his creation, Mikhail was shedding a tear at this 'noble sacrifice' for science!

He'll be sure to remember him...

for a second~

being a psychic has its perks!

So of course he knew about the attack as well as the number of demons and their strengths.

As the messenger that welcomed them was under his mind control!

While it was a pity that he lost a good pawn, at least he had another to take the place as his new Disposable pawn.

He's been to all sorts of worlds, experience all sorts of deaths, schemes, victories and so much more so these demon's d-grade plans was easy to fiddle with~

The 8th tier demon child, Devmarl, who was also the 277th son of the current demon king was current on all fours on the ground coughing up blood while trying to look at his adversary with so much hate and malice that he was nearly going insane from the incorrect information about the guards being strangely powerful, the king was not near his end nor was he weak and feeble!

Devmarl could already sense that his other men had already died with one being strangely submissive to the young teenage-looking human that had a stoic look while having a mischievous glow in his eyes.

Thus this made him misunderstand his brainwashed subordinate as the cause for their failure as well as his subject to venting his frustrations on as he got to his feet trying to charge at the 'traitorous bastard' completely forgetting about the beast king that was starting to stir from his absentmindedness!


While he did want to attack his former subordinate the beast king who had regained his consciousness delivered a heavy kick to Devmarl's ribcage causing an audible crack to be heard as he rolled along the ground from the force behind the kick giving some distance between them as Greimor exclaimed.

"Damn that scared me! I really thought that was my end there!"

Mikhail smiled before asking this at the first part then insinuating the other secrets he had hidden within his friend.

"Really now? you underestimate my tech that much? guess I'll let you figure out the other stuff I added to your body!"

Mikhail went the extra mile to ensure the survival of Greimor making his fund remains slightly over the red but it was still enough to make sure he can live naturally for at least 1000 years more!

But the psychic ain't telling him that!

Devmarl stumbled to his feet before charging towards them again, well actually, it was more to his former subordinate that was completely innocent of all charges~

But Mikhail couldn't have that happen now, could he?

Thus he asked his friend to restrain the brat as Mikhail had been wanting to do one certain thing for a long time~

To which Greimor did the most humiliating thing for a prideful demon such as Devmarl...

By jumping into the air then suddenly come crashing down before...

He sat on him!

The demon boy was drained of his aura and stamina, laying on the ground face down with his arms and legs spread out with the wind knocked out of him as you could see the white of his eyes~.

Mikhail gave the control of Ajuk to one of his Psychic soldiers before taking advantage of the powerhouse being unconscious to brainwash him changing who his father was as well as adding a little joke too~

"Hey Greimor it should be okay be sure to be nice to your 'kid'~"

The old fox gave him an odd look before asking in a bewildered tone as he had a bad feeling from when he restrained the boy for his friend.

"Mikhail....? what do you mean by 'my' kid? do you mean prisoner or-"

Devmarl had already woken up and that adoring gaze he was giving Greimor Sent shivers down his spine as this was someone he just had a life and death battle against not too long ago now the boy was giving him the look a child would give to their parents!

Greimor was already shaking his head hoping to not hear those words from this boy with those dreaded goo-goo eyes while mentally telling himself 'nope nope nope!' but he was too late~


Damn it, Mikhail did that psychic prank he talked about in the past!

Greimor already regretted agreeing with helping this bastard restrain the boy if he knew that this would happen he would have just ended the poor thing as the old fox got off him from freaking out a little!

The brainwashed boy was already trying to hug him thanks to a little something that Mikhail added~

No longer was the boy a bloodthirsty fighter, he was now a loveable hugger!

Yes Mikhail flipped the boy's emotions backward and focused it towards his 'parent' Greimor~

The Beast King was running with the loving demon child chasing him as he yelled towards Mikhail.


While he could kill the boy, Greimor couldn't bring himself to do so since the child was already brainwashed, no longer a threat, and possibly a future asset for his kingdom but still, he's gonna kick Mikhail's ass later!