Chapter 57

Thanks to his abundant collection of experiences, Mikhail had prepared all of his bases for numerous kinds of scenarios.

Spiritual beings, other psychics, overwhelming technology, immortal soldiers, divine intervention, and unbelievable abilities of the protagonists going against the rules of nature.

He suffered through most of them and survived through a good number of those tribulations.

The protocol that he had activated was for god-like beings or for when protagonists had reached the late stages of their powers.

There was also one other important thing that he remembered and etched into his very soul.

Whenever his personal strength or when his group expands to a certain point, there would always be someone or some group that will try to destroy everything he had accumulated.

Mikhail believed that now was the best time to activate all of the additional things that all of his people had hidden away in their bodies.

Sure, it'll cause some damage or some lasting changes to them, but it was better than losing everything and then dying in whatever way the enemies would cook up!

Thus, in phase 4N9 which stood for activate 4th stage enhancements for all combatants, all non-combat personnel are to retreat to the nine hidden bunkers and wait for nine months before leaving the said areas.

the first target of the enemies was always the essential non-combatants of his army, the young and weak.

never again will Mikhail allow such a thing to happen, he was going to stay in his strongest prototype avatar that was built mainly to eliminate higher beings.

It lacked a lot of things, but there was one specialty it held that made it a nightmare for any living being.

Biokinesis is the unique power to manipulate the life forces and energies of another, as well as the chemical and cellular aspects of the physical body.

It was as strong as a fifth-tier aura user, at the moment, but that will quickly change when it started imitating a certain dc character called Alex mercer.

Thus the psychic made his way to the underground chamber with hundreds of his soldiers, as he hoped for his lovers to return soon, especially Gamma!

She had a few secrets hidden away but they were plain as day for him.

So he allowed her to play that game, there was so much more that he'd like to say or even think but doing so would more than likely incur murphy's law.

Being a victim of it on a number of occasions, Mikhail was a firm believer in it, mostly due to it killing him on most occasions.

So he closed his eyes, left his body to his loyal protectors, and moved his consciousness to the avatar that will be making its debut soon.


In an empty plain, a man, dressed like a Taoist and had pale gray skin with long straight black hair tied in a ponytail, was making his way in a certain direction while looking at the soaked picture of a blonde-haired teenage girl, with a pair of cat ears on the top of her head.

His bloodshot and pupilless eyes were disturbing for anyone who saw this, his following actions only made it worse.

*Slurp Slurp Slurp*

The strange man was licking the picture!

He did this activity every two steps taken.

Only when he reached a distance where a hill that looked like a large devil's head with two more mountains behind that appeared like horns from the distance, did the bizarre man mumble something that was laced with obsession!

"My beloved Anna, I-I'll be there soon!"

The man released a muffled yet crazed chuckle.

"Out of all the souls that I have seen, yo-yours had shined the brightest! hehehe!"

The man started licking her picture in a frenzy before making a promise as his surroundings had darkened as countless eyes and fang-filled maws emerged from the darkness that was forming around him!

"I-I, the Soul drinking hero Julius, will claim your soul to join m-my col-collection!"

As if on queue, hundreds of souls from beautiful women took form and proceeded to hug him.

But Julius wasn't the only one heading to a certain location, there were two more groups of people with the same 'circumstances' as him, all of them capable of using unique powers and abilities.

One particular man, who almost looked metallic, was leading a group of paladins under the orders of a certain crazed goddess.

He looked exactly like Chakravartin from asura's wrath in his form when the protagonist fought him in hand-to-hand combat.

He lacked the greater powers due to only unlocking a small portion of his cheat so far, mostly due to the requirements needed to unlock them.


The man needed to be worshipped the only problem was there were too many local gods that hindered such actions.

So, he was going to lay claim to the land that was promised to him by the nearby kingdom that was currently a vassal of the church of Balance and truth.

Idyll was the one who supported him, and recently, her efforts were almost suffocating as some of her Paladins were traveling with him!

The other group consisted of seven people, all cheat holders.

One of them, in particular, looked like a red-robed FF character!

But there was something being dragged along by the tail.

It was one of the Chrysopelean tribesmen, she was one of the unlucky ones that got caught by these cheat holders.

On her body were signs of abuse, torture, and sexual assault, before she could even end her own life to save herself from this current predicament, one of the protagonists had applied a number of ailments to her.

Unable to think, unable to move, unable to do anything other than breath, through the slight gap of her puffy eyelids, she was glaring at her captors!

