Indeed Women Are Troublesome

While Sera was pondering upon the man's words, Maya entered the room.

Seeing that her friend was sitting in a daze she was worried for her. Sera was a very lively girl and it was weird to see her dazed expression.

Sensing something amiss Maya decided to ask Sera, but before she could say anything Sera's phone rang. It was her mother calling her, after she left her house without informing this will be the first time she will be speaking to her mother.

"Hello.. Mom I'm sorry, You're not mad at me right?",cooed Sera softly.

Seeing her friend behave like a cute kitten Maya stifled soft laughter.

Mrs.Lu was indeed mad but after listening her daughter's voice she forgot all about her anger and started nagging Sera.

"It's alright sweetie, Mummy's not mad at you. Mummy loves you so much how can I be mad at my precious ", after hearing these words Sera sighed in relief.

"How are you?! Where are you? Jinan told me that you're with your friends. Did you eat well. It's too cold outside wear warm clothes don't let mummy worry about you..", seeing her mother getting all naggy Sera interrupted her mother's monologue.

"Mom, mom I'm alright. I'm out with my friends we're having lunch here, I'll call you later. Bye "

"Okay sweetie take care. Come back soon, Your grandmother is worried about you. See you."

After ending the phonecall Sera was waiting for Maya to talk. The look that she was giving her, Sera knew that Maya had a lot of questions for her.

"So? You're not going to speak about it?",asked Maya feigning hurt.

Seeing her friend's bad acting skills Sera had an urge to laugh, controlling her emotions Sera decided to speak about her fortnight adventure.

After listening to her friend Maya was in shock, how can this stupid girl who is new in this country runaway in the dead of night without informing anyone.

Maya was very upset with her friend's low IQ and lack of sense and safety. Sera was getting flustered seeing her friend's emotions change so rapidly from shock to anger to worried. It was like a rollercoaster!

Maya's protective instincts came into action and she started nagging Sera about basic knowledge and safety precautions to anything that can be told. Maya's motherly side was too scary she could even leave Mrs.Lu behind in her nagging skills.

After returning to his seat Lucifer was as usual teasing Ethan, while the latter was waiting impatiently for the painting to appear.

Halfway through the auction and the painting still didn't appear. Ethan was getting restless. He had left a couple of his important meetings to attend this auction. He still had a flight to catch and an important dinner meeting to attend.

Seeing his friend getting all hot and bothered over a mere painting Lucifer was getting a headache. He decided to get some air on the rooftop.

Sera was irritated by her friend's nagging and decided to walkout and get some fresh air. So she used the perfect excuse for escaping, she asked the direction for the washroom and walked out of the auction hall.

Lucifer was getting bored here, he was missing his turf. Tonight he was planning on racing in his new baby. He was looking around when his eyes landed on a fiery red beauty at some distance.

Lucifer was never the one to get intrigued by beauties, he was better off with his guns and cars than women. But this girl had an ethereal charm to her, she was looking like a goddess in that red dress the color perfectly complimenting her skin.

Lucifer was stunned at his own actions, unknowingly he had already closed some distance between the girl and him.

While he was gazing at the beauty his phone chimed, it was Adrian again. He picked it up still gazing at Sera, just as he was about to speak, Adrian had already appeared out of nowhere and blocked Lucifer's shoulder.

Lucifer was dumbstruck, but he recovered himself within seconds and looked around to see that the girl is nowhere in sight. Adrian was on the floor and it looked like he was shot.

Just as he was about to ask Adrian, he sat up straight and asked Lucifer to leave immediately. Carlos's men were in the vicinity and his life is in danger. Heeding to his friend Lucifer decided it's better to retreat now to avoid unnecessary attention.

While in the car Lucifer was forced to think about the girl in red, he shook his head to negate such thoughts.

"Indeed women are troublesome", mumbled Lucifer under his breath.