CH 21 Legendary Entrance

Itachi was sitting cross-legged meditating about his future performance at the tournament. 8 months are over. During the last 5 months he trained very hard. He broke through the Great Buddha Way first stage and is now in the second stage. With the help of the Great Way of Buddha he can accelerate the healing process of his Profound veins. Using this immense power again is a fantastic feeling. He bought one or two abilities which he thought were cool for the tournament. He also went to go to Blue Wind Palace quickly to register and asked Cang Yue to defend his place for the tournament. Cang Yue was very happy to see him but was disappointed that he was leaving quickly. Itachi prepares himself. It's time to leave. But he won't go with the others from Blue Wind Palace. No, he has to make a cool entrance.


"Why do you want to come to Heavenly Sword Villa?" Chu Yueli asked Chu Yuechan Chu Yuechan was staring coldly at Chu Yueli "I want to see the geniuses of this age." She said simply "Sister ... you can say that to others but you know that you can't fool me ..." replied Chu Yueli "Huh! Then don't ask stupid questions." Chu Yuechan said before walking away Chu Yueli frowned at her sister's back. Since she returned she has been behaving strangely. Sometimes she experiences this melancholic vibration as if she has lost something important or just remembering happy memories. Chu Yuechan entered her room she lay on her bed. She took a cloth from behind her bed. It was a long black robe with red clouds. She took it before flying. She did not know why she felt the need to take it. Every night she slept with it. It still has that scent of Itachi still here ... There was no night when she didn't cry before going to bed. She still remember's the happy memories she had with him ... Tears fell alone as she hugged the robe. "Will I see me at the tournament?" She thought sadly "I ... miss him ..." she thought when she remembered this beautiful night filled with moonlight and "Sakura's". Shis eyes slowly closed before falling asleep.


Xia Qingyue was very happy with the Profound Blue Wind Palace because she had the feeling that Itachi would be there. It's been at least a year since they didn't see each other. Xia Qingyue smiled softly when she saw her bracelet. She had practiced diligently in Frozen Cloud Arts because Itachi gave her the Heavenly God Spiritual vein her speed had increased dramatically. She still remembered her surprise when her master announced that all the entrances were open. She immediately thought that it was Itachi. She is truly grateful and wants to thank him. But she also wants to compete with him. She was quite confident in his abilities and thought he had a great chance to win this tournament. "I can't wait any longer ..." She thought before she stood up to join the other Asgard Cloud Sect Fariy's. Today they headed to Heavenly Sword Villa.


Cang Yue looked at the "group" and sighed ... There were only Xia Yuanba and Qing Wushang with her. And the only participant was Itachi. She is still shocked by his last visit ... He came one day out of nowhere and defeated all the Palace geniuses claiming that he would be the only fighter for the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament. He went even further by healing the Emperor and clearing the plot behind his illness. And he did it all in 3 days! Then after 3 days he walked away saying that he would come to Heavenly Sword Villa with his own intentions and that they did not need to wait for him. He asked hrt to take Xia Yuanba with her she did not understand why through ... Cang Yue really thankful of Itachi for everything he did for the Empire. She blushed when she remembered the advice of her father's marriage to him ... The emperor himself considered himself grateful for Itachi he treated him like his own son. He has a very good impression on him. Cang Yue joined Xia Yuanba and Qin Wushang it was time for them to head to Heavenly Sword Villa.


