Que Sera Sera

Ethan Lee is 'Mr.goody two shoes' of the business world.

Ethan is the most upright and righteous businessman. he never indulges in underhanded dealings nor encourages them.

Almost all of his business partners are clean men. There are a few rotten eggs but as long as they don't challenges his bottom line they're forgiven.

It maybe a little difficult for Ethan in this day and age to stick to morals and values but it doesn't really hinder his growth nor causes any problems to his business.

Though Ethan is a righteous man he's fully aware of all the things happening in and around his turf as well as in the underworld.

Ethan's not in the dark when it comes to the darkness of the underworld. He's too well informed about each and everything and that's the secret of his success.

Ethan's buddy, Lucifer is a well known 'bad boy', the king of the darkness.

The fallen angel is surprisingly the crown king of the underworld. He's ruthless and cruel but only to those who hurt him and his people.

Lucifer was thrown into his hell very early, but he learnt to adapt and worked his way up. And now he stands undefeated.

Lucifer was very young when his mother Sandra sold him off to a Chinese man, Mr.Chung.

Not knowing the identity of the man, Sandra bet her son's life and unknowingly pushed him into the dark abyss.

Young Lucifer had to witness the harsh reality of the world and fight for his survival, his existence.

Ethan and Lucifer, two persons who are so different from each other are bestfriends, brothers.

If Ethan is the rising Sun, then Lucifer is the moon in the darkness of the clouds. Two different personalities with different interests but still share a bond so strong.

While Ethan indulges himself in peace and tranquility, Lucifer's days and nights are never peaceful.

Lucifer doesn't enjoy scenic beauty or has any interests in art and painting unlike Ethan. His interests are in fast paced things, he loves cars and guns.

Speed is something Lucifer lives for, he's so passionate about cars and guns that he owns a beautiful collection of cars and guns, antique or brand new you'll find it all.

His passion for these things is well known not only in the underworld but also in the normal world.

He'd rather drive cars and play with guns than engage himself with girls. He's doesn't hate the opposite sex, but he isn't too fond of them as well.

Ethan believes that women are troublesome creatures and he doesn't plan on having a woman by his side ever.

The door to Ethan's office opens and assistant Chen walks in with happiness etched on his face. assistant Chen is the type who cannot hide his emotions well and is a very enthusiastic person. His enthusiasm is on par with a 5 year old kid.

"Sir, Mr.Lucifer called..", before he could speak Ethan cut him off.

" Book two tickets to H city..", assistant Chen was dumbfounded. How does boss know everything even before I can report to him.

" Yes, sir I'll book the earliest flight now" and he left.

Lucifer called assistant Chen to inform about the underground auction of the mysterious painter ROSE's painting. So assistant Chen was elated by this piece of news and to appease his boss he rushed to inform him.

But alas, his boss dampened his spirits.

Never mind, it's still a good news because his boss won't give him hard time to obtain the painting.

Faraway in H city, on a certain beach was a beautiful girl walking alongside the beautiful waves.

She looked like a goddess in her white beach dress.Her hair flowing with the wind, smooth jade like skin and long legs. It was difficult to not notice such a amazing sight.

Seraphina was basking in the sun on the beach and enjoying the tranquility. The waves, the sea, the sun, it gave her a soothing feeling.

She's thinking about her conversation with her brother and the phonecall that she had accidentally overheard at her house.

She's confused about her own feelings and why she decided to runaway from home and not talk it out with the elders.

Now that she's able to think, she feels stupid for being hasty and jump on conclusions and runaway like a fool.

Just as she was deciding to go back home because she was really missing her family, Sera's phone rang. She looked at the caller id and was surprised.

"Hello, Xavier. Hi, What's up?"

" Hi Sera, long time no see. Maya here."

"Oh Maya, sorry I thought it's Xav, anyway what's up?"

"Well.. nothing really. Actually Xav and I were here in Country C for an auction at H city. We'd love you to join us. Xav is busy organizing the auction so I called you up."

"Oh.. really. That's good, I'm at H city too. God! I miss you guys."

" Yeah right.. stop telling such crap! You don't miss us. If you did you wouldn't have cut contact with us.", lamented Maya.

" I'm sorry Maya, but I promise I'll attend the auction just let me know I'll be there. Bye"

" Okay, bye. See you soon"

Xavier Martinez and Maya, these two siblings are one of the few friends that Sera has.

While Sera was living abroad she stumbled upon these two people who are now really close to her heart. Excited about meeting her friends Sera rushes back to the hotel to dress up and look stunning.