Dreams and Aspirations

After their last conversation Ethan was feeling rather despondent. His heart felt extremely heavy making it difficult for him to breathe.

Ethan couldn't sleep a wink last night, dwelling upon Sera's words and the source of her detached behavior.

"She really doesn't like me in that way? She genuinely doesn't fancy me?!", Ethan asked himself holding his wine glass in his hand.

Ethan being the most sought after eligible bachelor felt disconcerted, even those married women tried every chance to seduce him.

It would be a lie if Ethan said he didn't feel upset, but the man was too proud to admit it.

Ethan's mood was like a ticking bomb the whole day after his lunch with Sera. Poor assistant Chen had to face Ethan's wrath!

After deliberating the whole night and drinking till dawn, Ethan came to a conclusion. According to Ethan, Sera probably was a naive girl whose never been in love and oblivious to the matters of heart.

Since Ethan himself was quite mystified about his own feelings towards a girl he barely knew.

As a man whose been in love before, Ethan was still conscious of his emotions.

There's no doubt that he, Ethan felt something for Sera, something he couldn't even fathom. To discern his own thoughts Ethan was willing to observe and then take action.

"Let nature take it's course, I don't want to be named a madman! I'm too anxious for my age, Am I really a madman?", a drunk Ethan slurred his words and looked at the empty wine bottle on the table.

"Better safe than sorry, I believe my sincerity will reach her and she'll be able to recognize me! Even I'm not sure of myself anymore...", Ethan slumped on the couch and slept.

Leaning on his office chair Ethan sat lazily gazing at the documents in his hands, his face held a sombre expression.

Assistant Chen entered in a cautious manner afraid to awaken the sleeping lion.

"Boss..", He didn't dare continue looking at Ethan's change in expression.

"Call Miss Lu and ask her to come over to discuss the project..", He paused thinking about something.

"...If she's free", Ethan said.

"Huh!..", Chen looked like he's seen a ghost and blinked rapidly. Then nodding his head ran out of the cabin.

Ethan looked away from the documents to the closed door, his fingers pinching the scrunched brows and spoke softly,

"What am I doing?"

Su Yin returned back to her hotel room after the breather at the park. It had a positive effect on her, she now seemed to be in a rather cheerful mood.

Today was the second day of the conference, Su Yin had attended the first day and had managed to interact with many influential business men and made connections in the business world to help her father.

Today's morning breakfast meet was skipped by Su Yin due to her tiredness from last night, She just drank a glass of milk and her medications that Adrian had kept on her bedside table.

Su Yin was still a little weak and decided to attend tonight's closing event, the banquet and fly back immediately to enjoy her month long vacation.

Su Yin spent the rest of her day at her hotel room working and went out to have lunch at the hotel's restaurant downstairs. She had long forgotten about yesterday's mishap and was feeling relaxed.

Sera on the other hand received assistant Chen's phone call. She perused at the lovely roses in the garden from her balcony ruminating over Ethan's words.

She was really embarrassed of her actions and was chiding herself inwardly. Nevertheless she still decided to face Ethan with a thick skinned attitude.

This art gallery was her dream, her aspiration for which Sera is willing to fight till the end to see her dream come true.

Sera always wanted to be independent, not relying on her family status and make her own name. Which she had long accomplished albeit inconspicuously.

This art gallery is something that she can proudly own without any qualms. Her family is extremely supportive of this decision of hers making her strive for it's accomplishment.

" Let's do it!", Sera clenched her fist and cheered herself with a contagious smile.

While Su Yin had forgotten all about Adrian and was enjoying her peace. Adrian on the other hand was sitting in the Four Seasons hotel's auditorium with Lucifer attending the boring business conference.

Dressed in a light gray suit jacket complimenting his blue eyes Adrian was looking bewitchingly handsome. His dignified posture making him furthermore tempting.

Adrian's aura was contrasting to Lucifer's intriguing, dark aura. Lucifer who was dressed in black looked charming his fair complexion against the black making him look striking albeit his oppressive aura.