
Contemplating her next move, Asa takes in the scenery of her temporary base. In a single word it's now trashed, she can't stay here much longer it's no longer livable.

She has no clue if more of those drones are on there way to her location. And the integrity of her base is no longer sound.

Noticing the whining of her prisoner Brings Asa out of the center of her thoughts. Taking note that he's trying to communicate something she approaches him.

Ripping the seal of his mouth she grimaces as he spits out a pool of blood. Coughing out the rest he finally takes a glance at her with a look of mixed feelings.

POV: Prisoner

"I'm glad she saved me but I can't for the life of me figure out why. Where enemies I have no value to her, no information to spill and even if I did I can't abandon my country and comrades to the enemy.


As Asa confirmed his recovery she hardened her resolve and without a word covered the prisoners mouth again. She had no time for a side conversation this was still about survival.

The funny part was his face it was filled with confusion and annoyance.

Moving on Asa started to pack up her equipment and supplies. It took a good 20min but she got it done. Accessing her map of the area Asa needed to find a good hideout with a defensive advantage nowhere as wide open as the ranger tower was.

Eventually she determined that her best and closest option was a hilltop cave and science center that was actually a little closer to the enemy. She would have to travel north west cutting across three mountains to get there and in this weather that might take a while.

Preparing herself Asa treaded through the snow too the snow bikes. Uncovering them she loaded her supplies and equipment and then dragged her more cooperative captive to the back of one.

Praying the snow will let up she revved the engines and was on her way. Just then she got her first real system alert. It appeared as a clear window in her vision with bold red lettering.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Officer Cadet in your successful survival. You are currently in the top 2% of your class. You have passed your survival assessment portion of the entrance evaluation exam.

You are now beginning the Command portion of the exam. Please designate the insertion location of your reinforcements.

Taking this new information in Asa decided to select her-destination as the insertion point. But realizing that she still needed to scout out the location before occupying it. She decided the next mountain over was the best spot she could meet up with her reinforcements there.

Then they could continue the journey to the science building from there. Noticing the timer said 30min Asa hoped she would be in communication range by the time they got there.


In that 30min Asa made it to the top of the next mountain looking from there she could see the tops of the rally point and the objective hideout. And right on time she got her alert of an incoming transmission on her communicator.

"This is 'Long shot 1' to local command dropping units to LZ. 15sec out confirm landing over"

Thinking fast Asa confirmed the landing and watched as a fast moving transport raced past her and dropped a large container on the designated LZ.

As soon as it landed the container opened and two small armored snow transports raced out followed by a group of about 15 troops.

Accessing her communicator Asa was prompted to designate her call sign. In the subtext it said this would stick with her for the duration of her cadet career and maybe even after graduation. Taking time to think Asa typed in 'Lobelias' a beautiful but deadly flower. A mix of a enchanting purple and royal blue.

With that settled she messaged her reinforcements. "This is Local command callsign Lobelias 1 to reinforcements acknowledge over."

" Received Lobelias 1 this is Sgt.Danton of 3rd platoon 1st and 2nd squad. Now Lobelias 2 for this operation, waiting for orders over."

"Copy that Lobelias 2, your orders are to scout and secure the compound to your north. On the next mountain top. Weapons free only if engaged first. I'll link with you there in 45min over."

"Copy that L1 see you there over"

' I watched as my reinforcements all piled into the vehicles and drove down the mountain, sending ahead a team of scouts to check the compound.'


Else where on the test map. The enemy commander was taking a survey of his tactical map.

After loosing contact with the tactical scout drone, at the last known location of the enemy. He had to consider next steps.

"Sergeant, what's your take on our mysterious adversary." The Sergeant also standing In the Command tent responded to his CO. "Well sir as far as I can tell we're dealing with ether a tac scout or an Elite scout.

In ether case they seem to be alone and trying to report on our activity. The interesting question is why they headed into the mountains and not toward there base, which we know is located in the south.

My recommendation sir is that we prepare pare for an possible assault on our position. That scout is long gone and our position compromised. Ending his speech the Sgt stepped back from the table.

Taking note of the Sgt's analysis the commander weighed his options. On one hand he found it hard to believe that a high tier scout was assigned to this zone of battle. On the other results speak for themselves he decided to be ready just Incase.

Sgt ready our Defenses we hold our position.