The Wind Blue Empire has 4 major sects that dominate Empire. The Xiao Sect located in the south of the Empire. The Burning Heaven Clan was the weakest of the four which was located in the south too. Frozen Cloud Asgard is located at the northern end of the Empire. This Sect is arranged uniquely with women and they are all beautiful every time the most beautiful woman from the Empire comes from this sect their strength today is the second. And Heavenly Sword Villa is considered the Empire's strongest organization so far. It was said that the Heavenly Sword Villa was stronger than the other three sects that were reunited. Located in the Heavenly Cloud Mountain Range. The Heavenly Cloud Mountain Range is located on the border of the Empire on Mount they have a large villa of 25 km this villa the size of a city and this is where the tournament will take place. There were 2 Heavenly Sword disciples standing guard under their Mountain here to welcome and guide representatives of all the upcoming sects. They heard the eagle and when they looked up they saw an eagle land in front of them. "Welcome to the Heavenly Sword Villa. May I ask for your invitation." The guard said respectfully the sect master of the Burning Heaven Clan handed over his invitation. "Welcome to the Burning Heaven Clan please take this path. You have to walk 5 kilometers so you will find someone who will guide you in." The guard said the Master Sect nodded and he and his students walked towards the villa. After that several small sects came one by one ... Until the other Big Four members arrived. That is the Xiao sect. There was a party of seven coming from the Xiao Sect. The Master Sect and several elders are added by students who will participate. They gave up their invitation and entered the Mountain Gate. Next is Blue Wind Palace. They were the surprise and confusion of the guards. "Sorry but Heavenly Sword Villa held a tournament so that no uninvited guests were accepted." The guard said to them thinking that they were foreigners. Other guards looked at Cang Yue and recognized the Princess of the Empire. "Princess Cang Yue, sorry for this misunderstanding, may I ask for your invitation." The guard asked Cang Yue just smiled and gave up the invitation. "Cang Yue Xia Yuanba Qin Wushang and Itachi Uchiha." The guard said, the last name was a little confusing, that's a strange name. And he quickly noticed that there were three of them and not four. "The last person Itachi Uchiha will come alone later." Cang Yue explained the Guard nodded before showing the way. In front of the mountain gate the appearance of a group of five immediately attracted the attention of everyone around them. The five of them are women. Their clothes are very similar to each other; they all wore long gauze gowns that covered their feet and almost touched the ground. The long dress was originally pure white but when they walked flakes of blue ice glimmer that like stars naturally floated around their bodies adorn the ice blue colors and fantastic auras in the hem of their dresses. The age of five women all looked very young. In addition to the young girl behind who was wearing white gauze on her face and seemed to be only sixteen or seventeen, the other four women were all only around twenty. Two of the five women on the front and back have their faces with gauze hiding their facial features just showing their crystals like charming eyes. The other three women had nothing to cover their faces and each of them was very beautiful. The three very beautiful faces were disguised by a kind of deep cold. They don't use makeup but their skin is as soft and smooth as snow jade. It makes people unconsciously think of the words "Ice and jade skin" "Snow face and dark red lips" as they see them. Even though each of the three charming faces was different from each other they were all perfect and perfect. In their incomparable temptations they revealed traces of chastity and glory that almost no one else could directly see. They are like goddesses standing on nine heavens not tainted by traces of the mortal world. Seeing them from afar someone would clearly feel a wave of subtle aura mixed with cold air directly piercing someone's chest cavity ... On their right side a group of sects that also walked towards the mountain gate stopped at their path at the same time they saw them and watched they were in ignorance as if all their souls were sucked at that moment. As they walked closer to the Heavenly Sword student who was guarding in front of the mountain gate frozen for five seconds before he finally bit the tip of his tongue with difficulty. Only after focusing with all his might while regaining his mind and calming his heart did he finally calm down with difficulty. But his head remained down and no longer dared to look directly at them with his eyes. Taking a step forward he spoke while stuttering a little "I ... I assume that five honorable guests are Frozen Cloud Asgard fairies? Ple ... please provide an invitation letter and a list of names." After this Heavenly Sword disciple finished saying these words he hoped he could slap his face twice at that moment. Welcoming guests at the mountain gate is a serious affair that affects Villa's face, which is why he who is an important student who is able to deal with all situations is chosen. He was not disturbed at all and had no change