What's So Great About This Rose?!

Ethan and Lucifer arrived at the underground carpark of a prestigious hotel at H city.

Though it is an underground auction it cannot be held at a shabby place.

As all the main attendees and clients are elites. Socialites, Businessmen, Politicians, people from all walks of life.

The auction was held in the guise of a banquet at the exclusive area of the hotel, the rooftop banquet hall.

Xav was waiting for his VIP client at the underground carpark.

The moment Lucifer's car came into view Xav was momentarily stunned. He is well aware about Lucifer's passion for cars and has met him on various occasions but he's still not used to his majestic presence.

No matter how you look at it Lucifer's presence and aura is something that cannot be ignored. And this handsome man here is not alone today, he's brought with him an equally good looking man whose presence is as mysterious as Lucifer's.

But this man seems rather aloof and unapproachable unlike Lucifer.

Xav was spellbound looking at this mysterious man.

"Good afternoon Mr.Lucifer, The auction is about to start. Let's go, I'll take you upstairs", Xav told them after snapping out of his daze.

Assistant Chen was looking at Xav and his dazed expression. He looked too cute.

Chen was used to people looking at his boss like that and he found it funny. Even Chen sometimes gets flustered around his boss.

All four of them stepped into the elevator. The rooftop banquet hall was along with the rooftop garden with fragrant flowers planted at either side of the rooftop. It was beautiful and pleasant to the eyes.

Xav escorted them to their seats and went about to his own business.

Xav was always organizing such auctions all over the world, so he was pretty much experienced and his work was just to keep check on the consignments, the auction pieces and attending to VIP clients.

Sera and Maya were already present at the venue, to avoid everyone present Maya led Sera to a secret room.

The secret room was like a private room with all the amenities, it had a spacious sofa, coffee table with snacks and a mini refrigerator with drinks. It was a cozy space.

Everything that was happening outside including the auction can be seen from inside the secret room courtesy the one-way mirror designed in the banquet hall.

After getting comfortable and looking around they settled themselves on the couch. The girls were excited about the auction and were reminiscing about their days abroad.

Sera had attended a lot of auctions along with Xav and Maya, So she was pretty much aware how things worked in and around here.

Maya wanted to check upon Xav so she excused herself and left Sera alone in the secret room.

Sera was busy browsing and checking the messages sent by her brother, Lu Jinan. The siblings were close to each other, So Sera had informed Jinan about the auction and meeting her friends here in H city.

While Sera was busy on the other side of the hall Ethan and Lucifer were waiting for the auction to start.

Lucifer was busy but he had come here to accompany his friend Ethan, and since he was busy his phone was ringing nonstop. Lucifer excused himself and went to a quiet corner. It was his assistant Adrian.

Adrian is Lucifer's childhood friend and right hand man. He's the most trusted man of Lucifer.

" Hey man! What's up?",asked Lucifer.

"Well.. boss Carlos is looking for you, his men are prepared to ambush you. I'm at the underground carpark, I'll handle them. You take care."

"Fret not Adi, that sob is gonna die today I'll make sure he gets it"

"Okay boss, I'll wait for you"

Just as Lucifer was finished with the phonecall and going back to his seat, an old man called him.

The man was Mr.Pedro, an old comrade of Lucifer's foster father Mr Chung.

"Young man what brings you here", Mr.Pedro was aware that Lucifer was not an art lover.

" Mr.Pedro, Long time no see. I'm just accompanying an old friend of mine. What about you?"

" I'm here for the most mysterious artist Rose's painting.. you must have heard about him"

"Yeah, yeah. I have. All the best for the auction Mr.Pedro. I'll see you later "

"Very well youngman. See you "

After Mr.Pedro left Lucifer was in a daze thinking about the mysterious painter Rose.

"Uh! What's so great about this Rose! And what's so great about his paintings?!" Lucifer was mumbling to himself.

When Sera who was sitting inside the secret room heard him she huffed in annoyance. Just as she turned to look at the man he turned and left. It wasn't clear who he was but he was dressed in an expensive looking blue color jacket suit.

Listening to that man insulting the artworks of Rose, Sera was feeling annoyed. She was irritated and disturbed.

Being a brilliant art student she was irked by the man's words. It was no secret that the man lacked artistic views and was a very arrogant man.