In a hurry to see his wife

After Liu Dongmei read out the text aloud, there was a moment of silence.

Lady Chen came back to her senses and demanded to see the text.

Liu Dongmei passed the phone to her, and she took it and held the phone up so she could read the text with Old Madam Liu who was also interested in seeing the text.

"Good! Now send him a text to come home as soon as possible, that his wife is in a serious condition while worrying about him too." Old Madam Liu instructed.

"Yes, Grandma." Liu Dongmei replied as she took back her phone and typed on it."

"Sent." She said as she put her phone away.

"Grandma, should we tell Lihua now so her mind would be at ease?." Liu Dongmei asked.

"At ease? Just break this news to Lihua, and you will regret it." Lady Chen said from the side.