of expression even when facing the Master-ranked Sect of the Sect Xiao and the Burning Heaven Clan but facing the Frozen Cloud Asgard fairy his mind was still chaotic. After all, he's just a normal man. Even though he hasn't seen the invitation letter of a woman who has transcendental beauty and character like that can only belong to another place besides Frozen Cloud Asgard. The fantastic floating ice Aurora was also strong evidence. Apart from that to make it easier to control the possibility of unexpected situations that arise there are strict rules in the ranking tournament rules. For each power participating in the tournament the total number of participating students plus escort personnel must not exceed seven and even powers like the four main sects will not be exceptions. The limit of seven people is too small even for small sects; the situation where fewer than seven people from the army would almost never appear ... Except for Frozen Cloud Asgard! It's very rare for Frozen Cloud Asgard to be willing to contact the outside world, especially places where there are many men and everyone knows the reason. Only the five people who came this time from Frozen Cloud Asgard did not surprise one bit. Standing in front of the beautiful woman who did not wear a veil issued an invitation letter and list of names and handed it to the Heavenly Sword students. Seeing the jade hand that seemed to be made of snow and the candle of the heart of the Heavenly Sword's students immediately accelerated. It was the first time in his entire life that he learned that a woman's hand could actually be beautiful in such a way. He even had the feeling that he would die willingly if he could touch this jade hand just once ... But even if he had ten thousand times of guts he still wouldn't dare to do it. He carefully extended his hand to pinch the corner of the invitation letter and list the name and accept it. With his gaze sweeping the invitation letter and a list of names he hastily bowed his head and said, "So it's Peri Peri Glass Frozen and Frozen Beauty of Frozen Cloud Asgard who personally has graced us ... Ah? Frozen ... Frozen Beauty Fairy?" The Heavenly Sword disciple involuntarily lifted his head and looked towards the woman wearing a face veil and had an ice-cold look. When he contacted his gaze his whole body became cold with shock and immediately realized that he had completely lost his composure. He once again hurriedly lowered his head and spoke respectfully. "Fairy Fairy Frozen Beauty like a lightning hit my ear. Forgive this junior for losing peace. Five honored guests please enter ..." After finishing speaking he stepped aside with a weak step. When a wave of ice-cold aroma swept across the front he didn't even dare to lift his head. Only after they walked away did the Heavenly Sword students truly regain themselves. He stared at the rear silhouette and receded them in a rather stunned manner; His mind was slightly bent for a while. At this moment the student next to him suddenly spoke "Senior Brother Haiya what you called before was ... Fairy of Frozen Beauty? Don't tell me that was Chu Yuechan rumored?" "Yes!" The student named Haiya nodded "Chu Yueli Chu Yuechan Shui Wushuang Wu Xuexin Xia Qingyue ... That is indeed Chu Yuechan's name; she actually personally came ..." "Should I tell the sect leader? However it is known that he loves her like a fool in the past ... "said the Heavenly Sword student" Idiot! You know this is a taboo thing for Madam! And the sect leader is currently welcoming guests with his wife! " Chu Yuechan's reputation was enormous in the Blue Wind Empire she was known as the most beautiful woman in the Empire. Because of that many extraordinary cultivators were beaten by him. This included the Xiao sect leader the leader of the Heavenly Swords Villa and even Blue Wind ... She was indeed known as "Number One Beauty." If they know that the woman of their dreams is dreaming about others ...

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Ling Yuefeng was more than fifty years old but he only seemed to be around thirty years old. When reaching the Emperor Realm a person's deep age would increase by four or five hundred years. For Arash, the age of fifty is only the beginning of youth. Ling Yuefeng's skin color was like a jade crown and didn't need to be improved with makeup. He was elegant and his temperament was soft and gentle without dignified air from a sword teacher. His hands were troubled like white jade and it seemed like they didn't often hold swords at all. When he saw his guests not only did he personally welcome them he also had a friendly smile and gave proper manners in a warm attitude without arrogance and vanity master number one The Blue Wind Empire. Some young students who participated who saw him all expressed admiration that was close to madness. Standing next to him was a woman around thirty years old wearing a flower pattern. She was the only wife of Ling Yuefeng Xuanyuan Yufeng and also the biological mother of Ling Yun and Ling Jie. Her temperament was elegant and her appearance was as beautiful as a blossoming flower. Even though his appearance was also one of a thousand when compared to Chu Yuechan it was still like comparing mortal women with the goddess of heaven; there is at least a hundred and eight thousand mile difference. To make Ling Yuefeng who was