You have to calm down.

(Some scenes in this chapter may not be acceptable by some readers. Proceed at your own risk.)

When Leo entered the so called bedroom, he did not know what to say. It was as though he had just entered another dimension.

Had some giant inkstone exploded in here?

Dark wood furniture, a nightmarish carpet that even he found too dark, curtains that might not really allow the sun to shine through... what the heck!

To make it worse, the damned woman had left the door to the walk in closet open, and all Leo Qin could see was rows and rows of black clothes and accessories.

What kind of woman, no, what kind of human being was this?

"Done looking?" Shera probed. She was sitting leisurely on the unimaginable bed. If Leo was given the ultimatum to either sleep on that bed or not sleep for a week, he would definitely choose the latter.

"Why is everything in your room black? You might as well paint your face black!" He mocked.

The woman grinned and stood up. "Good idea."


Damned woman, I was mocking you. Can't you tell?

The woman silently took a remote control and pressed a button.

A door slid open and instantly, a room almost as big as her bedroom came into view.

Leo had to frown a little. No wonder, the third floor was so big but only had her bedroom on it. Turned out there was a secret room.

So this woman was prepared. Was this where she trained?

But in the next second, he found that something was wrong with this room.

There was no punching bags, no boxing ring and generally nothing that could prove it to be a practice studio.

"Freaked out?" The woman suddenly mocked.

Leo glared at her before asking, "Are we going to box without a ring? How will we know the winner?"

Shera wondered just what kind of crappy opponent this was. "Who said we were boxing?"

Leo raised an eyebrow. Aren't we wearing boxing outfits?

"We are freestyle fighting." she said.

"Freestyle?" It was not that there were fighting styles he was not good at, it was just that he had believed they were going to box.

"If someone was after your life, would you ask

them to change into taekwondo outfits or boxing attire and demand a ring?"

"Of course not." He was unhappy that she made him sound like a fool.

"Then we can fight any style in boxing outfits."

As soon as the statement was out, Shera threw a punch over.

Leo was caught off guard and the punch landed right smack on his chest.

The woman was ruthless: she didn't give him time to react before she continued raining him a series of punches.

Thanks to that off guard punch, it took him a few seconds to adjust to her attacks. Even then, he went on the defense and didn't launch any attack.

"Looking down on me?!" Shera snapped, her explosive force tremendously increasing.

Leo was having a hard time dodging and blocking, but he still didn't attack.

A hundred exchanges later, she must have started seeing through his defense moves.

A kick dove into his abdomen.

He staggered backwards a little. Before he steadied, another kick bumped into the same spot as the last.

The woman was furious! Damned man!

Was he still looking down on her?!

Her anger made the attacks more explosive and excruciating. Turned out she had not been using her full power all along.

In fact, she wouldn't use it. If this man was here to know her real abilities, it might be fatal.

A hundred more exchanges later, she realized something was wrong with Leo Qin.

His eyes...

"You..." "Are you..."

A swoosh resounded. Before Shera could figure out what was going on, her chest had been pressed against the wall, with her hands behind her back. The whole process only took two seconds.

"First rule of fighting: do not get distracted." Leo was pressed up against her, his voice hoarse. His breathing was heavy against her ear and for all she knew, she was right!

Leo tried his best to wheel his breathing back to normal.

This was unbelievable!

It had been so long since he met a woman who could fight so well, and Shera was definitely the most fierce female fighter he had ever seen.

Not only was she stronger than most people, she had managed to see through his defenses sooner than he had expected. He had deliberately let her hit him a few times but it couldn't change the fact that she was formidable. She had also managed to beat him into arousal.

That was right. He had been beaten into arousal.

The woman suddenly jabbed him. He was distracted just now and didn't stop it in time. "Second rule of fighting: do not think the fight is over unless it is announced."

Leo didn't look interested in fighting anymore. He was looking at her, a hint of passion in his eyes. He didn't try to hide the intent in his gaze.

"One more look and I'll gorge your eyes out." She threatened as she shoved him onto the floor.

The man looked powerless, extremely different from the strong man he was when he came in.

"You are really a masochist?" she glared at the man on the floor, the disdain in her eyes apparent.

Leo didn't answer her but said, "Shera Black, I think I'm starting to like you. What do I do?"


No wonder this man had not tried to fight her. Now that she recalled it, the last time they fought, he didn't attack either. What the...!

Not only was he a masochist, his fetish was definitely one of a kind!

Shera looked at him like he was a pile of something not-so-admirable.

"F*ck! If you're a masochist, go find a freaking sadist!! Why are you here?

Get out, you appalling piece of scum, scram!"

Leo didn't mind that he was being insulted. He also knew that his sudden interest in her was unreasonable. They had only met thrice after all. But he was sure of one thing... but he couldn't even dare think of it at such a time. The woman was too angry.

Shera didn't know why she was angry either.

She felt disgusted.

Was it because she felt she had just been used?

Such a preference wasn't something everyone could accept. Yet the man didn't mention a word of it. Damned man!

[Adding points for the following vice: Anger.

20... 30..35...] Tazja announced in horror.

Seing that it had surpassed 30, Tazja couldn't care about annoying her anymore. It appeared before her. [Master! You have to calm down. You cannot add more than 50 points at a time! It will cause extreme harm to your brain!]