In A Daze..

Ethan was going on a business trip to H city, he was on his way to the airport with assistant Chen in tow.

Ethan had a very dull expression on his already cold face, he was not always smiling but his mood seemed too depressing for assistant Chen to even look at his boss.

Ethan had tried calling Sera since yesterday afternoon but there was no answer. As if the person didn't exist, his calls, his messages were all ignored.

Ethan was quite agitated by her irresponsible behavior, anyhow he convinced himself to stop overreacting over every little thing, and calmed himself.

Ethan was lost in deep thoughts looking at his laptop screen.

The frail looking girl who had an enigmatic aura, sweet but enchanting smile, extremely attractive face and body, hair like woven silk, eyes clear and bright, lips cherry red had occupied his mind unknowing to himself.

Yesterday Ethan wanted to discuss about the art gallery Sera wanted to set up over lunch.

While Ethan was going through her business plan yesterday afternoon he had called her several times to decide on the location of the art gallery as well as other requirements.

Disappointed he could only keep calm and wait, he didn't wanted to come across as an extremely controlling and overbearing CEO.

He wanted Sera to experience working with a relaxed mindset in a friendly and no stress environment, without any reservations under his guidance.

With a distant look in his eyes Ethan was in a daze when his phone buzzed, he hurriedly glanced over his phone.

1 Message From Seraphina Lu!

Seeing the prompt on his cellphone's screen Ethan's lips curled up into a faint smile, assistant Chen was stunned seeing the indifferent man smile and cringed inwardly.

"I'm sorry Mr Lu, something had come up so I couldn't call you", Sera had sent a simple message but it was enough to calm his uneasy heart at once.

"It's okay", Ethan's finger's glided smoothly on his phone screen and sent his reply to Sera's message.

Sera woke up with a start when her phone buzzed, unfortunately it was the credit card company.

Extremely irritated Sera didn't have any mood to sleep, she sat up straight and picked up her phone from the bedside table.

Sera was going through the calls and messages, when she saw Ethan's message. She hurriedly composed a polite message and sent him.

Sera was browsing when her phone dinged!

1 Message From Lucifer!

Sera was so shocked that her eyes bulged out, with her mouth wide open, she hesitated to check his messages.

"What if he is angry?", Sera's forehead was covered in cold sweat.

Anticipating, Sera clicked open the message with her trembling hands,

"Let's go on our preplanned date, tonight 6pm I'll pick you up", Simple words but their effect on Sera was huge.

Sera's heart was tugged by those simple words in his message, she was stunned silly and stared unblinking at the phone screen.

After nearly 10 minutes Sera was able to process the words, she hurriedly jumped off the bed and looked at the clock,

"It's 5 now!! I don't have enough time!!", Shrieking Sera dashed inside the bathroom.

Lucifer was waiting for Adrian's call, after the latter called him and confirmed his arrangements for the night, he sighed happily and sent Sera a simple message.

Lucifer grinned happily looking at the message he had sent Sera, it was read by her. He was slightly disappointed when she didn't reply but decided to not overthink and wait for the clock to strike 6.

Sera was in a powerwalk mode, her feet were as if on wheels. She was moving so fast around the room, it was inevitable for her not to fall.

But Sera was quite lucky and didn't trip and fall in her excitement. It was her first date after that day's blunder, so she wanted everything to be perfect.

Since it was an evening date she decided to wear something suitable for the night unlike the yellow dress she had worn that day.

Sera chose a simple but eye catching gray color short dress with Swarovski crystals which was perfect for a quiet evening, she looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled satisfied with her look.

Sera was looking stunning, her gorgeous face was glowing and her charming smile was breathtaking.

Sera had let her hair down, with a cute crystal clip on the side with a side braided look.

Sera was in a daze thinking about Lucifer's reaction, "Will he grab me and kiss torridly like he had that day?"

With a silly smile in her face Sera's thoughts were running 100 mile per sec, when her phone buzzed.

"Hello", She answered softly.

"I'm here, come down", Lucifer spoke in a cold voice.