Come To You If You Want

The drive on the way was smooth, Ethan stopped the car in front of the mansion gates.

Sera was fast asleep, he turned around to see her flawless skin shining in the faint light, giving her a soft glow.

Ethan fixedly stared at her dainty face, in his daze he accidentally bumped his elbow on the horn startlingly Sera. She jerked, looking around and realized that they've reached.

"I'm sorry, I scared you!", Ethan said apologetically.

"It's okay, Thank you for the ride home", Sera was gently removing the seatbelt off her.

"About the art gallery, you can visit my office tomorrow with the business plan. If you're free, of course!", Ethan was sweating buckets.

"Oh! It's okay, I don't have any problem. I'll see you tomorrow", Sera smiled, preparing to get down from the car.

"Waìt, let me drive in! Your parents, they must be worried about you", Sera nodded.

Ethan followed behind Sera after parking his car, they entered the Lu's abode. The lights were switched on, but nobody was in sight.

Panicked Sera rushed in with Ethan closely following her.

Sera sighed in relief after seeing Lu Jinan at the comfy couch probably waiting for her. He smiled gently at her then nodded at Ethan,

"You are late", Lu Jinan's calm voice sounded.

"I'm sorry brother, I'm.."

"It's okay, Just be careful next time. I convinced mother and father this time, next time don't go running about", he chided like a big brother, patting her back.

"Thank you Mr Ethan, It was quite a trouble for you", Ethan merely smiled at him and Sera.

"It's not a problem, I'm glad to help", and walked out bidding farewell to the brother and sister.

Sera hurriedly washed up, changed into night wear and crashed onto her bed. Her thoughts were filled with Lucifer. Her mind was repeatedly playing the moments they spent together, she couldn't help but smile.

Just as Sera was busy dreaming her cellphone buzzed, she looked at the number and frowned. She didn't know anyone who could call her this late,

"Hello", a hesitant Sera spoke.

"Milady, seems like you didn't miss me", a seductively low voice was heard, making Sera's hear stop.

"Lucifer? You.. How did you get my number?"

"It was too easy, I can even come to you if you want", a hint of arrogance in his voice.

"Whatever, I'm really sleepy now. Bye", Sera scoffed, and dismissed him without any hesitation

Lucifer furrowed his eyebrows, his expression frosty and eyes filled with disbelief,

"She actually hung up on me?", Lucifer threw his phone on the couch and walked out picking up his signature oversized jacket and scarf.

Sera was surprised by Lucifer's sudden phonecall and had hung up on him feeling overwhelmed, she chided herself for acting so foolishly.

Just as she was feeling frustrated, she heard something. Sera lifted her blanket covering her eyes, with her guard up she surveyed the whole room with her eyes.

Sera got out of the bed and walked towards the balcony, standing outside she was shivering in cold. She peered stretching her neck and was about to walk inside when she was yanked back stopping Sera in her tracks.

Sera crashed into a strong masculine chest, the familiar scent making her relaxed, she instantly buried her face in his chest and held onto his arms holding her.

Lucifer smiled at her reaction, he was expecting her to shriek in surprise or even hit with with a vase! He was happy seeing her trust him so much, he felt something in his heart he couldn't put a finger to.

"Weren't you sleepy just now?", a playful smirk on his lips.

"I.. I was startled by you!", she accused him looking into his eyes, then lowered her head.

"Oh.. Then I'm sorry but I couldn't sleep you know", he peered at her innocently.

"Why? Are you hurt somewhere? or are you unwell?", she scanned him while probing.

"Yes, It hurts a lot", he answered pulling her on the bed, his expression hurtful.


"Here", Lucifer pulled her hand placing it on his chest.

"Why did you hang up on me, My heart hurt a lot. You have to take responsibility now", He spoke with a wronged expression baffling Sera.

Sera stared wide eyed at the man's petty reasons and shamelessness!

"Oh God! What have I got myself into!", Sera thought inwardly with a puzzled expression.

Lucifer chuckled softly at her gaping face, she looked too cute! He stroked her hand on his chest and spoke calmly,

"I didn't mean to scare you, relax! I just wanted to see your face before I end my day", he gently kissed her forehead preparing to leave.