Lady Chen's call

"How do you think Brother would dare to be mean to one person he can not do without?." Lu Huiling asked her while wondering the kind of dumb brain her junior sister had.

"Lihua now that you're pregnant, you have us to take good care of you. If you have any questions, you can ask us." Liu Huiling turned to Chen Lihua to say.

"Thank you, Sister Ling, I will be troubling you in the future." Chen Lihua replied with a smile.

Liu Dongmei and Liu Huiling didn't stay long with her. They chatted with her for a few more minutes before leaving.

"They have left?." Liu Longwei asked as he stepped out of the walk-in closet a minute later.

"Yes." Chen Lihua replied with a smile.

Liu Longwei walked towards her. He sat on the bed beside her and held her hands as he gently squeezed them. 

"Thank you for carrying our baby." Liu Longwei said as he kissed the back of her hands.

Chen Lihua smiled as she leaned on his shoulder.