CH 14 The Battle OF Dragons (my fav part)

All female cultivators looked at Itachi with red and starry eyes. His strength and attitude made him very attractive and charismatic. Cang Yue touched her heart with her hand ... It's beating so fast! Seeing Itachi who fought today moved her heart and carved his image inside her mind. It's the same for all of these female cultivators ... It is unfortunate for their future husbands that even if they marry now they will never forget their image and keep it in their hearts ... And if by chance their lover opens the door for them ... They will hurry and enter without hesitation! Married or not! Poor future husbands indeed ... Can get a green hat anytime ...


Xiao Luocheng looked at Itachi with jealous red eyes ! Oh how he wants his red eyes to be like his eyes! But unfortunately it seems very unlikely. All he felt for Itachi was hatred! And jealousy! Lost of Jealousy! How can you have all this? Why you and not me ?! He is completely overwhelmed by jealousy! It began when he compared himself to Itachi. More charismatic. More interesting. Smarter. More mature. Wiser. And the list isn't finished ... In the deepest part of his heart he knows that in what list Itachi is more than him there is this ... Stronger. But at that moment he immediately disappeared! He is stronger than me ?! Impossible! In New Moon City no one is more genius than me! Absolutely impossible! That's what he said to himself ... He didn't know how many frogs he had ... He advanced towards Itachi. When he arrived in front of him he said. "I challenge you!" He said Itachi looked at him very disparagingly. "Those who are too Arrogant will surely die horribly, get ready." Itachi said wisely. All the elders in the room nodded their heads wisely. "This young man is wise." They all thought Even the girls were impressed. "This man is very charming ..." they all thought. Male cultivators have different thoughts ... "Show off." The jealously that Xiao Luocheng is feeling is Steaming! That made him very angry! Nobody ignores me like this! Nobody gaves me a lesson! He ran towards him at full speed with the intention of paralyzing him. He smiled wickedly. "Let's see how cool you are without Profound Power." He thought he took the knife hidden in his robe. PUCHI He stabbed Itachi's stomach! "Ah! I want to see what you will do now because you are disabled!" He shouted with an evil face. He was so filled with jealousy that it disgusted him in the other's eyes. It made him look very ugly ... Everyone looked surprised. Not because Xiao Luocheng stabbed Itachi but because— "Indeed I want to see what you will do too." They saw Itachi unscathed in his seat in his original relaxed chair. And they see Xiao Luocheng ... Stabbing himself in the stomach! Xiao Luocheng's smile slowly disappeared and was replaced by wrinkles at the beginning then his face turned pale when he saw the blood in his hand and he stabbed himself. "ARGGGGHH!" He shouted painfully "No! No! No! Don't go! Don't go! Stay !!!!" He said trying to reach for his fleeing QI when he realized that his profound qi is slowly leaving his dantian. Itachi looked at Xiao Luocheng who was still in Shock. "Didn't I say before?" Itachi said "Those who are too Arrogant will surely die horribly." "I even warned you." He said "So tell me why aren't you listening to me?" "Want me tell you why you don't listen to me." He said to attract everyone's attention. "That's because you are not mature and your mind is too narrow." Itachi still looked at Xiao Luocheng with his shining Sharingan continuing his explanation. "You can't judge yourself fairly. You consider yourself the center of the world when in reality you aren't even the center of a small city like New Moon City. When you see someone who is better then you the first thing you do is lose yourself in Jealousy and anger. Your blind jealousy and anger lead you to attack directly without thinking of the consequences that might happen after words. "" You want to cripple me but now you become the crippled , this is only revenge and I will say it last time if you forget but like I said ... "" Those who are too iragent will definitely die horribly. " "If you want to blame someone blame yourself for being so naive sigh." He said finally finished his speech.




