The one person he can not do without

"Sweetheart." Liu Longwei called out as he sat on the bed beside her.

"mmmmm" Chen Lihua hummed in reply.

"Are you not happy about the baby?." He asked in concern.

"I'm just having mixed feelings. You know, I told you earlier that I didn't want to have children now because of my career."

"And we agreed that if a child should come before you are ready, we would take care of it together, have you forgotten that already?". Liu Longwei reminded in a low voice as he stared right into her eyes.

"I didn't forget what we talked about, it's just that I didn't take it serious, I didn't know I would become pregnant so soon. I didn't panic when I didn't see my period for two months because I thought it didn't come because of the stress and mental breakdown, but who knew it didn't come because I was pregnant." Chen Liua said in creased brows.

"Are you saying you didn't take my words serious?." Liu Longwei asked in a disappointed tone.