So Soft

Ethan composed himself and looked at the uninterested Lucifer, he wasn't even glancing at Sera or him. It was too odd of Lucifer to stay in silence around Ethan,

"Is he behaving himself because a lady is present here?", Ethan thought inwardly.

Lucifer noticed Ethan's gaze and knew what was going on in his little head, he then turned to look at Sera who was stuffing herself in silence.

She looked like a child at an elderly gathering, bored as well as scared of making any mistakes, he chuckled and instantly her gaze landed on him. Sera looked at him puzzled.

"Ethan, are you trying to get yourself drunk tonight? Don't you have to drop Miss Lu home?", Lucifer spoke his thoughts.

"Oh! Yes, I'll have some soup to clear my head", he then called assistant Chen to get pills to cure the hangover.

"Mr Ethan, Can you please tell my parents that I was with you or probably asleep at the suite upstairs! I... I don't want them to worry about me.. Please", Sera said softly.

Ethan merely nodded his head in understanding.

Lucifer heard her and raised his eyebrows, his kitten knew how to lie? Interesting!

"Miss Lu, how did you get lost when you were clearly with your friends?", Lucifer wanted to tease her.

"Uh? I was at the.. dance.. Um I mean washroom", Sera unknowingly blurted dancefloor but stopped herself in time.

"Oh I see, but I found you in the garden if I remember correctly", before Sera could react a worried Ethan sprung on his feet and asked looking at Sera.

"Garden? Are you okay? Why? Why were you there?", he was really scared.

Seeing Sera being unresponsive to him, Ethan turned to Lucifer who just nodded his head at Ethan.

Understanding his over reaction Ethan looked embarrassed. Sensing the awkwardness she laughed nervously looking at Ethan then spoke calmly,

"I was mesmerized by the moon shining brightly on such a dark night", Sera's gaze landing on Lucifer as the words left her mouth.

Ethan was too distracted thinking about the possibility of her getting hurt, to notice the pair's little interaction.

After the meal the three walked towards the carpark where assistant Chen and Adrian were waiting for their bosses to arrive.

On the way to the carpark Lucifer tugged on Sera's little finger entangling it with his, making her smile. She looked at their hands and then faced his handsome face.

Ethan was too distracted by the conversation earlier and was oblivious of his surroundings, making it easier for the pair to express themselves without being noticed.

Lucifer drew close to her ears and spoke in a deep voice, softly only for her ears.

"The cupboard inside was probably stocked with makeup to use", making Sera frown.

"Do I look ugly right now", Sera cupped her face lost in her thoughts.

Looking at her silly reaction Lucifer understood her concerns and chuckled softly,

"Silly girl! I'm talking about your neck!", he spoke the last word clearly for her to understand his indication.

Sera's frowning little face instantly changed into a bashful one. Seeing the changes in less than a second an amused laugh escaped from his lips making Sera displeased, She pulled away her hand and walked ahead to catchup with Ethan.

Lucifer shook his head, he reached her with his long legs striding forward within seconds.

They arrived together at the carpark, Ethan drove Sera away while Adrian drove Lucifer to his penthouse. Assistant Chen took his own car and left happily.

In the car, Adrian looked at Lucifer's smiling face and asked,

"I know you're not happy about today's little game. So? What's up?"

"You think so? Perhaps..", Lucifer gave a vague answer.

"Where were you at the gala tonight? I couldn't find you at all", Adrian probed further.

Lucifer closed his eyes reminiscing the moments he spent with Sera, completely ignoring Adrian. Adrian knew Lucifer wouldn't answer if he didn't wanted to, He drove in silence.

On the other side, Ethan was trying hard to find words, to start a conversation with Sera.

While she was smiling sweetly, her head resting against the backrest of the car seat, and thoughts running wild completely oblivious to Ethan's uneasiness.

"So? Did you enjoy yourself?", Ethan asked carefully.

"Yes! I loved it, especially when it was so soft!", Sera absentmindedly blurted.

Ethan frowned, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"What was so soft? I was asking about the charity gala", Ethan clarified.

"Oh! I... I.. was talking about the cheesecake! Yes cheesecake, that Su Yin bought me the other day", Sera was flustered, she was lost in her thoughts thinking about Lucifer's soft lips, she bit her lips in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, i wasn't paying any attention! I think I'm too sleepy", Sera looked at him with an apologetic look and closed her eyes.

Ethan just nodded his head, seeing Sera close her eyes he thought she's probably tired and didn't dare disturb her rest. And smiled looking at her face with a hint of pink on her cheeks, beautiful!