Talk of absolute silence. There are no words or images that can describe what everyone in the audience is experiencing today. Even Jasmine in the pearl was stunned. Every word of Itachi's facial expressions during his speech was deeply engraved in their hearts and minds. They keep repeating those words in their minds ... They seem to contain so much power! Xiao Luocheng looked down desperately. Yun Che was not aware of his fight with Itachi so he missed it. Cang Yue's eyes were fixed on Itachi's form. "Cough cough." Qin Wuyou The new Palace Chair of the New Moon Palace coughed twice to gather everyone's attention. He looked at Itachi smiling and asked "Your young man has shown us all the amazing shows today can I ask your name?" He asked. Everyone immediately noticed. For different reasons. Some want to gather information about him after all such genius must be known! Some want to steal their treasure but when they think of one sentence it keeps repeating in their minds. "Those who are too Arrogant will surely die horribly." They are hesitant. The women are the most insistent with his name. They are so fascinated that they must know at least their names! Cang Yue also wanted to know his name because she planned to ask if he wanted to join Blue Wind Palace. Itachi looked at the Palace Master. The sharingan turns into the original onyx eye. "Itachi Uchiha." He said simply "Itachi Uchiha?" They all think it's not a common name. "A good and unique name." They all think. Itachi was ready to leave when he heard a shout. "WHO DARES TO HURT MY SON!" A man came in his face was ugly and it showed great anger. Xiao Luocheng looked like he had come back to life and immediately pointed to Itachi. "So it was you!" He thought of staring at Itachi with an evil smile. He looked at Itachi "Are you the one who Crippled my son?!" He said Itachi looked at this man without emotion "Xiao Tiannan calm down it is true that your son was paralyzed but he tried to paralyze him first." Qin Wuyou said to take Itachi defense. Cang Yue's and all female cultivators seemed worried for Itachi. "I don't care! Today I Xiao Tiannan will have his head! If not I'm not a man." He said proudly. "Then I can without hesitation congratulate you for losing your man's attribute Miss Tiannan." Itachi said mockingly. Everyone was astonished beyond words! But soon everyone laughed! They laugh a lot! They knew that the Xiao sect master was right in front of them but they couldn't help it! "HAHAHAHAHA!" They all laughed until they held their ribs. Xiao Tiannan was really annoyed. He was never humiliated like this before! And by a young child still! "YOU!" He shouted angrily. He began to focus all of the Great Strength in his palm and threw it towards Itachi! Xiao Tiannan is the 5th Earth Profound realm. So everyone is afraid when he attacks! Itachi saw the attack that came in front of him. Today he gets a ton of CP. And when he thinks lets achieve maximum value for today as this man comes to offer himself to me! Oh so Generous man! Now he must do the last thing before ending this event. He released the totality of his Profound Strength. Everyone feels a tremendous increase in Strength. Earth Profound Realm Stage 1 He is an Earth Realm cultivator! Not even 20 years old yet ! Xiao Tiannan paled when he realized the cultivation of this young man! Such genius must have a great background! Even the Xiao sect doesn't have such genius! So he must be from ... Holy Place! His heart sank into despair when he thought about this. Doomsday ... He's Doomed! But right when the attack approached Itachi ... "Divine Dividing come on." Itachi said As soon as he said this pair of light blue wings came on his back! [DIVIDE!] Albion Vanishing Dragon's ancient voice resonated and the attack disappeared. No matter how many times they saw this it really impressed them. Itachi uses shunpo to appear in front of Xiao Tiannan with a blue ball in his hand. Xiao Tiannan did not have time to react. "Rasengan!" Itachi shouted and dropped the blue ball spinning around his stomach! BOOM!! Xiao Tiannan was immediately ordered out outside the building. "ARGFH!" He shouted "Being meaningless and careless only brings disaster remember that too." He said everyone was amazed. Didn't he just lecture his son and father today? What an extraordinary young man ... Xiao Tiannan immediately took Xiao Luocheng who looked like he lost his soul and retreated. After that the New Moon City banquet finally ended. One name is in the mind of every witness today. Itachi Uchiha.


Itachi was ready to leave when a beautiful young woman asked him "Can I ask something?" She said with a blush "I finally have time to talk to him!" She thought excitedly in her mind. Itachi turned towards her. He was truly beautiful and had what appeared to be royal elegance without arrogance. "What can I do for you ?" He said He had doubts about who she was and what she wanted but was not sure "My name is Lan Xueruo Do you want to join Blue Wind Palace?" She asked hopefully. So it was her ... Itachi looked at her and responded "I already have the intention to join Blue Wind Palace." Lan Xueruo's face shone like the sun and she smiled brightly "Amazing! I'm going to the capital now do you want to join me?" She asked with her cheeks flushed "Unfortunately I still have a few things to do before heading to the capital I must refuse." He said Lan Xueruo looked disappointed but did not show it. "Then it's okay I'll meet you at the Palace." She said "Yes." He answered then left the building.


