CH 13 Banquet of Arrogantens

Itachi sat in his chair and began to observe the people around him more seriously. He scanned his surroundings and found the eyes of a beautiful young woman on him. Not knowing that it was Cang Yue he smiled at her and gently waved. The young woman immediately blushed and turned around. Looking too his right he saw a face that he recognized. He was really surprised to see him here. "Yun Che ?! Did he really cure his Profound Veins? If my memory is correct he needs very valuable ingredients to heal them so how does he do to heal himself?" Itachi thinks He activated the Sharingan to see the Profound Veins ... Only to find they are still paralyzed! He was really confused now ... "What is he doing here if he can't cultivate?" He thought with curiosity Everyone heard two shots and they all turned towards the sound. "Hello everyone, thank you for coming to my banquet." The man said he looked around sixty years old, his face showed a calm, gentle and unbroken expression and deep wisdom could be seen in his clear eyes. He exudes an extraordinary aura. "Today we have many talented young people who are eager to exchange instructions but first let me tell the rules." He said calmly "First, don't kill anyone we are here to exchange clues and gain experience not to kill your opponent." "Both are not crippling if you do this you can face the consequences alone." "All the talented young people from all of the New Moon City sects are here so I expect good manners Understood?" Qin Wuyou head of the new Palace of the New Moon Palace said. "Yes !" They all said. Itachi still sat in his chair, his eyes closed. He saw no interest in challenging those people. 22 CP.. 14 CP.. 17 CP.. He heard in his mind after all he was not really low with his very handsome appearance and luxurious clothes. Many female cultivators peered at him from time to time they would turn red and look away from Cang Yue, except that she was the one who did it most often. That did not escape the attention of Xiao Luocheng and Yun Che. Yun Che wanted to get Lan Xueruo's attention so he decided to challenge a genius from the branch of the Burning Heart branch. He faced his opponent who showed a mocking smile. "See the cripple wants to fight against me! You're lucky I can't kill you even it would be very difficult for me not to kill you because you are very weak." He said in disgust "Because you are a disabled person I give you a chance. You can hit me once I will not defend myself." He said by mocking Yun Che smiling wickedly "Oh then I won't excuse me!" He took a martial position exhaling in and out.Nobody noticed anything strange they all thought that he would use normal physical strength. Itachi used the Sharingan to look at Yun Che and see something strange. Aura was around Yun Che. Yun Che ran towards his opponent and shouted "TIGER FORM 1 THIRD DAY!" PUNNCH He gives a strong blow to the opponent's stomach! The impact is damaging and leaves internal injuries to the opponent. His opponent was unconscious. Everyone is shocked! Yun Che did not have cultivation but he was able to defeat the 5th Nascent Soul cultivator! They look at him more respectfully now. Itachi immediately understood how Yun Che's strength worked with his Sharingan. He smiled. It's surprising that he found another way to strengthen himself but if he hopes to beat him someday with something like this then he will show him today how stupid he is. Yun Che challenged all the young geniuse of the New Moon City sect and won all his battles. Even if the other geniuses don't play it down they can't do anything to them with superior fighting abilities. After he won all the fights Yun Che turned his eyes towards Itachi. He slowly walked towards him with every step he took he remembered what this man had done to him and his determination grew. When he was in front of Itachi he stopped. Itachi sat with his eyes closed in his calm appearance getting him CP from the start. "I want to challenge you!" Yun Che said fiercely. Itachi opened one of his eyes, his onyx eyes turned into a Sharingan that looked at Yun Che bored. Lan Xueruo looked at Itachi and when he saw his original onyx eyes turned into red eyes with three Tomoe he was really surprised. "Could this be a Eye technique?" He thought Itachi was using a genjutsu crow to disappear from his chair and appear in the Hall. Everyone was shocked! Crow was released from his body and the next time he was in the Hall ready to fight! Everyone was amazed by such a technique ... Xiao Luocheng was red with jealousy. Yun Che gritted his teeth ... "Show me what you learned." Itachi stated simply that Yun Che went in front of Itachi "Last time I was without defense ... but now I know! I know I can defeat you!" He shouted "Did they meet in the past ?! And Yun Che seems to have a grudge against him ..." Cang Yue thought "Don't talk nonsense. Come on." He said he opened his eyes to show his sharingan that was shining.Everyone feels cold seeing their bones ... They all think they are dangerous. And without realizing they all think that they are also very cool! Itachi heard the voice of CP in his mind. Yun Che took a martial pose and ran towards Itachi "THE TIGERS 4th FIST