Ready To Spit.. Fire?!

The night was still young for Su Yin and Adrian who were still at Z City. After their altercation Su Yin returned back to the banquet.

Su Yin successfully avoided Adrian at the garden and fled back into the banquet hall, for she did not expect Adrian to follow her after being continuously snubbed.

The Adrian that she knew of wouldn't persistently come after her. He was too proud of a man to chase any woman, except Zhang Lili. Hence Su Yin let her guard down and decided to enjoy the night.

While Su Yin was busy socializing and drinking with the crowd Adrian walked in surprising her, Su Yin didn't expect Adrian to be so thick-skinned.

"Uh! I don't want to have anything to do with him", Su Yin cried in her head.

Ignoring his prying eyes Su Yin continued her charade, her pretentious smile cracking when she Adrian's Yama avatar.

"Wh.. Why is he looking.. so scary?"

Seeing Su Yin behaving all friendly with those rich masters Adrian felt a burning sensation rising in his chest, his eyes were seething with anger seeing the sight before him.

"How audacious! Giving me the cold shoulder and enjoying herself with these scums!",Adrian seethed clenching his fists.

Adrian looked so scary that Su Yin flinched involuntarily seeing him take a step forward, he looked like a dragon ready to spit.. fire?!

"Whatever! Why do I care, It's not like I have anything to do with him.. hmmph!", Su Yin harrumphed.

Completely ignoring the smouldering gaze on her Su Yin smiled at the man in front of her, as if Adrian didn't exist at all.

Seeing Su Yin smile so sweetly the man was elated, repeatedly thanking the gods in his heart, oblivious to the danger called Adrian.

"Waah.. She's so beautiful, Lady luck is definitely on my side tonight!", Mr Wen licked his lips unconsciously.

Adrian was agitated by Su Yin's audacity and directed his gaze to the man next her. Adrian's eyes flickered when he recalled something,

"This bastard!", he cursed under his breath.

Adrian clearly remembered this man, he was the one following Su Yin that night. Adrian's blood boiled looking at the beaming man, his hands itching to tear the man's jaw apart.

Adrian wanted to rush to him and smack his head when a young lady coquettishly tugged his arm, a shy smile on her red lips.

Adrian was in no mood to entertain her, he glared menacingly making the girl sweat buckets. She instinctively loosened the grip on him and stumbled backwards.

Wiithout sparing her a glance Adrian strode ahead to Su Yin's side. The man called Mr Wen didn't notice Adrian's presence and continued flirting with Su Yin.

Su Yin although bored to death didn't dare to leave his side in fear of encountering Adrian and stood beside him like a porcelain doll nodding her head and smiling.

Adrian sneakily stood behind Su Yin like a ghost after blood, and glared daggers at the man making his eyes bulge out.

Mr Wen clearly remembered Adrian, the man had mercilessly pushed him inside the elevator the other night. Blabbering Mr Wen escaped scared of Adrian's temper.

Su Yin was oblivious to the changes in Mr Wen was shocked.

Adrian smirked looking at the man scrambling on his feet and chuckled softly, earning a glare from Su Yin, who had detected his presence.

She turned her head to look at his menacing face and felt a headache coming.

Su Yin disregarded his presence and sat on the barstool raising her glass to drink, when the man stopped her and looked disapprovingly at her.

Su Yin ignored him and swatted his hand away when Adrian grabbed Su Yin's hand pulling her in his embrace.

A startled Su Yin instinctively grabbed onto his broad shoulders to steady her footing. Adrian smirked seductively looking at her nervous expression.

Seeing the man standing like a statue Su Yin raised her head to see his face. She was irritated looking at his face beaming with a smile. Su Yin heavily stomped on his shoe and turned around to walk away.

Adrian scowled at her moving back, a smile crept on his lips. Without a thought he hurriedly chased after her.

"This is the Su Yin that I know..", he trailed of smiling like a fool.