Missing Lucifer

The next morning, Sera and Su Yin woke up quite late. After washing up both had their brunch. Su Yin left for her father's office while Sera was painting in her painting room.

Sera's cellphone was on 'do not disturb' mode, tucked under her pillow somewhere and had no idea about the anxious Lucifer's calls and messages.

Sera was in deep thoughts while painting her mind was filled with Lucifer, why was he jealous? What's up with him? Is he alright? Why didn't he text me? Why is he not calling me?

Her face was like a movie theater, her thoughts were running so wild so fast, expressions changing quickly with each question, she looked so comical.

After nearly two hours the canvas that Sera was painting was still blank, not a single streak of color, not even a dot.

Feeling exasperated Sera threw her apron and brushes, sprinting to her room.

Sera dashed inside her bedroom and started searching for her cellphone.

After looking at every nook and corner she found it, as if a treasure was found, Sera looked extremely relieved.

Sera hurriedly checked through her cellphone and was shocked to find so many missed calls and messages from various different numbers.

Sera was sure one of them was Lucifer, while other were from Ethan, her mom, Su Yin, Maya.

Sera was happy to see that Lucifer cared about her just as much as she cared about him, only that she was a little stupid to abandon him and runaway.

Sera missed Lucifer, she really missed him.

She wanted to see him, his strikingly handsome face, his gray rough diamonds like eyes, his alluring kissable lips, his perfect jawline, his straight nose, his charming and sexy smile.

Lucifer's sexy, subwoofer tone of voice, his vocals sound so sexy Sera could hear him talk all her life. His throaty laughter, sounding like bells, his teasing.

Oh! How she missed this man she barely knew but had formed such a deep connection with, the man who is so mysterious to her yet so familiar.

Sera called Lucifer only to find it was unreachable, Sera was disappointed but couldn't do anything.

She knew he was a dangerous man, people are waiting to have his blood on them, just thinking about it Sera gets goosebumps, her body shivering in fright.

She slumped onto her bed and closed her eyes with her arms.

"Please be careful Lucifer, I'm waiting for you", she muttered softly as if whispering in air for Lucifer to hear.

Meanwhile Lucifer was busy in a meeting, he was distracted throughout and couldn't hear a single word, his executives were scared stiff by their CEO's edgy behavior.

Lucifer though had a big name as the 'king of underworld', he was also the CEO of Chang Holdings. As well as close business partners with Lee Holdings, Ethan Lee.

Lucifer was on tenterhooks, he would time to time sneak glances at his cellphone in anticipation.

Since yesterday he was very restless and couldn't straighten his thoughts at all.

After nearly 10 minutes into the meeting Lucifer stormed out, his assistant Le Xinglei was in utter panic.

He had no idea what had triggered his boss, Xinglei bolted after Lucifer, but he had already locked himself inside.

A distressed Xinglei called Adrian but the latter's cellphone was busy, with a constipated look on his face Xinglei started pacing back and forth waiting for Lucifer to open the door.

Inside the cabin Lucifer was fidgeting, he wanted to call Sera but had no idea how to initiate a conversation, or respond to her.

After what seemed like eternity Lucifer had an idea and called his best buddy, Adrian.

"Hey, I want you to do something for me! Just don't ask questions, okay?", Lucifer spoke impatiently.

"Good, I'll wait for your call then, bye", Lucifer had an unfathomable smile on his face after hanging up the call.

Sera tried calling Lucifer but his cellphone was either busy or unreachable, she had no idea that Lucifer was in the middle of planning something really big for her as an apology for his actions. Ah! How cute is he?!

An exasperated Sera was extremely tired by the situation in hand and slept with an aggrieved expression on her small dainty face, furrowing her eyebrows like a cute kitten.