She is Shera Black

Later, at the Jade Mansion.

Cece rushed into Patriarch Qin's study, gasping for air. "Father! You won't believe it. The CEO of CT Corporation is so shameless! She is surely the epitome of shamelessness."

Patriarch Qin looked up from his documents.

Unlike his daughter, he was calm. "President Turner? Hasn't she always been your idol? What did she do?"

At the mention of idol, Cece looked like she had been thrown a pile of sh*t. She couldn't believe that the woman she had always aspired to be like, was some rowdy and mannerless b*tch.

"She's not my idol anymore! She is just a shameless piece of crap! A thief at that."

"Cece, no cussing."

"Father, she really is... urgh... she dared to introduce the Heart of the Goddess in her company's name!"

"What did you say?" Patriarch Qin bolted up.

"Not just that. She even renamed it to a very stupid name: Amy's heart."


"We should file a lawsuit against her. This is blatant theft. Oh, not only did she launch our precious necklace, I also overheard her conversation with brother. She is that shameless woman. Do you remember her... the one who barged into our banquet with a motorcycle and caused trouble?"

Patriarch Qin lowered his tone as though he was in a nightmare. "She is... that woman?"

"Yes father. If you don't believe me, you can ask Leo."

Patriarch Qin lowered his tone even more. "Cece,"

"Yes father?"

"Forget about it."

"What?" Cece was shocked. Forget about what? Asking her brother, or about the necklace?

"I will deal with this matter myself." Patriarch Qin said. He had a terrible feeling about that woman.

"Father, you should take care of your health. How about I help you deal with her? I promise I will give you a satisfactory result."

Patriarch Qin was trying his best to keep his breathing normal. "Cece, I said forget about it so you should forget about it."

"Okay..." Cece retreated, wondering why her father's reaction was unusual whenever anything about that woman came up.


On the same night,

The mansion of Black was in an uproar.

Leo Qin simply barged in and demanded to see Shera.

Purple couldn't take this lightly, especially since they had just recieved the threat from earlier today, about how the Qin family was planning to wreck havoc.

"What do you want?" She demanded, looking at Leo Qin like he was some secret agent from hell, here to claim their lives.

"Didn't I say it already? I'm here to see your master. I have her permission." Leo was getting impatient.

Permission... Purple scrutinized him.

It was not that he couldn't have sought permission from the master but... he was wearing boxing attire. Wouldn't she be a fool if she let him in?

"Purple, I'll watch him and make sure he doesn't get aggressive. Go and ask master for further instructions." One of Shera's women, Ash, said.¹

Purple hesitantly looked at Ash, then decided that it was the best option. Even then, she designated several men to help her keep watch in case Leo had brought backup with him.

She ran all the way to Shera's room.

She came back less than a minute later, looking like her life had been hollowed out.

"Master said..."

"What did she say?" Ash asked nervously.

"She said to let him in! Not only that, she also said to show him to her room in ten minutes!" Purple exclaimed.

"What? You must have heard her wrong. How could she let someone into her room? What if he has malicious intentions?" Ash expressed her worry.

"I know right! I'm also scared that master might 'accidentally' kill him."

Leo at the side: "..."

Girls, I'm still here, you know.

They totally ignored him and started gossiping among themselves.

Or maybe, they were talking intentionally for him to hear.

Ash thought about it and suddenly blushed. "Master has never called anyone to her room. And this Leo Qin is quite handsome. Do you think..."

Purple caught the hint and covered her mouth in horror. "Oh no! Is she going to rape him? That would be too pitiful."

"But he's so handsome... poor thing..." Ash lamented.

Purple thought of something and said, "Master is also wearing a boxing outfit. Are they going to fight?"

Ash bit her lips. "Now that's worse. She is probably going to beat him up before forcing herself onto him."

Leo was annoyed. These girls!

As expected, a brainless master could only hire brainless henchmen. The women were absolutely stupid!

Couldn't they see he was still here?

And what did they mean she would r*pe him?!

Even if there had to be any r*pe, it would be him forcing himself onto her.

Most importantly, he wasn't that immoral, okay?! He would never forcefully sleep with a woman!

But now that they mentioned it... pinning down such a wild woman as Shera Black must be exciting.

If she wanted to sleep with him, he wouldn't mind trying her out.

Soon, the ten minutes were over, and Purple led him to Shera Black's bedroom.

He wondered just why the girl was looking at him with immense pity. Those who knew were aware that she was only leading him to Shera Black's room.

But those who didn't know might think she was leading him to a guillotine!


Author's note:

1. She is not Shera's woman in the sence of a girlfriend or something of the sort. She's a member of La Rose Noire.²

2. La Rose Noire basically means The Black Rose. I only named it in French because I thought it sounded better, and all the 'Black's would be too repetitive.


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