The Birthday Banquet - 3

The banquet was running smoothly, the ambience was perfect and artistic, there was soft music playing, appetizing dishes were served with expensive wine.

Sera looked at the glass of wine on the waiter's tray and cringed, auction night's drunken escapade was still fresh in her memory.

Ethan and his family were entertaining their guests, after a while Ethan made his way out of the banquet towards the quietness of the garden.

Standing tall and proud Ethan looked elegant dressed in a black suit, He was busy on a phonecall when a fair slender hand made its way to his broad shoulders. Ethan turned towards the distraction and wasn't surprised to see Zhang Lili standing behind him acting all shy. A slight frown adorned his face and annoyance was evident in his eyes.

Ignoring his gaze Zhang Lili bravely pressed lightly onto his shoulders and fluttered her eye lashes while looking down acting coyly.

Seeing her behave so boldly Ethan yanked away her hands and walked away.

Disappointed Zhang Lili made her way back into the banquet.

Ethan was trying to call Lucifer, his call was not getting through and he was getting all flustered.

Lucifer was probably still in Country S. Dejected Ethan decided to end the call when it was suddenly answered by a gruff voice,

"Hey man! I'll be running late. Just manage Sophia for me, I'll owe you this one", Lucifer spoke hurriedly.

"Okay, try to get here early. The banquet has already commenced and dinner is being served",informed Ethan.

"I'll be there in 5", Lucifer spoke and ended the phonecall exasperatedly.

Ethan went back when Sophia Lee was searching for him to introduce Sera.

"Ethan, here darling", Sophia beckoned him.

"Meet Seraphina Lu, She's Madam Lu's granddaughter", beamed Sophia with an excited expression.

"Pleased to meet you, I'm Ethan Lee", after exchanging pleasantries they made their way to the dining hall.

After the dinner many were prepared to leave while others were waiting for a chance to suck up to the Lee's.

Zhang Lili and Zhang Hongmin approached Sophia with a sickly sweet smile. Sophia inwardly cringed at the sight of their faces.

"Madam Lee, My daughter here wanted me to ask your permission to invite Ethan for dinner sometime", everyone knew how Zhang Lili was in love with Ethan and trying all means to covet him while Zhang Hongmin was willing to sell off his only daughter to the Lee's in hopes of acquiring their fortune. Greedy dog!

"Sure, whenever Ethan is free", Sophia replied with an almost stern gaze, her smile intimidating and eyes deep that can suck your soul.

Satisfied with her answer the Zhang duo made their way out of the mansion.

Ethan was waiting for Lucifer's call, his ringtone went off and he hurriedly walked out. Seeing her grandson flustered Sophia knew who was calling him, only that rascal can make Ethan react like that!

Ethan walked towards the backyard and received Lucifer who was dressed quite peculiarly. His oversized jackets always covered half of his face and with the addition of his sunglasses he sure looked like a celebrity, trying to ward off his fans.

Ethan and Lucifer came in discreetly and greeted Sophia who had walked out of the banquet hall to avoid suspicion, She was aware of the identity carried by this notorious rascal!

"Hey Sophia darling, You're looking gorgeous! Happy Birthday!", Lucifer tried to appease Madam Lee by sweet talking to her.

"To enhance the beauty of your already beautiful hands I've brought this exclusive rare sea pearl bracelet just for you", Lucifer shamelessly boasted.

Chuckling softly Sophia took the gift from him and gave to Ethan who instantly opened it. Inside was a wooden carved box, inside the box lay a beautiful sea green colored rare pearls stringed into a delicate bracelet.

"You rascal, you always know how to appease me! Here you are acting all chivalrous but still single, my Ethan's better than you. He's single but not a sweet talker like you! I don't know what will be your future and your future wives!", exclaimed Sophia with a playful exaggeration.

Lucifer lightly laughed at her remarks and headed out with Ethan towards the balcony.

Sera was getting bored so she decided to walk around and went towards the garden.

Jinan was busy talking to his business partners while Mr and Mrs Lu were bickering, Madam Lu was chatting with Madam Lee and Su Yin was with her father Su Boying who was introducing her to his friends.