So the rumors were true

The points kept increasing.

[36...40... 41...42...]

Tazja was on edge. If it really reached 50, Shera's brain would really get damaged.

At the very least, she would become insane. The brain might get a little damage depending on the impact but if the impact was too unbearable, it might cease functioning. Which went to say, she could die.

At this point, it was unreasonable to hope for a little damage. Shera's anger was definitely going to surpass 50 points. And it seemed that the more Tazja tried to calm her, the angrier she got.

Tazja thought about it and gritted its teeth.

Shera's anger kept increasing.

[45... 46...]

All of a sudden, she frowned and looked at the stupid little pet before her. "What the heck! Why is your tail burning?"


Tazja heaved a sigh of relief. It worked!

Since she was distracted, the shock overcame her anger. Although it was still increasing, the rate had decreased and this was a good sign.

[My tail is on fire?] Tazja glanced at its tail and feigned surprise. [Ah! Master, you are evil! Why would you burn my tail?]

"Excuse me?" Shera was shocked. Did she look like she had such a weird hobby? This stupid little thing!

Tazja heaved a sigh of relief before announcing.

[Points for the following vice added: Anger.

You have now obtained 49 points.

Current level: 100 of 100.

Current points: 99,049]

Shera's eyebrows shot up. "Huh? If I remember correctly, there was no such thing as anger on the virtue and vice statistics."

[Yup. But it's still a vice though. Initially, it had been left for the second tier but Major Diable realized that it would be fatal if it isn't dealt with sooner.]

Shera shot a look at the stupid thing. "You and your dumb... whoever you said that was... you just want to waste my time, right? You are swindlers!"

Tazja had now totally extinguished the fire on its tail using a fire extinguisher it brought out of thin air. It shook the tail a little then looked up at Shera. [You're right. There is a swindler between us. But have you forgotten? That swindler is you!]

"Excuse me?"

[Please don't get me started on how many times you have swindled people.

Little system going to sleep...]

"Lazy, stupid little thing." Shera chuckled. Just how many hours a day did it spend sleeping?

"Did you say something?" Leo asked.

Shera only then realized that the stupid thing had disappeared and she was back to normal. Damn it! Had she made a fool out of herself again?

Leo didn't seem to find anything strange. He let out a long sigh and continued with his words. "I didn't know that my... uhm sexual preference bothers you. Since that's the case, then I'll not bother you anymore. Sorry that I didn't tell you before."

Shera was more surprised. Shouldn't he ask why she had blanked out just now?

Or maybe that silly thing had frozen him when it appeared?

That was even more convenient. She didn't want people to think that she was crazy or something.

Since she was no longer angry, she simply asked him to leave.


How could she forget?

Rumor had it that the eldest son of the Qin family was a secret masochist and that he had a weird preference.

He had only dated two women before and they were both good in fighting.

But that was a small number, and one would simply assume he didn't like weak and pitiful women. So the rumor had never been proven true.

When he sought her for a fight, she had thought that it was just because he liked having a worthy opponent to practice with, but from his behaviour today, it was proven that the rumors were true.

He was strange...

Whatever, he wasn't important anyway.

Shera had something more important to deal with.

After taking a long, comfortable bath, she had Purple brew her a cup of strong coffee. Then she went to the study and started working on her computer.


The next day, Shera held a meeting with the managers of a few departments, including the project planning department, the IT department and the production department.

Her mood was rather solemn.

"The current project is to be completed in one week." She announced.

The managers were relieved. With their current progress, they were going to wind up the project withing two weeks since it was in the final stage.

Since she had given them one week, it was still within their abilities as long as they gave it a little push.

Of course, no one would be happy about being given a deadline earlier than planned. It was only because they were given one week, and not one day, that they were happy.

"We are going to bid for a new project: The SMF Industrial Development Project. Heard of it?"

"Yes." the managers said in unison. It was such a huge project, it would be a surprise if they hadn't heard of it.

"We are going to bid for this project. The initial proposal has already passed the test. All you have to do is be ready for it."

Their first reaction was to be awed. The president had already written the proposal, and it had already passed the initial test? Impressive!

So all they had to do was win the bid and start planning.

But, there was a problem.

"President, if I may be audacious to point out something, the SMF Industrial Development Project is a large scale project." The project planning department manager spoke up.

"What's wrong with that?" Shera asked.

"Although it will require a huge amount of funds and manpower, SMF Co. is only going to collaborate with one other company.

This will mean that we may have to use up an astronomical amount of funds. According to our current circumstances, we may have to use up almost the whole company's worth of funds."

Shera tapped the documents on the table before her using her index finger. "What's wrong with that?"

Forget about using almost all the company's funds. Even if it was literally all the company's funds, she would still do it. Because she was confident.

"But if we were to lose...." The manager of the Real Estate department stuttered. If they were to lose, the company would go bankrupt."

Shera calmly looked at the young man who had just spoken, but it was enough to spook everyone present.

Everyone knew that President Turner was actually a temperamental woman and she would flare up if anyone opposed her opinion.

But they also knew that if she was calm after such a thing happened, the outcome was likely to be way worse than if she was angry.

To put it plainly, her calm was more dangerous than her anger.