Become Friends

While Ethan was lost in thoughts his phone chimed, looking at the caller id he wasn't surprised at all. Answering the call he waited for the other side to speak first.

"Get your ass back to your room and sleep, You don't want my sister to haunt me for not taking care of you! Do you?", Lucifer spoke in a lazy tone, it was evident that he was drinking.

"Stop worrying about me and take care of your own health, Moron! Drinking alone, Do you want to die?", Ethan spoke a bit loudly.

"In the dead of night do you want ghosts to come to you?! Why are you screaming?! Get back, don't make my Sophia darling worry", after speaking his piece he hung up on Ethan.

Looking at the darkened screen of his cellphone Ethan smiled a sad smile and looked at the stars in the sky and spoke in a melancholic voice,

"Mia, I'll take care of him, I'll take of myself too So you don't have to worry", soon after he started the car and left.

Lucifer placed the wine glass on the table and went to the kitchen, after opening the refrigerator he took out the water bottle and drank half of it.

Placing back the bottle into the refrigerator, he walked back to his room washed his tired looking face and changed into comfortable lounge wear.

Sitting on the edge of the bed he opened the bedside drawer took out a photo frame, glanced at the photo and placed it back inside. And slept soundly.

The sun rays crept their way inside the bedroom through the window and shined brightly making Sera scrunch her brows and cover her sleepy eyes with her hands.

After a couple of minutes, Sera woke up and stretched her hands yawning. When Sera opened her eyes she was surprised to see the roses in the vase were wilted.

Thinking that her mother might still be in the garden, an excited Sera hurriedly ran towards the garden.

"Mother, I know your concerns but Sera isn't ready yet. We should also think about her", Sera heard her mother's concerned voice.

"I know what I'm doing, Shanshan. I love Sera as much as you... Huh! My precious, come here", Madam Lu called Sera after spotting her coming their way. After her last escapade the Lu's were hesitant to hide things from Sera.

"Grandmother, Mother, Good Morning", Sera softly greeted them still confused by their earlier conversation.

"Good morning my precious, Did you sleep well?", asked Lu Shanshan.

"Yes, mother"

"Baby I know you might be confused about our conversation earlier but you don't have to worry, Grandmother here was only speaking to your mother", Anna Lu decided to be straightforward.

"I trust Grandmother and Mother", replied Sera.

"Good, now go get ready and come for breakfast. I made your favorite dumplings", Anna Lu spoke excitedly.

"Hmm Okay", after Sera went back Lu Shanshan looked worriedly at her mother-in-law.

At the dining table it was just the ladies as Lu Jinan was on a business trip, while Mr.Lu had an early meeting.

Sera came downstairs dressed in a bright yellow knee length dress, looking as cute as a button.

Mesmerized by her grand daughter's beauty Anna Lu smiled smugly.

Lu Shanshan was smiling too until she saw the expression on Anna Lu's face. Her heart trembled thinking about what could the old lady be planning.

"Sera darling, come here", called Anna Lu and made her sit beside her dotingly.

After serving Sera lovingly and filling her plate the breakfast was soon coming to an end. Finding a perfect chance Anna Lu decided to speak her thoughts.

"Sera, About the conversation that you heard last time. I know you don't want to get married so soon but you can try to meet the guy and become friends with him first, If you don't like him you'll at least have a friend here other than Su Yin", Anna Lu hurriedly justified herself.

"Alright, it's not like I have anything to do as well", Seeing her grandmother's nervous expression Sera decided to yield to her and try making friends.

Sera was basically free and had nothing better to do from the time she came back from Country A.

Sera would either paint or meet Su Yin, other than that she was working on her art gallery..

Sera wanted to open her own art gallery here, and was preparing for it from past 2 months.

She decided it was better to go out and make contacts as it would benefit her in the future, so she excepted her grandmother's offer.