Finally performed the surgery.

She didn't want to appear like a woman who wasn't capable and always relied on her husband.

Well, she was capable on her own, so why would she stress her husband if she could handle certain matters herself?

While feeling unhappy, Chen Lihua suddenly remembered something, her glasses.

A few days ago, Liu Longwei had asked her to get new ones in case the only one she had got damaged.

Thinking of it now, her glasses should have been ready by now.

Just then, Chen Lihua heard a knock from her door, and she gave the person permission to come in.

It was a nurse. She came in with some items in a tray.

She greeted Chen Lihua respectfully before putting the tray on her desk.

As Chen Lihua stared at the items on the tray in brilliant surprise, she wasn't able to catch everything the nurse said to her. But the little she heard brought joy, and it caused her heart to be full with gladness.