Blind Date

Ethan was in his office going through some documents when assistant Chen barged inside.

"CEO Madam Lee called, She wants you to go on a.. blind.. date", just as the words left his mouth assistant Chen felt the temperature drop.

"Do I have to inform you how to deal with such things!", Ethan's detached voice was heard, he didn't even have to look at assistant Chen for him to guess Ethan's mood.

"Got it CEO", assistant Chen ran outside the door as if escaping from a lion's den.

Ethan raised his head and stared at the glass door, thinking back to his conversation with Sophia on the day of the banquet.

"Ethan, I want you to meet my friend's granddaughter. I'm sure you'll like her", spoke Sophia in a testing manner.

She was careful in her speech and choice of words to avoid upsetting her grandson.

"Grandmother, you know my answer", Ethan replied in a calm voice.

"Oh no! You're misunderstanding me! This grandmother just wants you to help me, Sera you know, Seraphina Lu the girl I introduced you at the banquet today. She's new here and wants to open her art gallery so I wanted you to help her.. silly child", Sophia tried to sound calm and laughed nervously.

"I'll see what I can do grandmother, Good Night"

Ethan glanced at the documents, then dialed a number.

"When and where is the meeting? I mean, the blind date", Ethan spoke awkwardly halfway through the line.

Assistant Chen was stunned silly hearing Ethan's words but recovered quickly and answered.

"Sweethearts cafe and lounge, tonight at 7 pm", assistant Chen replied gulping spit. The name of the venue was slightly awkward for his boss to eat there.

"Got it", after a brief silence Ethan spoke, surprising assistant Chen.

Boss must have woken up from the good side of his bed, or maybe he's forgotten to take his medicine?! Pondered a perplexed assistant Chen.

Sera was sitting on a long bench near the lake at her home after lunch, when she heard a commotion.

Turning her head she spotted Su Yin with shopping bags running towards her. Su Yin threw a sharp gaze at Sera before throwing the bags on the bench.

Startled by Su Yin's intense gaze Sera gulped,

"Su Yin, such a pleasant surprise! Why.. Umm Why are you.. here?"

"Are you crazy?! You have a freaking blind date to attend and here you are daydreaming!", Su Yin screamed at her in almost fake anger.

"Uh! No no.. you're mistaken it's not a blind date but it casual dinner", Sera tried to clarify.

"Yes, and I'm a cow! Shut your trap and get inside I've so much work to do on you!", Su Yin exasperatedly looked at Sera from head to toe.

"Look Su Yin, whether it's a date or not let's not exaggerate anything. I don't want to be dressed like a clown", Laughing Sera tried to ease her friends tense face.

"Okay, I get it! You just don't trust me..", Su Yin started sniffing.

"No, no I'm sorry let's just get in first", shocked Sera dragged Su Yin inside the mansion.

After nearly 2 hours and 45 minutes, Su Yin was happy with her creation.

Looking at Sera through the mirror Su Yin smiled in satisfaction, her friend was looking gorgeous.

Even if it's not a blind date, the guy will surely fall for her beautiful friend.

Seeing the menacing look on Su Yin's face Sera was quite scared, suddenly her friend looked very scary to Sera.

"Now go, get going it's already getting late! Make me proud tonight", Su Yin spewed nonsensical words while Sera looked at her with a dumb expression.

"Her friend was definitely crazy!"

Ethan finished his work and glanced at the clock, it was close to 6 in the evening he had to leave early in order to reach on time.

He called assistant Chen and asked him wrap things up and leave for the day. After his call Ethan left the office.

On the way Ethan spotted a flower shop and decided to buy a decent bouquet of flowers for the lady.

He was surprised by his own thoughts but still decided to walk out of his car and stopped by the tiny flower shop.

Ethan glanced at the pretty flowers, lillies, roses, tulips, Orchids, Japanese rose and many more.

He had a hard time deciding what to get so he opted for half a dozen sunflowers after the florist's suggestion. Ethan paid for the flowers and got into his car.