infatuated with Chu Yuechan take Xuanyuan Yufeng as a wife of course it was not because of her appearance and precisely because of her family's background ... But after several decades of their marriage there was no one. never dared to ask about the background of the wife of Villa Master Heavenly Sword Villa and no one also dared to investigate. That's because her surname "Xuanyuan" makes a deep fear emerge from someone's heart just by thinking about it. Because it was the family name of a certain Holy Land Master which was one of the Four Sacred Places in the Deep Heaven Continent. "Chu Yueli from Frozen Cloud Asgard had brought Senior Sister Chu Yuechan a disciple of Shui Wushuang Wu Xuexin Xia Qingyue to visit Heavenly Sword Villa and also send our Lady's greetings on her behalf to Villa Master Ling and Villa Mistress Ling." Facing Ling Yuefeng and Xuanyun Yufeng who welcomed Chu Yueli's guests standing at the very front and slightly bowing towards Ling who was surnamed added. As soon as they came to the state of mind Ling Yuefeng was already in a big mess because he saw Chu Yuechan. Even though Chu Yuechan wore a snowy veil even though thirty-one years had passed since he saw Chu Yuechan he still recognized his eyes in one glance. Only he did not dare to make sure because he did not believe that Chu Yuechan would personally come to Heavenly Sword Villa. Only until the name "Chu Yuechan" came out of Chu Yueli's own mouth did he dare to believe it. Thirty-one years have passed. No one would think that he had longed for and craved him for a full thirty-one year. Even though he had taken a wife and had children now and even though his two sons had reached the age of marriage he still had not let that beautiful figure come out of his heart and depth his soul. Ling Yuefeng was stunned for 3 seconds before he regained his composure and replied "Welcome to the Asgard Fairy has been a long time since I last saw Asgard. I wonder if she is still healthy?" "I thank Villa Master Ling for your attention, Madam is still fine." Chu Yueli answered Chu Yuechan was looking for someone but did not find it. "He ... didn't come?" She thought sadly. Unknown to Xia Qingyue was thinking the same thing. And looking for the same person! Xuanyan Yufeng looked at Chu Yuechan and smiled "Oh? This is" Number One Beauty "of the Blue Wind Empire? Chu Yuechan? A few years ago Yufeng heard your reputation about" Beauty Number One "may I ask if the Frozen Beauty Fairy can take off the veil to let I see her beauty? " She asked while smiling Chu Yuechan coldly snorted and ignored her. Ling Yuefeng was ready to apologize for his wife when he felt something in the sky. They all feel it. One by one they looked at the sky. The Heavenly Swords Villa sect Xiao Burning Heaven Clan Frozen Cloud Asgard and all the other small sects ... They all looked up at the sky like waiting for something ... Finally they began to see something ... It was only golden light with a sound's of thunder ... The clouds hid it but it is a golden light in the sky. "What is that ?" This is everyone's thought. The golden light is more frequent and it seems that whatever it is is near. And the Profound in the are is incredible! Everyone focuses on the sky now. SWISHHHSHHH Finally they saw it. The Eternal Golden Dragon and the Eastern Purple came out of the Cloud that hid it! "A dragon?!" They all thought to be surprised that the dragon seemed to be made of pure aura! This is truly an amazing sight. They were very surprised when they saw a black shadow on the Dragon! The Long Dragon headed for the gate and was destroyed. But no one can close their mouth from surprise! Such scenes are truly amazing! They are all waiting to see who is sitting on the Dragon ... They have not seen his face so far but for him to have an entrance like that he cannot be an ordinary person! "Could it be ..." thought Chu Yuechan and Xia Qingyue wished. After 5 minutes they saw shadows walking towards them ... When the shadow approached they began to see his face. He is a very handsome man he has long black hair tied to a low ponytail two long bangs framing his face. His eyes are beautiful onyx and he has long tears under his eyes. He wore a Blue Kimono with Haori Green on his waist tied by a Katana. His kimono was left open showing his chest. His right arm was not on his sleeve but he put it on his Katana. In his left hand he used several chains that entered from each of his fingers. He carried a large Bottle in his left hand. As he walked the surrounding trees began to crack as he let go of his Haoshoku Haki as he walked. They all heard the sound of the chain touching each other ... Everyone fell silent as if he really took that scene. Young girls near the place looked at him in admiration and would turn red. Chu Yuechan and Xia Qingyue's eyes widened in recognition. "He Here!" They thought they all felt the extraordinary aura and pressure they released was frightening. The man stopped in front of them. He took two large gulps from his bottle and looked at them with a confident smile. "Am I at the Heavenly Sword Villa?" He asked ... Nobody knows how to respond to that ... He took a sip of his drink twice then said with one eye closed and a cheerful smile. "I'm sorry for being late. Itachi Uchiha from Blue Wind Palace is here." It was only the first day but Itachi had collected an unreasonable amount of CP.