I'll Punish You

Lucifer looked at the closed bathroom door and shook his head.

"This girl..", Lucifer muttered, his eyes smiling recalling her flustered face.

Lucifer called her out a couple of times but Sera didn't budge. The door remained closed and Lucifer sat patiently waiting for her to come out.

Inside the bathroom Sera buried her face in her palms and shook her head feeling extremely embarrassed.

"What are you embarrassed about?", Lucifer's calm voice sounded through the door making Sera jerk.

"Come on out! I've already seen the boogers around your eyes, and the drool..", Lucifer trailed off teasing Sera, urging her to come out.

Sera's face flushed in embarrassment, she slowly uncovered her face and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She hurriedly splashed cold water on her face, scrubbing lightly and wiped herself dry before walking out.

Sera brushed her teeth and gulped a mouthful of mouthwash, her throat burning from its minty taste. Sera cleansed her mouth to avoid tasting like mouthwash and nearly choked herself on water.

"Why..", she almost cried without tears at her clumsiness. She didn't want him to see her in this state, Sera wanted to present her best self for Lucifer to witness.

Sera deliberately put on some lip balm and lightly brushed her hair, satisfied with her appearance Sera smiled looking in the mirror and prepared to walk out.

Sera slowly turned the door knob and opened the door, she poked her head out of curiosity. The man was no where in sight, feeling disappointed she mumbled,

"I.. must've scared him..", and walked out when she was abruptly lifted, Lucifer held her waist from behind and suspended her body in air making Sera squeal in surprise.

Lucifer safety landed her on the carpeted floor and turned her around. Sera's eyes were twinkling making his heart skip a beat, her lips curled into the sweetest smile he has ever seen.

Lucifer pulled her in his embrace and spoke calmly making her heart stir,

"You look beautiful as it is..", saying that Lucifer rubbed her lips with his calloused fingers wiping away the strawberry lip balm off her already rosy lips, making Sera blush.

The next second Lucifer pulled her softly holding her neck and took her rosy petal like lips in his mouth, kissing her gently but passionately.

Sera was surprised by his move but didn't resist him. Lucifer sucked onto her lips patiently, making Sera suck in deep breathe and helplessly grab his shirt for support.

Lucifer was suckling her lips softly with all his passion, turning Sera's brain into a mush. Sera was about to lose her footing, drowning herself in passion when Lucifer lifted Sera making her yelp, the next second they were already on Sera's bed.

Lucifer delved deeper into her sweet mouth when Sera yelped in surprise, he was happy to eat her honeyed tongue and sucked deeply. Engaging deeply in their tug of war, Sera was equally passionate squirming under him, making Lucifer close to lose his sanity.

Their kiss was getting heated, rising the temperature in the room. Sera was out of breathe when Lucifer pulled back restraining himself and looked at her face.

Sera's lips were swollen red, her eyes were teary, she was looking breathtaking. Lucifer pulled her into his embrace to calm his racing heart and raging member.

After they both calmed down, Lucifer was still embracing Sera close to his chest with his eyes closed peacefully.

"When did you come back..", Sera dawdled leaning in his embrace.

"While you were lost in La La land..", Lucifer spoke softly teasing her smooth skin with his fingers.

Lucifer sat up leaning against the headboard with Sera still in his embrace, sticking like a cute little koala.

"So.. Did you miss me?, Lucifer asked playing with her hair.

"No", Sera blurted, her ears turning red.

"Oh! Then..", Lucifer dawdled making Sera feel uneasy.

"You.. have to be punished", saying that he dipped his neck lightly and grabbed her reddened soft ear in his mouth, sucking on it while Sera grabbed onto his shoulders, a soft moan escaping her lips.

Just as Sera was losing herself Lucifer bit her ear lightly jolting her awake. Lucifer laughed softly, his chest rumbling against her palms.

Sera was aghast by his actions, she parted her lips to say something. Feeling at loss Sera hit his chest with her small fists, earning a soft peck on her cheeks.

"Okay, be good now. You have to miss me or else I'll punish you..", Lucifer's deep voice soothing Sera's ears.

Lucifer gently coaxed Sera and tucked her back into the bed preparing to leave. There was still time for the sun to rise and he could easily sneak out without causing Sera any troubles.