Itachi is currently heading to the Wasteland of Death to pass the trial for the Dragon God Blood. After a month's walk he finally arrived. He knew that the 2 Flood Dragons at the top of Sky Realm Realm were here so he had to make preparations. "How many CP do I have system?" He asked

["Ding! The host has 19678 CP!"]

Itachi felt chills all over his body. "Buy Boosted Gear." He said

["Ding! Boosted Gear has been bought! -4000 CP!" "Sacred Gear integration ... 15% 38% 45% 68% 100%" Ding! The Longinus Boosted Gear class Sacred Gear has been fully integrated.]

"Great! When he approaches the Trial Ground and two Flood Dragons he feels something wrong." Ding! The Boosted Gear Alert will- " "I know ..." Itachi said while gritting his teeth D * mn! Not now ! If they fight here they will erase the planet! What can I do to at least cover it up ?! Itachi began to turn his mind! He needs to think of something or he will bring a big disaster to himself and the planet! "Jasmine!" He thought he immediately entered the Sky Poison Pearl. "Jasmine!" He shouted Jasmine looked at Itachi doubtfully Not his style to shout. "What ?" She responded. He grabbed Jasmine's shoulder reddened at the contact "W-What are you doing Rascal ?!" "I have no time! Hurry! I want you to make the strongest barrier you have around the Wasteland of Death! This is urgent! Otherwise we will attract dangerous attraction! Don't worry for poison I will heal you soon! I don't play this seriously! Trust me! "He shouted at him Jasmine was really confused but he looked very serious and worried and she never saw him like that ... She nodded" But promise to give me an explanation after that. " She said "I swear I will explain to you afterwards." He said before hurrying to leave the Sky Poison Pearl "Quick system! Remove restrictions on Sky Poison Pearl." He said

["Ding! Restrictions removed!"]

Jasmine left the Sky Poison Pearl and wasted no time. She immediately used the most formidable barrier to block the deep feeling and damage of the area. After that she went and went to Sky Poison Pearl "I did it." She said Itachi sighed. At least now he won't bring unwanted attraction ... He can't hold it anymore. Jasmine watched Itachi try to understand why he was so worried then it suddenly happened. BOOOOMMMMM!! A big burst of energy is released from Itachi! Itachi's body wore a Red Armor with a green gem! Jasmine looked stunned by the change! "What is that! Its strength increases every second!" She thought doubtfully. Some green balls seemed to leave his green center gem! "I, who shall awaken." Itachi's voice sounded so old that even Jasmine was shocked to hit her spine. It only strengthened when Itachi's head became an actual organic dragon. "Its Started." A Green Orb said "The time has come again." Another Green Orb said "This green ball is a soul!" Thinking Jasmine was still observing Itachi's transformation "What started? What are they talking about?" Jasmine asked herself "... I, am the Heavenly Dragon who stole the principle of domination from God." Itachi's voice resonated "It has always been this way." Green Soul said "right you are that is correct always and forever." Others said his hands began to break away from the armor to be like Dragon's hands. Jasmine took a step back ... Any creature that could say something like that was no joke ... And he called himself "Heavenly Dragon"! "I laugh at the infinite and fret over the dream" "What the world desires ..." Said the green soul "What does the world reject ..." Another green soul said in a woman's voice Feet and wings escaped from the armor now. Jasmine looked completely astonished at the Red Dragon in front of her ... The power she released now ... If She didn't ask me to lift the barrier then the God Realm would feel this! "Laughing at the infinte and fretting over the dream ..." She said absentmindedly at Itachi What is this ?! Who is he ! "I shall become the Red Dragon of Domination." "... has always been power." "... has always been love." "Red ... Dragon of Domination?" Just say the name is enough to creep Jasmine "No matter how many times you always choose the path of ruins!" A Green Soul said fiercely, his wings released themselves "I shall drown you in the depths of Crimson Purgatory ..." "Jugernaut Drive!" "GHRAAAAAAAAAAAA" A big burst of energy destroys the horizon! The dragon's roar was heard everywhere in the Wasteland's death Jasmine saw with eyes wide open! "So Powerful!" She said Inside the Trial of the Dragon God two blue eyes opened. "What a tremendous power ..." "And it seems like it wants to fight with me ..." "Even if I am only a Soul, I can't retreat from this fight."