I Missed You

Su Yin was fuming mad at Adrian's shenanigans,

"How dare he play with me like that..", Su Yin was mumbling to herself when she heard footsteps approaching her.

Su Yin turned around to ready to lash out at Adrian when the latter beat her to it.

"Won't you dance with me?", enunciating each word clearly.

Su Yin was at loss listening to his question, she blinked at him in utter confusion.

"Wh.. What did he say.. just now?", Su Yin's mind was a mess.

After processing his words Su Yin opened her mouth to speak but her words were pushed back into her throat when Adrian grabbed her small hand onto his large one, pulling her towards the dancefloor.

Su Yin wanted to push him away but caved in after looking at her surroundings.

"I can't.. embarrass myself in front these people", she breathed deeply and let Adrian drag her.

To stop herself from becoming a spectacle of embarrassment Su Yin unwillingly followed Adrian.

The music was soft and enticing. The dancefloor was filled with couples sticking close to each other.

The pair danced together with Su Yin maintaining reasonable distance between their swaying bodies, much to Adrian's displeasure.

"You know, It's not safe to randomly chat with strangers", Adrian tried to start a conversation to break the silence between them.

Su Yin scrunched her eyebrows seemingly agitated but smirked at his statement and said

"Aren't you a stranger as well?", emphasizing the word stranger.

Adrian's eyes hardened, in a split second his mood changed and he smiled slyly looking at Su Yin's provoking smile.

Adrian closed the distance between them making Su Yin's heart beat crazily. Adrian grabbed her waist rather forcibly making her yelp in pain.

"What are you doing?", Su Yin growled angrily at the smiling man.

Adrian didn't answer her, he remained unfazed irritating Su Yin. She grabbed his shoulders, trying to pierce her neatly manicured nails into his skin.(Like it'll have any effect on him, Silly girl!)

Su Yin was getting bummed looking at his face and yelled,

"Adrian, What do you think of yourself?", Adrian only smiled at her words feeling smug.

Su Yin looked at his smug look, realization hit her hard. She's been tricked by this devil of a man, Adrian.

Su Yin turned her head and harrumphed in annoyance. Adrian's throaty laughter was heard, seeing her behave childishly his heart felt light.

"I missed you.." Adrian blurted out making Su Yin look at him, astonishment written all over her face.

Su Yin's gaze landed on his face, her eyes laced with disbelief. Su Yin's sight was blurry, her eyes were misty and she blinked rapidly to stop her tears.

Adrian looked at Su Yin who was trying hard not to breakdown, her pain stricken expression felt like a stab in his heart.

Adrian involuntarily raised his hand to wipe her tears away, which were threatening to fall any second. Su Yin was desperately waiting for the song to end.

Just as Adrian's fingers were about to touch her smooth skin Su Yin swatted his hand away and pushed him, the song had also come to an end.

Su Yin bolted out of the banquet hall leaving Adrian all alone. Looking at her running away Adrian shook his head in disappointment, and went back to his room.

At dawn, while Sera was sleeping, lost in la la land she felt something brush against her face. Scrunching her eyebrows she slowly opened her eyes.

Sera's eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before her. She sat up abruptly and rubbed her eyes, blinking.

Sera extended her arm and pinched the man in front of her. Lucifer smiled at her childish actions and smiled dotingly, his eyes filled with warmth melting her heart.

Lucifer winced in pain when Sera applied a little more pressure and pinched his forearm, to confirm if he is real and she's not dreaming. In a flash Sera leapt forward and hugged Lucifer catching him by surprise.

Lucifer laughed softly and hugged her back. Lucifer felt at home sniffing her familiar scent, his face adorning a rare smile.

"You surprised me", Sera mumbled against his warm chest. Lucifer laughed softly and patting her back.

"Well, that was the idea after all..", Lucifer spoke.

The next second realization downed on Sera and she pushed the man in her arms and bolted towards the bathroom.

Lucifer looked at her figure running like a kitten and a throaty laughter echoed in her ears.