His story...

"I will explain everything later but first, I need to see my wife." Liu Longwei said as he turned to walk away quickly.

"Longwei take easy steps. You don't want to wake her, she has not been having things easy." Lady Chen reminded him.

Although he had gone a little far because of the speed, he still heard her, so she slowed down his place and tried to lighten his steps.

When he got to the door of the said room, he gently pushed the door open and went inside.

The nurse that was looking after Chen Lihua stood up to greet him, but he waved his hand, signaling her to forget the greeting.

Liu Longwei saw his wife sleeping peacefully and walked towards her bed to sit beside her. He saw how tired she looked.

To him, she looked nothing like how he left her before his trip. I mean, he only left her for a few weeks, and she turned out like that.