Good Night!

The night was cold, the soft breeze wafted the scent of roses into the car. Sera leaned softly on the window, her eyes shut tight. A faint smile adorning her sleeping face.

"She's smiling so happily, I wonder what's making her feel so contented", Ethan muttered.

Ethan gaped at her sleeping figure, his face softened and hair swayed lightly along the gentle breeze.

Ethan's eyebrows weren't scrunched and eyes held warmth, he looked relaxed. Ethan's features were striking albeit the dimmed light, making his face look gentle.

Sera shuddered when the cold air caressed her cheeks making them flush red. Ethan extended his calloused fingers to touch her cold skin transmitting heat.

"She's so cold", Ethan marveled at her skin's cold touch contrasting with his burning temperature.

Ethan gently caressed her smooth skin making her eyelashes flutter ever so lightly, and he was instantly thrown into panic.

"Shit!!", he muttered under his breathe.

Sera rubbed her sleepy eyes trying to sit up straight, She looked at Ethan then out of the window.

"Oh!", Sera mumbled groggily.

After confirming that they've reached home Sera hurriedly opened the car door and got down.

Sera's steps were slightly disoriented but she quickly managed to sober up rubbing away the sleep from her eyes.

Disheartened, Ethan looked at her jumping out of the car. Sera turned around and shot him a genuine smile,

"Bye, Mr Lee. Good night ", Sera spoke before disappearing into thin air.

"Good night, Miss Lu", Ethan forced a smile and croaked out in a throaty voice.

Ethan glanced at the seat next to him, he instantly felt lonely. Ethan sighed deeply and closed his eyes.

After composing himself Ethan was preparing to drive away when something flickered in his eyes. Ethan bent down to check what it was.

Sera's glistening earring stud was sitting snug on the car's floor mat. He extended his arm and brushed it with his fingers lightly.

Ethan picked up the earring examining it closely, his lips curled up. The shiny earring was precious to him just as much as Sera.

The pale pink stud was glistening in the dimly lit car, making Ethan reminisce about Sera's pale pink lips. He felt his throat run dry and gulped heavily.

Ethan shyly pecked the earring, grinning widely like a middle school boy, his face turning red by the second.

Realizing his silliness Ethan shook his head and slipped her earring inside his coat's pocket before driving away.

Sera entered the hallway in silence and ascended the stairs leading to her room. The servants were nowhere in sight and her parents were still on their vacation.

On the way to her room Sera passed by Jinan's bedroom but it was locked. Walking ahead she saw that Jinan's study's lights were switched on.

"Oh brother!", Sera exasperatedly muttered and marched towards his study.

Sera slowly opened the slightly ajar door and cautiously tip-toed inside the study. Jinan lazily leaned against the chair, his head dropped onto the table. Sera's heart ached seeing her brother so worn out.

Sera stood beside him, slowly placed her hands on his tense shoulders and massaged gently. Jinan jolted awake from her touch, seeing that it was his sister Jinan relaxed and shot her a wry smile.

"Brother, you look tired. You can work tomorrow after resting well, look at your worn out face"

"I'm fine, just a little tired. Why are you back so late?"

"Ah! We went to see the location for the art gallery.."

"We?", Jinan interrupted Sera midway through her sentence.

"Yes, Mr Lee accompanied me", She explained.

"Hmm, Did you eat dinner?"

"Uh.. No! But I'll have some milk before sleeping. I'm dead tired", Sera yawned.

" Fine, Go rest well", Jinan patted her shoulder.

"Good night brother", Sera smiled.

"Good night", Jinan plopped himself back on the table after Sera retreated.

Jinan couldn't sleep well these days, his thoughts were haunted by Maya's enchanting body and eyes. Her soul sucking gaze and agile movements give Jinan chills.

Jinan's restless since then, his messed up head has been searching Maya in every girl. His obsession has reached so far that he is suffering from sleeping disorders.

While Jinan is all anxious and uneasy, suffering alone, the brother and sister duo, Xav and Maya are in Country A.

After her thrilling adventure that night, Xav has condemned Maya from leaving the house and strictly warned her to stay put.

The gang who had attacked Xav are powerful people, who are now blood thirsty for Maya. It is acceptable that Xav is worried about Maya's safety, so much so that he is now completely underground.

Meaning, there has been a hiatus in Xav's business transactions, for Maya's sake. The brother and sister duo are living peacefully in hiding.