DAY FORM!" He shouted when he pointed the upper right side of Itachi's side stepping and avoiding a blow without effort. Yun Che continued his attack but they were all easily avoided by Itachi. The speed isn't slow but Itachi is too fast for him. His Martial Arts might have worked against weak Nascent Soul cultivators but against Itachi an experienced Shinobi and Earth Profound Realm he did not have a single chance. He was starting to breathe heavily after all the attacks were avoided. "I understand now ..." Itachi looked at Yun Che "How can you have a power comparable to a cultivator with your defective veins." He said to attract everyone's attention. It's true everyone wants to know how he can do that. "It seems that due to a bit of luck you found the Martial Style and decided to train it, am I right?" He said Yun Che's eyes widened! "How does he know?" He thought the audience was confused even if he found the Self-Defense Style to train it shouldn't be this strong! Some of Yun Che's attacks clearly used something similar to Profound but weak strength. "Looking at your face seems like I'm right. Now let me go further in my analysis. This Self-Defense Style must have physical strength requirements so I guess ... 4? It's impossible for 5 months you train your body hard to be able to learn this Self-Defense Style." Itachi stated Yun Che's lips trembled. He wanted to argue but everything he said was true! "After your body qualifies you start practicing with the Self-Defense Style and after a while you finally reach destruction." He said "What you use when attacking is not the Profound Strength but ... Inner Strength!" He said everyone was shocking. Inner strength! Body strength? Yun Che looked at Itachi with his eyes and mouth wide open. "By using your Inner Strength you are somewhat comparable to weaker cultivators but after True Profound Realm is useless ..." he said "Do you have a any more pathetic moves to show me or is that all you learned in 6 months?" He asked without emotion Everyone was very surprised by this young man. Being strong is one thing and by cultivating you can be strong but analyzing your opponents and describing their skills is not something that is achieved by anyone. Yun Che gritted his teeth with hate ... He trained hard in these 6 months and thought that was enough but he was naive … "I haven't fully studied this form but this is my last chance to defeat him!" He thought "Actually I still have another form ... Because you want to die this badly I will show it to you!" He shouted at Itachi "Show me." Itachi said Yun Che grinned simply "Your pride will kill you today." He thought Yun Che took an attractive position and exhaled and made a different pose and shouted "TIGER SPECTRAL FANGS" The White Tiger picture came and ran towards Itachi. Everyone is surprised this attack is strong! Itachi smiled that was the perfect opportunity to test the power of the White Dragon Supremacy. The tiger came to him every eye on him. Everyone is waiting to see what this extraordinary young man will do to fight this attack. From the start he didn't show any difficulty against Yun Che and even found the secret of his strength after only a few exchanges! They are not disappointed. Not really they were very surprised! A pair of light blue wings grew behind Itachi! The wings are so beautiful that they are out of breath! Even Jasmine was very surprised in the Sky Poison Pearl! When the Tiger was right in front of Itachi ... They all heard deep and ancient voices shouting from the wings. [DIVIDE!] The tiger immediately disappears. Everyone is silent. Yun Che looked at Itachi as if he lost his soul. "My strongest attack ... like this?" He thought desperately "So this is Inner Strength?" Said Itachi saw his own hand Yun Che's face paled! "HHH-How is that possible!" He said pointing at Itachi Even Jasmine was confused and shocked and didn't understand how Itachi learned Inner Strength "A pair of wings on my back makes me able to divide anything or anyone and absorb it. This is Divine Dividing." He said to everyone's surprise. Jasmine was silent Everyone tried to understand what he was saying ... Divide something? Unfortunately for them Itachi didn't let them think for a second. He used Shunpo to appear in front of Yun Che "Fast!" They all thought. He held onto Yun Che by his throat. "You are weak. Why are you so weak? Because you are lacking ... hatred." He said making everyone's mind startled. Itachi then made a familiar position. Yun Che looked at Itachi incredulously ... "He won't ..." he thought in fear Everyone recognized this position and stood up! He won't ... He said those words that surprised them once more "The first form of a tiger fist." LOOK "Form 2 tiger fists." BANGG "3rd fist shape." KACHAA Yun Che was on the ground, his body was in a state of pity. "Nothing has changed ..." he thought hatefully Itachi closed his eyes "Any technique is useless before my eyes." He stated when opening the red Sharingan that was lit. These words make everyone shiver. Some in endless awe Some in endless greed Some in endless fear Some endless jealousy And some people in endless excitation But one thought was shared by all those present here. "So cool."