An advice from the Chief.

If the patient's case was complicated, that is, if he had VAD, which the surgeons would have to remove, it would take 6 - 8 hours.

And the patient may be in the OR longer than the actual process because the transplant team would have to work with the donor team.

Coming out from the OR, she watched them wheel the Minister to the ICU, where he would stay for a few days and later would be sent to a regular hospital room.

"Dr. Chen, I am proud of you. You can take a rest for a few days," the Chief said as he came to stand side by side with Chen Lihua, with a proud smile on his face.

"Thank you, Chief, but I don't need so many days off, I am fine," Chen Lihua said, rejecting his offer politely.

The Chief shook his head while staring at her in a smile.