
The crowd around them were awestruck looking at the strikingly handsome man, they couldn't believe their luck. Lucifer, the young master of Chang Holdings himself was before them in flesh.

Lucifer abhorred attending public events like these where people suck up to you and never indulged himself in rave parties like most rich young masters.

Lucifer's life revolved around his cars, guns and Ethan. The man only spent time with his friend, other than work he never had time for other things.

Most of the important business events and conferences like these were handled by his trusted subordinates and company representatives. So this came as a shocker to most who knew Lucifer.

"Boss, You sure this is a good idea? People are gawking at us like hungry dogs, I really want to stab them..", Adrian was getting agitated.

Adrian, being a top class assassin and Lucifer's right hand man, he was used to working inconspicuously and most of the time accompanied Lucifer, who was an obscure man himself.

So naturally he was uncomfortable when ogled at, just like Lucifer. He looked at Lucifer trying to know what he was thinking.

"Just pretend that you're blind, and mute" Lucifer glared at him making the man shut his mouth.

The business conference was an annual meeting of shareholders and investors of a prestigious company originated in Country K, The Golden Sun Corps. Coincidentally the man behind The Golden Sun Corps is none other than Mr Yang Deming.

Yang Deming was originally from K Country with businesses all over Asia. His influence cannot be underestimated, albeit his impact in the business world he was a ruthless man and had strong dominance in K Country's underworld.

After nearly two hours of agony the conference came to an end, It was now time for lunch. The two men strode elegantly towards the dining room and occupied their seats.

The main intention of Lucifer was to establish that he wasn't scared of Yang Deming and his petty schemes. He wanted to let the man know that he was alive and well, ready to take him down any moment so that they don't have to fight from the shadows anymore.

A man like Yang Deming liked to play dangerous games and wouldn't take it when provoked directly. The man finds pleasure in Lucifer's pain, he lives his life every day with just one motive, to kill Lucifer, destroy him.

Lucifer is well aware of his madness and had witnessed his viciousness himself. By now Lucifer could understand the man's thoughts and retaliate accordingly.

After some 10 minutes Lucifer left the lunch and walked out with Adrian following him. He never intended to enjoy himself and went back to his hotel room feeling conflicted.

As far as Lucifer knew Yang Deming, he wouldn't miss a chance as rare as this and would show up in front of Lucifer to mock him. But today he didn't even try to make Lucifer feel his presence forget attacking him.

Feeling agitated Lucifer went back to his hotel room and slammed the door behind him, threw his jacket onto the bed and entered the bathroom with a loud bang.

In a presidential suite a man in his fifties was smoking cigar, his countenance was laced with a sinister expression making him look like the devil from hell. The man was handsome and manly despite his age he looked quite young and charming.

Yang Deming had a sinister smile on his lips and looked at the monitor in front of him in disdain.

"This bastard, He wants to provoke me?", he chuckled.

"Let him enjoy tonight's banquet if he is attending. If not just let him be", He instructed his assistant, Mr Park.

"Yes Sir", the man nodded obediently and went out.

"You're lucky that I don't plan on killing you just now, I'm not done playing with you yet", His countenance turned frighteningly dark.

Adrian felt relieved after exiting the revolting business conference. He was a little hungry and decided to order some delicious food once reaching his hotel room, and rushed inside the elevator.

With an expectant look on his face Adrian dashed out of the elevator and walked briskly, when his expression froze.

Su Yin was walking out of her hotel room with a laptop bag hanging around her shoulder, dressed in a white camisole and capris she looked young and energetic.

Adrian hastily dashed towards the end of the corridor and hid behind the large flower pot wit long grass plants. He hid himself and waited patiently for Su Yin to disappear from his line of sight.

After Su Yin entered the elevator Adrian heaved a sigh and came out of his hiding. With a deep look on his face he stared at the elevator doors then glanced at his watch.

"It's lunch time, she's probably not eaten yet!", he mumbled to himself.

Adrian shook his head and followed behind her, he entered the elevator and reached the hotel's restaurant at 2nd floor.

Adrian walked inside the restaurant and sat himself at a quite hidden table at the corner and stared at the figure ahead.

Su Yin was immersed in her laptop, her fingers gliding around the keyboard and a serious expression etched on her beautiful little face.

Her lips were pursed together like she was pondering something, Adrian's lips broke into a gentle smile looking at her like this. Adrian had never seen Su Yin so focused before and was fascinated by her beauty.

A waiter with a serious face was looking at Adrian and walked to him with a fawning smile,

"Sir, Would you like to order anything?", he politely asked him.

"Yes, Get me today's lunch menu, that's all", Adrian distractedly replied still gazing at Su Yin.

"Yes sir", the waiter bowed and walked away.

"Yinyin, I shouldn't have let you go! If only I didn't push you away...", Adrian clenched his fists, his voice laced with a tinge of remorse and eyes with melancholy gazing deeply at Su Yin.