
The whole Lu household was in panic. Their peaceful and pleasant morning had become a nightmare.

Everyone was aware how protective every member of the Lu family is when it comes to their young miss.

Seraphina Lu, though nobody really knows how the young miss of Lu household looks like she was somewhat known. And thus everyone were worried about her safety.

Sera is a 22 yr girl graduated from the prestigious art school abroad. She's lived a lot of her years abroad at Country A than here at her hometown. So naturally Sera is not so familiar with her surroundings.

Lu jinan, Seraphina's brother was away on a business trip to Country K. So nobody knew where Sera might be.

Anna Lu, decided to go look for her friend Shi Anyan whose husband was a well known police chief.

Though elder madam Lu was old but she was healthy and she was smart as well. As expected of the matriarch of a powerful household. She had an idea why her precious granddaughter might have ran away from home.

Lu Shanshan, hurriedly called up her son jinan to inform about Sera's missing.

"Hello Jinan!" cried Lu Shanshan. "Mother, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" asked Jinan.

"Jinan Sera.. Sera, She's missing" cried Mrs.Lu once again.

"What?! Tell me what happened. Last night I spoke to her mother. She was all good now where did she go?!!"

"I don't know Jinan, Your father.. he, he's gone looking for her"

"Dont worry mother. I'll do something" Being the very protective and doting brother, Jinan knew what might have happened.

Yesterday, while his stupid sister was out in the garden painting she caught cold and had to rest for the day.

Since he didn't speak to Sera at day time because he was busy in a meeting he decided to call her at night.

While both the brother and sister were talking they didn't realize granny Lu speaking to her bestfriend on the phone. Sera might have heard what he had by mistake heard through the phone call yesterday and that's why his naive sister is missing now.

After thinking back and considering everything Jinan decided to call Sera and ask about her whereabouts.

While the Lu household was bustling with panic, the Lee's were having a good time.

Ethan Lee, the young and dynamic CEO of Lee holdings was nowhere in sight. The youngman must have already gone to attend multiple meetings and get buried in work.

Inside the CEO's cabin, Ethan Lee is having a hard time dealing with a particular problem.

His assistant, assistant Chen is biting nails due to the pressure.

The problem is nothing but acquiring a particular painting of a famous but unknown painter.

The painter who is extremely talented but very low key. Nobody knows how he/she looks like, and nor does anyone have it's contact. Such a mysterious person is giving a hard time to a certain CEO.

Ethan wants to gift his grandmother, Elder madam Lee a painting painted by this mysterious painter.

The painter's paintings are extremely expensive, rare and very eye catching.

One such painting is what Ethan wants, but due to his dog luck he's not able to get in touch with anyone who has that painting.

Rumor has it that the mysterious painter works underground and has many underworld connections but Ethan is not worried about all that. After all he is a big guy and most importantly the most powerful CEO who cannot be touched easily.

But no matter how powerful he is or how many connections he has, Ethan is just not able to get his hands at the precious painting.

The painting is of a beautiful garden surrounded with tulips, a goddess like deity ascending from the sky with her hair so delicate and smooth jade like skin.

The painting is a masterpiece. The colors used are so pretty, they compliment each other perfectly.

The most interesting thing is not the painting but the artist's signature. Yes, the signature.

The artist's signature is not a name but an intricate rose drawn at the rightmost corner of the painting.

Almost all the paintings of this mysterious artist has the same type of rose drawn at the same position. And hence everyone calls the mysterious artist as ROSE!