One of them even called her an excellent skill experience farm or whatever that meant.

Regardless, at least she didn't feel the blade of the man that repeatedly cut into her flesh whenever they made camp.

However, this was apparently the end of the road for her as one of them proclaimed with a raised staff.

"Your body will be our nourishment!"

Then everything went black for the girl as her body exploded into a bloody mist.

Her killer started chanting something while her blood was starting to create a collection of circles and membranes that burrowed into the ground.

So with them, the group of psychopaths and the soul using Taoist, they were the strongest of their generation, all eager to reap the rewards promised to them by multiple kingdoms if they cleared a particular area.

The 'protagonists' of this world were making their way to an area called the 'Devil hills.'


Gamma had taken it upon herself to temporarily take command of the new camp.

It wasn't to prove herself or to please her master, but rather because of something more simple.

A smile bloomed on her face as she caressed her slightly protruding belly~.

Yes, one of the man's long-awaited wishes had bloomed in this world, but with it came the dangers of being used against him.

That was one of the reasons why he was trying to get all of his childish urges out as of late.

Mikhail wanted to ensure the safety of his children.

The psychic had taken precautions to prevent conception, but with Gamma's greatest wish and specialty, all of the man's actions were rendered useless.

After all, she wanted to surprise him, and some of the additional upgrades also included telepathy, So Gamma knew for sure just how much the man craved it~.

Sure he'd reprimand her but the punishment wouldn't be too bad few weeks of no cuddling-

Ok, thinking about it now, maybe it IS bad.

Gamma also had a few screws loose but one of her 'addictions' was to enjoy his scent and/or warmth.

She had a few 'personal' items that belonged to her master, to help keep the urges at bay, but her other innate traits made it somewhat difficult at times to control herself.

She looked at her company in amusement as the girl's reactions were just like hers when Gamma started to get attracted to Mikhail for the first time.

Yes, she knew his real name but the psychic only called him that during their times alone.

That was her privilege and most cherished treasure!

A blonde-haired teenage girl leaned back in her chair covering her flushed face in embarrassment.

This girl's name was Annabell Lionheart the eldest daughter of Henry Lionheart, she was one of the most coveted ladies in the upper echelons due to her father and their family's lands.

Cousins with the royal family, wealth, and power that was second only to the united kingdom, Marrying Annabell was a sure way of rising up in the ranks!

But given her bestial heritage, she wouldn't live for very long.

A bell-like voice asked the teen.

"Are you alright?"

Anna replied with her natural British accent after forcing the feline folk habit to stop.

"Nyo, I am nyot *ahem* not alright! I don't even want to think about what will happen when Sir Boye rejects me!"

Her tail was flared to the side and pulsed with her emotions.

Gamma smiled while looking at the child kindly before caressing Annabell's head.

"There, there, it'll be alright. knowing my master he'll be setting things in your favor~."

Anna peeked out the gap of her fingers trying hard not to purr while asking.

"Are you sure?"

Gamma only smirked before tilting her head toward the very man that flew toward them from the sky.

She frowned as he was moving with incredible haste before her communicator that connected to their base's system started going off.

A flashing red picture with the acronym that she never wanted to see in this lifetime.

Boye landed on the ground heavily doing the 'hero' landing.

"Lady Gamma, Miss Anna, please proceed to the nearest Gatling Wyvern, on my way here I noticed that there was a strange energy influx on the east side of the hills. I already had some of our psychics head out to scout the area."

They nodded and proceeded to the vehicle that would escort her away from this place.

Anna didn't leave right away but still followed his request.

However, just as the Vehicle was about to fly away a bright red dome quickly enveloped a hundred-mile radius preventing anyone from entering or leaving.

Then a loud and obnoxious male voice that was forced into a flirty and higher-pitched tone echoed out.

"Hellow everyone at the Devil hills, I'll make this short, Struggle and fight this losing battle!"

Everyone who heard this from Mikhail's group felt that this was absolutely wrong and weird.

Wasn't it supposed to be the opposite? where they were to surrender? Not that they would but still.

The voice continued sounding a bit more bloodthirsty this time.

"My comrades and I seek battle! so don't disappoint us or your ending will be a long and agonizing o-AH!"

Boye didn't just stand there and listen, he readied a few charged shots in the direction of the voice then fired away releasing four mini bombs that were as strong as a tenth of a nuke yet had the damage radius of one!