"Now we sit." He told her Chu Yuechan was still confused but she nodded and sat down. They sat down with the beautiful scenery. The starry sky and full moon make the whole area illuminated. "Are you hungry ?" Itachi asked Now that he mentioned it was true she was hungry. She nodded timidly admitting that dhe was hungry was still something embarrassing. Itachi took out a bag inside there were many sandwiches. He offered one to Chu Yuechan. Chu Yuechan took a sandwich and bit it. "Delicious." She said with a smile "As usual." She added sweetness in her mind "Thank you." Itachi smiled and answered


Itachi sent some sandwiches to Jasmine secretly. Jasmine isn't in the best mood. While she thought of negative things she felt something enter Sky Pearl. She saw and many sandwiches. That's were her favorite! She took it and saw a note on it. "Sorry I didn't give you enough time lately. I made your favorite I hope you can forgive me. From Itachi to Jasmine." "Idiot ..." she said softly "Of course I forgive you ..." She said before eating her sandwich It was the best sandwich she ate.


Meanwhile Itachi and Chu Yuechan are still eating and chatting under the starry sky and moonlight. "Little Fairy do you want to see something beautiful?" Itachi asked her Little fairy was the nickname he gave her even after she told him her real name personally she liked it. "Something beautiful ?" She said confusedly. Itachi took out his Katana and released it. "Scatter Senbonzakura." He said Katana was destroyed in millions of pink petals. The petals begin to dance under their moon around the couple or fly in the air. It was an extraordinary spectacle. Chu Yuechan's mouth opened and did not close after a long time. She had a stars in her eyes seeing a scene like that. "These petals are called" Sakura "in my birth country. These petals are only seen in springs." Itachi explained while looking at the petals dancing. Chu Yuechan looked very shocked that the world looked so big tonight ... The two of them lay on the tablecloth enjoying the night breeze and staring at the endless stars in the sky. For Chu Yuechan it was a completely new experience and she really enjoyed it. "Is that happiness?" She thought with a smile "Before my life was so boring ... but in recent months I have never enjoyed and appreciated this much life ..." "Every day I thank fate for making me pass the road." She thought while looking at Itachi whose eyes were closed. "Itachi ..." she said softly "Hmmm" "May I ask you a question?" He asked "Shoot." He said his eyes were still closed "What is your purpose in your life." She asked "Hmmm what is my goal ..." he thought seriously "If I have to think about a goal then it must be ..." he thought Jasmine heard what he might say from the Sky Poison Pearl even she was attracted to him. "I'm not researching absolute power ..." he said "The Profound Way and all these things have no meaning to me." "What I really want is ..." "A peaceful and happy life." He said, opening his eyes "Fighting to the end of my life is not for me." "Yes, that's what I want." He said with a smile to the sky "Only a happy and peaceful life ..." Chu Yuechan and Jasmine were dumbfounded by the answer. Peaceful life? A vision appeared in Chu Yuechan's mind. She was at their home in the kitchen with Itachi making dinner and at the table there were 2 of their children waiting to have dinner on his ring finger was the beautiful ring Itachi shared with her ... Chu Yuechan blushed when she realized what she was thinking. It was unknown to her at the same time that another girl who had the same vision as her was Jasmine. And for both of them they don't really dislike this vision ... Even though it's the opposite. Itachi smiled right before he closed his eyes when he fell asleep. Chu Yuechan noticed that Itachi was sleeping dhe smiled before closing her own eyes. After all, it's a safe place. They both sleep side by side.


Now it's been a week since that night for Chu Yuechan was definitely the best night of her life and she would never forget it. She is currently doing several tasks while Itachi is practicing because he cooks every day she feels that he must be useful. Itachi is meditating. "This time I noticed that I did not focus on my training ..." he thought "I was at a critical point for Bankai. I had to focus fully on that." "I need to isolate myself for now." He concluded "How do I announce it to Chu Yuechan ... I notice that she is attached to this life." "Unfortunately even if I want a peaceful life I need the strength to have it." He thought "What a paradox ..." he thought amusedly. He stood up and walked towards Chu Yuechan. Chu Yuechan looked up and saw Itachi coming towards her. "Itachi?" She said curiously "My Little Fairy i need to tell you something." He said seriously Chu Yuechan's heart beat faster! Shblushed behind her veil ... "Could it be that? ..." She thought anxiously but with a little hope too "You know ... lately I have been thinking a lot ..." Itachi said "Me too ..." dhe thought embarrassed -She was so anxious that dhe didn't hear what Itachi said until his last words. "And that's why I have to go." He finished "Huh?" Chu Yuechan replied Go Where? "Wait? Where did you go?" He said fearfully "Don't worry I need to do some things that won't be dangerous." He said "Hmmm then when will we leave?" She said Itachi looked at him with a strange expression. "I didn't say" we "" he said in his mind. There was no way he could say that to her she would try to kill him. "Unfortunately my little fairy i have to go alone." He said Chu Yuechan looked at Itachi. "When do we leave?" She asked once again but this time it's colder "Alright now she's starting to scare me." Itachi thought "I have to go alone-" He didn't finish his sentence that he avoided the ice block! Itachi jumped backwards. "Chu Yuechan doesn't need to go to a place like that—" Another block of ice DESIRED He sighed that was near. "Look Chu Yuechan-" "Don't say anything. You're a liar!" She shouted Wait what lie ?! I never lie! What is the problem? She immediately flew away without looking back. Itachi sighed. "I dont think she take that well ..." he thought sourly "Sorry Chu Yuechan but what I do in the end is for you." He thought

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Chu Yuechan didn't stop flying. When she flies hot tears flow from her eyes. "Why ...?! I thought that he wanted a peaceful life ..." She thought while crying. She was very sad and sad.


Meanwhile Itachi arrived at his training ground. Now for the next 5 months he will practice without stopping. "Little Fairy ... wait for me at the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament..