A visit to the hospital

It's a new day today. Although it's snowing, Chen Lihua and Liu Longwei decided to go to the hospital for their appointment.

Chen Lihua is excited, but a little nervous, while Liu Longwei can not wait to know more about his baby, and how he can take better care of it.

Chen Lihua and Liu Longwei packed their stuff into the cars they came with.

After visiting the hospital, they would go back to their house.

Old Madam Liu and Madam Liu were worried about the young couple going to live on their own now that Chen Lihua was pregnant.

The women tried persuading them to stay at the Liu Villa for some time, so they can help to cater to the needs of Chen Lihua and their unborn baby, but Liu Longwei assured them that their needs would be well taken care of.

Seeing how adamant he remained, the two women didn't bother about the matter any longer.