Like A Fairy In White

Lucifer and Ethan were engrossed deep into their conversation that Ethan failed to hear his phone ringing.

When he glanced at his phone there were quite a few calls and messages from important clients. After excusing himself Ethan left Lucifer alone on the outdoor balcony.

Lucifer was staring into the distance when his attention was caught by a mesmerizing figure in white.

The figure looked gorgeously stunning even from a distance one can determine that it was extremely beautiful.

The figure was roaming aimlessly exploring the garden, looking around and made it's way to the swing. Standing next to the swing it looked ethereal, like a fairy descended from the sky.

Lucifer was lost in his thoughts so much that he didn't notice that there was nobody around now, he was staring at the trees below. The figure seemed to have vanished in thin air.

Lucifer thought that it was an illusion, a fragment of his imagination and didn't think too much about it.

After sometime Ethan came back and sat next to him. He seemed perplexed, glancing at the swing his eyes were dim with no lights in them, almost lifeless. Lucifer saw him gazing intensely at the swing and sighed exasperatedly.

Lucifer was beyond tired and knew that his friend was also very tired, his face was lifeless. Thinking about something Lucifer tried to ease the tension in the atmosphere.

" You know staring at the swing will not change anything, She will not come back and you know that", Lucifer spoke with a stern voice trying his best to sound harsh.

Ethan smiled dejectedly, he knew what Lucifer was trying to do and felt stupid for behaving like this.

Ethan knew that Lucifer knew more than anyone the hurt he was feeling, Lucifer might be hurting alot more than him.

"I'm hungry man, don't tell me you plan to starve me to death! Which gang are you working for now ha?!", Lucifer acted hurt while clutching his stomach.

"Stop being such a drama queen, let's go I'll feed you till the night ends and transform you into a fat pig" Ethan smirked, his expression scary.

"Shut up! who wants your care! Fuck off.. I'll just go to my Sophia darling!", both men made their way to the dining table to fill their hungry stomachs.

"Hey beautiful, what's today's special?", Lucifer flaunted his sweetest smile and spoke to Sophia.

"Brat! Stop sweet talking to me and go find me a daughter-in-law... good that Mr.Lee is not around or else your legs would be broken for flirting with me!", Sophia humored Lucifer while nagging him to get married.

"Oh please darling, when I have you what is the need for other girls?!", Lucifer winked playfully. While Ethan cringed watching their antics especially Lucifer's.

"Aren't you hungry?! why don't you try stuffing your mouth with food instead of blabbering", snapped Ethan at Lucifer earning a laughter from Sophia as well as other family members.

Meanwhile Sera and her family safely went back to their mansion. Anna Lu was elated by today's events, She was in her own bubble of happiness that she didn't notice everyone heading back to their rooms to settle for the night.

Sera was confused by her grandmother's behavior and decided sleep it off. She changed her clothes to something comfortable and lay in bed.

Thinking about today's banquet she was surprised to see the gift Ethan gave to Sophia Lee.

It was the same painting from the auction. Thinking back to the night of the auction her thoughts travel back to the day two years ago.

Sera was confused, she tried to see Ethan's hand to find any tattoo but his hands were completely neat and clean.

Sera was feeling perplexed thinking about the identity of the man who helped her into his room. Now that she recalls there was a piece of paper on the table which had something written on it.

Annoyed with her own stupidity Sera pulls her hair and buries her head into the pillow.

"What could it be? Name? Number? maybe an address? Aah.. why didn't I read it.. how can I forget something so important", Sera rolled on the bed and finally fell asleep.