The signs of pregnancy she ignored

"You will do a urine test, have your weight and blood pressure checked on each visit." The doctor notified.

"Ok." Chen Lihua and Liu Longwei replied in unison.

They were both paying rapt attention to what the doctor was saying.

"CVS and another ultrasound will be done at your eleven (11) weeks. For now, let's start with what we have." The doctor said.

Chen Lihua proceeded to have a blood test and a urine test done, and the results came out okay at the end of the day.

Her weight and blood pressure were checked, and everything seemed normal.

"Does any of you have any hereditary conditions that run in your families, that you think might pass onto the fetus? Any medical history?." The doctor asked in concern.


"None from my side."

Chen Lihua and Liu Longwei replied in unison.

"That's good. This means there would be no need to do further screening or diagnostic tests."